require 'rexml/document' require './expsm' require 'yaml' include REXML include EXPSM ## reeper ## Release 0.3 ## 2015-06-26 ## ## MAIN PROCESS STARTS HERE ## Parse input options ## expxml_input = " " map_input = " " schema_input = " " descxml_input = " " debug = false passedArgs = [] for arg in ARGV argarray = arg.split('=') case argarray[0] when "expxml" then expxml_input = argarray[1] when "map" then map_input = argarray[1] when "schema" then schema_input = argarray[1] when "descxml" then descxml_input = argarray[1] when "debug" then debug = true when "help", "-help", "--help", "-h", "--h" puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "Usage parameters : expxml= (map=) (schema=) (descxml=)" puts " " puts " required input EXPRESS as XML file" puts " optional input mapping as Ruby file, default is filename ''mapping.rb''" puts " optional EXPRESS schema to map, default is all schemas in XML file" puts " optional input descriptions as XML file (may be same as expxml)" exit else passedArgs.push arg end end if expxml_input == " " puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : No EXPRESS as XML input" puts "Usage parameters : expxml= map= (schema=) (descxml=)" exit end if FileTest.exist?(expxml_input) != true puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : EXPRESS as XML input file not found : #{expxml_input}" exit end if map_input == " " and FileTest.exist?('mapping.rb') != true puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : No Ruby Mapping File as input, default 'mapping.rb' not found" puts "Usage parameters : expxml= (map=) (schema=) (descxml=)" exit end if map_input != " " and FileTest.exist?(map_input) != true puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : Ruby Mapping input file not found : #{map_input}" exit end if descxml_input != " " and FileTest.exist?(descxml_input) != true puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : Descriptions input file not found : #{descxml_input}" exit end ## ## Set up EXPRESS XML File and new output files ## stime = expxmlfile =, "r") exp = schemaname_list = [] XPath.each( exp, '//express/schema/@name' ) { |n| schemaname_list.push n.to_s } if schema_input != " " and !schemaname_list.include?(schema_input) puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : File contains no schema named : #{schema_input}" expxmlfile.close exit end schema_list = exp.elements.to_a("//express/schema") if schema_list.size == 0 puts "reeper Version 0.1" puts " " puts "ERROR : File contains no 'schema' XML elements : #{expxml_input}, may not be EXPRESS as XML" expxmlfile.close exit end puts "reeper : Creating EXPRESS Dictionary" therepos = load_dictionary_express( exp, expxml_input ) expxmlfile.close if descxml_input != " " descxmlfile =, "r") descxml = load_descriptions( descxml, therepos ) descxmlfile.close end if debug == true debug_file ="debug.txt", "w") debug_file.puts YAML.dump( therepos ) debug_file.close end ## ## include the Ruby mapping code if map_input != " " require map_input puts "reeper : Using input mapping file #{map_input}" else require 'mapping.rb' puts "reeper : Using default mapping file 'mapping.rb'" end ## ## call the mapping code passing either the repository or a single schema as input if schema_input != " " mapthing = therepos.schemas.detect { |s| == schema_input } else mapthing = therepos end map_from_express(mapthing, passedArgs)