include('../view.js'); include('../const.js'); // Scroll implementation based on iScroll, (by Matteo Spinelli) // uki-adapted by rsaccon (function() { var TouchScrollBar = function (dir, parent, fade, shrink) { this.dir = dir; this.fade = fade; this.shrink = shrink; this.uid = ++uki.guid; // Create main scrollbar = document.createElement('div'); var style = 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;-webkit-transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1);pointer-events:none;-webkit-transition-duration:0;-webkit-transition-delay:0;-webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform;z-index:100;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);' + '-webkit-transform:' + cssTranslateOpen + '0,0' + cssTranslateClose + ';' + (dir == 'horizontal' ? '-webkit-border-radius:3px 2px;min-width:6px;min-height:5px' : '-webkit-border-radius:2px 3px;min-width:5px;min-height:6px'), size, ctx;'style', style); // Create scrollbar wrapper this.wrapper = document.createElement('div'); style = '-webkit-mask:-webkit-canvas(scrollbar' + this.uid + this.dir + ');position:absolute;z-index:100;pointer-events:none;overflow:hidden;opacity:0;-webkit-transition-duration:' + (fade ? '300ms' : '0') + ';-webkit-transition-delay:0;-webkit-transition-property:opacity;' + (this.dir == 'horizontal' ? 'bottom:2px;left:1px;right:7px;height:5px' : 'top:1px;right:2px;bottom:7px;width:5px;'); this.wrapper.setAttribute('style', style); // Add scrollbar to the DOM this.wrapper.appendChild(; parent.appendChild(this.wrapper); }; TouchScrollBar.prototype = { init: function (scroll, size) { var ctx, sbSize; // Create scrollbar mask if (this.dir == 'horizontal') { sbSize = this.wrapper.offsetWidth; ctx = document.getCSSCanvasContext("2d", "scrollbar" + this.uid + this.dir, sbSize, 5); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, Math.PI/2, -Math.PI/2, false); ctx.lineTo(sbSize-2.5, 0); ctx.arc(sbSize-2.5, 2.5, 2.5, -Math.PI/2, Math.PI/2, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } else { sbSize = this.wrapper.offsetHeight; ctx = document.getCSSCanvasContext("2d", "scrollbar" + this.uid + this.dir, 5, sbSize); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, Math.PI, 0, false); ctx.lineTo(5, sbSize-2.5); ctx.arc(2.5, sbSize-2.5, 2.5, 0, Math.PI, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } this.maxSize = this.dir == 'horizontal' ? this.wrapper.clientWidth : this.wrapper.clientHeight; this.size = Math.round(this.maxSize * this.maxSize / size); this.maxScroll = this.maxSize - this.size; this.toWrapperProp = this.maxScroll / (scroll - size);[this.dir == 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height'] = this.size + 'px'; }, setPosition: function (pos, hidden) { var p1 = pos; if (!hidden && != '1') {; } pos = this.toWrapperProp * pos; if (pos < 0) { pos = this.shrink ? pos + pos*3 : 0; if (this.size + pos < 5) { pos = -this.size+5; } } else if (pos > this.maxScroll) { pos = this.shrink ? pos + (pos-this.maxScroll)*3 : this.maxScroll; if (this.size + this.maxScroll - pos < 5) { pos = this.size + this.maxScroll - 5; } } pos = this.dir == 'horizontal' ? cssTranslateOpen + Math.round(pos) + 'px,0' + cssTranslateClose : cssTranslateOpen + '0,' + Math.round(pos) + 'px' + cssTranslateClose; = pos; }, show: function () { if (cssHas3d) { = '0'; } = '1'; }, hide: function () { if (cssHas3d) { = '200ms'; } = '0'; }, remove: function () { this.wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(this.wrapper); return null; } }; /** * Touch scroll pane. * Optimized for webkit browsers. * * @author voloko, rsaccon * @name uki.touch.view.TouchScrollPane * @class * @extends uki.view.Container */ uki.view.declare('uki.touch.view.ScrollPane', uki.view.ScrollPane, function(Base) { this._touch = isTouch; this._setup = function() {; // touch properties this._bounce = cssHas3d; this._momentum = cssHas3d; this._hScrollbar = cssHas3d; this._vScrollbar = cssHas3d; this._fadeScrollBar = isIphone || isIpad || !isTouch; this._shrinkScrollBar = isIphone || isIpad; }; uki.addProps(this, ['touch']); /** * @function * @param {Number} dx * @param {Number} dy * @param {Boolean} runtime * @name uki.view.ScrollPane#scroll */ this.scroll = function(dx, dy, runtime) { if (!this._touch) return, dx, dy, runtime); return this._touchScrollTo(dx, dy, runtime); }; /** * @function * @name uki.view.ScrollPane#scrollTop */ /** * @function * @name uki.view.ScrollPane#scrollLeft */ uki.each(['scrollTop', 'scrollLeft'], function(i, name) { this[name] = function(v) { if (!this._touch) return Base[name].call(this, v); if (v === undefined) return ((name == 'scrollLeft') ? this._x : this._y) || 