Liars is a tiny MVC web framework. ================================== "liars" = "#{'rail'.reverse}s". It's a very quick and dirty hack, just demonstrating some concepts. As its name said, Don't trust it. :-) Install ======= gem install liars. Usage ===== 1. Create a new scaffold file. The command below generates a scaffold ruby file named test.rb. liars -s test 2. Run it. The command below also generates a database file named db.yaml. liars test.rb 3. Now lauch your browser to Help ==== liars --help An extra blog example: ====================== Copy code below blog.rb to a new ruby file such as blog.rb, then run: liars blog.rb -d blog.yaml blog.rb: module Liars # Model ====================================================================== class Article < M has_field :title has_field :content has_many :comments end class Comment < M has_field :title has_field :content belongs_to :article end class ArticleC < C route_of :index, '/', '/index', '/default' def index @articles = Article.find(:all) render end route_of :show, '/show/(\d+)' def show(id) @article = Article.find(id.to_i) render end route_of :create, '/create' def create Article.create(params[:article]) redirect_to '/' end route_of :add_comment, '/add_comment/(\d+)' def add_comment(id) @article = Article.find(id.to_i) @article.comments << Comment.create(params[:comment]) redirect_to "/show/#{id}" end route_of :style, '/styles.css' def style @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/css; charset=utf-8" @body = %[ body { font-family: Utopia, Georga, serif; } h1 { background-color: #fef; margin: 0; padding: 10px; } div { padding: 10px; } ] end end class ArticleV < V def layout html do head do title 'Liars never tell lies!' link :rel => 'stylesheet', :type => 'text/css', :href => '/styles.css', :media => 'screen' end body do h1 { a 'Articles', :href => "/" } div do yield end end end end def index h1 'Articles' hr @articles.each do |ar| b ar.title p ar.content a 'show comments', :href=> "/show/#{}" hr end form :action=>'/create', :method=>'Post' do input :type=>'text', :name=>'article[title]'; br textarea '', :name=>'article[content]'; br input :type=>'submit' end end def show h1 'Articles' a 'index', :href=> "/" hr b @article.title p @article.content h1 'Comments' hr @article.comments.each do |c| b c.title p c.content end hr form :action=> "/add_comment/#{}", :method=>'Post' do input :type=>'text', :name=>'comment[title]'; br textarea '', :name=>'comment[content]'; br input :type=>'submit' end end end end