0; this._touchScrollTo((name == 'scrollTop') ? v : 0, (name == 'scrollLeft') ? v : 0); this.trigger('scroll', { source: this }); return this; }; }, this); this._createDom = function() {; this._touch = this._touch && this._dom.addEventListener; // won't work without it if (this._touch) { = 'hidden'; this._scroller = uki.createElement("div", 'z-index:100;-moz-user-focus:none;'); this._scroller.className = 'uki-touch-view-ScrollPane__scroller'; = '-webkit-transform'; = 'cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1)'; = '0'; = cssTranslateOpen + '0,0' + cssTranslateClose; this._dom.appendChild(this._scroller); this._scroller.addEventListener(touchStart, uki.proxy(this._onTouchStart, this), false); this._scroller.addEventListener(touchMove, uki.proxy(this._onTouchMove, this), false); this._scroller.addEventListener(touchEnd, uki.proxy(this._onTouchEnd, this), false); if (!isTouch) { uki.dom.bind(this._scroller, 'click', function(e) { if (!e._fake) e.stopPropagation(); }); } } }; this.domForChild = function(child) { return this._touch ? this._scroller : this._dom; }; this._updateClientRects = function() { if (!this._touch) return; var oldClientRect = this._clientRect;; = this.contentsWidth() + 'px'; = this.contentsHeight() + 'px'; }; this._layoutDom = function(rect) { if (!this._touch) return, rect); this._updateClientRects();, rect); this._refresh(); }; this._onTouchStart = function(e) { var matrix; this._isScrolling = true; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._touchMoved = false; this._touchDist = 0; this._setTransitionTime('0'); // Check if the scroller is really where it should be if (this._momentum) { matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix(window.getComputedStyle(this._scroller).webkitTransform); if (matrix.e != this._x || matrix.f != this._y) { this._scroller.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this._onTransitionEnd, false); this._setPosition(matrix.e, matrix.f); this._touchMoved = true; } } this._touchStartX = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX; this._scrollStartX = this._x; this._touchStartY = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; this._scrollStartY = this._y; this._scrollStartTime = e.timeStamp; }; this._onTouchMove = function(e) { var pageX = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX, pageY = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY, leftDelta = this._scrollX ? pageX - this._touchStartX : 0, topDelta = this._scrollY ? pageY - this._touchStartY: 0, newX = this._x + leftDelta, newY = this._y + topDelta; if (!this._isScrolling) { return; } this._touchDist+= Math.abs(this._touchStartX - pageX) + Math.abs(this._touchStartY - pageY); this._touchStartX = pageX; this._touchStartY = pageY; // Slow down if outside of the boundaries if (newX > 0 || newX < this._maxScrollX) { newX = this._bounce ? Math.round(this._x + leftDelta / 3) : newX >= 0 ? 0 : this._maxScrollX; } if (newY > 0 || newY < this._maxScrollY) { newY = this._bounce ? Math.round(this._y + topDelta / 3) : newY >= 0 ? 0 : this._maxScrollY; } if (this._touchDist > 5) { // 5 pixels threshold is needed on Android, but also on iPhone looks more natural this._setPosition(newX, newY); this._touchMoved = true; } }; this._onTouchEnd = function(e) { var time = e.timeStamp - this._scrollStartTime, target, ev, momentumX, momentumY, newDuration, newPositionX, newPositionY; if (!this._isScrolling) { return; } this._isScrolling = false; if (!this._touchMoved) { this._resetPosition(); // Find the last touched element target = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].target :; while (target.nodeType != 1) { target = target.parentNode; } // Create the fake event ev = document.createEvent('Event'); ev.initEvent('focus', true, true); target.dispatchEvent(ev); ev = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); ev.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, e.view, 1, target.screenX, target.screenY, target.clientX, target.clientY, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, 0, null); ev._fake = true; target.dispatchEvent(ev); return; } if (!this._momentum || time > 250) { // Prevent slingshot effetct this._resetPosition(); return; } momentumX = this._scrollX === true ? this._calcMomentum(this._x - this._scrollStartX, time, this._bounce ? -this._x + this._scrollWidth/5 : -this._x, this._bounce ? this._x + this._scrollerWidth - this._scrollWidth + this._scrollWidth/5 : this._x + this._scrollerWidth - this._scrollWidth) : { dist: 0, time: 0 }; momentumY = this._scrollY === true ? this._calcMomentum(this._y - this._scrollStartY, time, this._bounce ? -this._y + this._scrollHeight/5 : -this._y, this._bounce ? (this._maxScrollY < 0 ? this._y + this._scrollerHeight - this._scrollHeight : 0) + this._scrollHeight/5 : this._y + this._scrollerHeight - this._scrollHeight) : { dist: 0, time: 0 }; if (!momentumX.dist && !momentumY.dist) { this._resetPosition(); return false; } newDuration = Math.max(Math.max(momentumX.time, momentumY.time), 1); // The minimum animation length must be 1ms newPositionX = this._x + momentumX.dist; newPositionY = this._y + momentumY.dist; this._touchScrollTo(newPositionX, newPositionY, newDuration + 'ms'); }; this._onTransitionEnd = function () { this._scroller.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this._onTransitionEnd, false); this._resetPosition(); }; this._refresh = function () { var resetX = this._x, resetY = this._y; this._scrollWidth = this._rect.width; this._scrollHeight = this._rect.height; this._scrollerWidth = this.contentsWidth(); this._scrollerHeight = this.contentsHeight(); this._maxScrollX = this._scrollWidth - this._scrollerWidth; this._maxScrollY = this._scrollHeight - this._scrollerHeight; if (this._scrollX) { if (this._maxScrollX >= 0) { resetX = 0; } else if (this._x < this._maxScrollX) { resetX = this._maxScrollX; } } if (this._scrollY) { if (this._maxScrollY >= 0) { resetY = 0; } else if (this._y < this._maxScrollY) { resetY = this._maxScrollY; } } if (resetX!=this._x || resetY!=this._y) { this._setTransitionTime('0'); this._setPosition(resetX, resetY, true); } this._scrollX = this._scrollerWidth > this._scrollWidth; this._scrollY = !this._scrollX || this._scrollerHeight > this._scrollHeight; // Update horizontal scrollbar if (this._hScrollbar && this._scrollX) { this._touchScrollBarH = (this._touchScrollBarH instanceof TouchScrollBar) ? this._touchScrollBarH : new TouchScrollBar('horizontal', this._dom, this._fadeScrollBar, this._shrinkScrollBar); this._touchScrollBarH.init(this._scrollWidth, this._scrollerWidth); } else if (this._touchScrollBarH) { this._touchScrollBarH = this._touchScrollBarH.remove(); } // Update vertical scrollbar if (this._vScrollbar && this._scrollY && this._scrollerHeight > this._scrollHeight) { this._touchScrollBarV = (this._touchScrollBarV instanceof TouchScrollBar) ? this._touchScrollBarV : new TouchScrollBar('vertical', this._dom, this._fadeScrollBar, this._shrinkScrollBar); this._touchScrollBarV.init(this._scrollHeight, this._scrollerHeight); } else if (this._touchScrollBarV) { this._touchScrollBarV = this._touchScrollBarV.remove(); } }; this._setPosition = function (x, y, hideScrollBars) { this._x = x; this._y = y; = cssTranslateOpen + this._x + 'px,' + this._y + 'px' + cssTranslateClose; // Move the scrollbars if (!hideScrollBars) { if (this._touchScrollBarH) { this._touchScrollBarH.setPosition(this._x); } if (this._touchScrollBarV) { this._touchScrollBarV.setPosition(this._y); } } }; this._setTransitionTime = function(time) { time = time || '0'; = time; if (this._touchScrollBarH) { = time; = cssHas3d && this._fadeScrollBar ? '300ms' : '0'; } if (this._touchScrollBarV) { = time; = cssHas3d && this._fadeScrollBar ? '300ms' : '0'; } }; this._resetPosition = function (time) { var resetX = this._x, resetY = this._y, time = time || '500ms'; if (this._x >= 0) { resetX = 0; } else if (this._x < this._maxScrollX) { resetX = this._maxScrollX; } if (this._y >= 0 || this._maxScrollY > 0) { resetY = 0; } else if (this._y < this._maxScrollY) { resetY = this._maxScrollY; } if (resetX != this._x || resetY !=this._y) { this._touchScrollTo (resetX, resetY, time); } else { if (this._touchScrollBarH) { this._touchScrollBarH.hide(); } if (this._touchScrollBarV) { this._touchScrollBarV.hide(); } } }; this._touchScrollTo = function (destX, destY, runtime) { this._setTransitionTime(runtime || '450ms'); this._setPosition(destX, destY); if (runtime==='0' || runtime=='0s' || runtime=='0ms') { this._resetPosition(); } else { this._scroller.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', uki.proxy(this._onTransitionEnd, this), false); } }; this._calcMomentum = function (dist, time, maxDistUpper, maxDistLower) { var friction = 2.5, deceleration = 1.2, speed = Math.abs(dist) / time * 1000, newDist = speed * speed / friction / 1000, newTime = 0; // Proportinally reduce speed if we are outside of the boundaries if (dist > 0 && newDist > maxDistUpper) { speed = speed * maxDistUpper / newDist / friction; newDist = maxDistUpper; } else if (dist < 0 && newDist > maxDistLower) { speed = speed * maxDistLower / newDist / friction; newDist = maxDistLower; } newDist = newDist * (dist < 0 ? -1 : 1); newTime = speed / deceleration; return { dist: Math.round(newDist), time: Math.round(newTime) }; }; }); })();