require 'active_record/version' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'arjdbc/version' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/java' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/base_ext' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/connection_methods' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/driver' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/column' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/connection' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/callbacks' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/extension' require 'arjdbc/jdbc/type_converter' module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class JdbcAdapter < AbstractAdapter extend ShadowCoreMethods include JdbcConnectionPoolCallbacks if JdbcConnectionPoolCallbacks.needed? attr_reader :config def initialize(connection, logger, config) @config = config spec = config[:adapter_spec] || adapter_spec(config) config[:adapter_spec] ||= spec unless connection connection_class = jdbc_connection_class spec connection = config end super(connection, logger) if spec && (config[:adapter_class].nil? || config[:adapter_class] == JdbcAdapter) extend spec end configure_arel2_visitors(config) connection.adapter = self JndiConnectionPoolCallbacks.prepare(self, connection) end def jdbc_connection_class(spec) connection_class = spec.jdbc_connection_class if spec && spec.respond_to?(:jdbc_connection_class) connection_class = ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcConnection unless connection_class connection_class end def jdbc_column_class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn end # Retrieve the raw java.sql.Connection object. # The unwrap parameter is useful if an attempt to unwrap a pooled (JNDI) # connection should be made - to really return the native (SQL) object. def jdbc_connection(unwrap = nil) java_connection = raw_connection.connection return java_connection unless unwrap connection_class = java.sql.Connection.java_class if java_connection.wrapper_for?(connection_class) java_connection.unwrap(connection_class) # java.sql.Wrapper.unwrap elsif java_connection.respond_to?(:connection) # e.g. org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PooledConnection java_connection.connection # getConnection else java_connection end end # Locate specialized adapter specification if one exists based on config data def adapter_spec(config) dialect = (config[:dialect] || config[:driver]).to_s ::ArJdbc.constants.sort.each do |constant| constant = ::ArJdbc.const_get(constant) # e.g. ArJdbc::MySQL if constant.respond_to?(:adapter_matcher) spec = constant.adapter_matcher(dialect, config) return spec if spec end end if config[:jndi] && ! config[:dialect] begin data_source =[:jndi]) connection = data_source.getConnection config[:dialect] = connection.getMetaData.getDatabaseProductName rescue Java::JavaSql::SQLException => e warn "failed to set database :dialect from connection meda-data (#{e})" else return adapter_spec(config) # re-try matching a spec with set config[:dialect] ensure connection.close if connection # return to the pool end end nil end def modify_types(types) types end def adapter_name #:nodoc: 'JDBC' end def self.visitor_for(pool) config = pool.spec.config adapter = config[:adapter] adapter_spec = config[:adapter_spec] || self if adapter =~ /^(jdbc|jndi)$/ adapter_spec.arel2_visitors(config) else adapter_spec.arel2_visitors(config)[adapter].new(pool) end end def self.arel2_visitors(config) { 'jdbc' => ::Arel::Visitors::ToSql } end def configure_arel2_visitors(config) if defined?(::Arel::Visitors::VISITORS) visitors = ::Arel::Visitors::VISITORS visitor = nil adapter_spec = [config[:adapter_spec], self.class].detect {|a| a && a.respond_to?(:arel2_visitors) } adapter_spec.arel2_visitors(config).each do |k,v| visitor = v visitors[k] = v end if visitor && config[:adapter] =~ /^(jdbc|jndi)$/ visitors[config[:adapter]] = visitor end @visitor = visitors[config[:adapter]].new(self) end end def is_a?(klass) # :nodoc: # This is to fake out current_adapter? conditional logic in AR tests if Class === klass && =~ /#{adapter_name}Adapter$/i true else super end end def supports_migrations? true end def native_database_types #:nodoc: @connection.native_database_types end def database_name #:nodoc: @connection.database_name end def native_sql_to_type(type) if /^(.*?)\(([0-9]+)\)/ =~ type tname, limit = $1, $2.to_i ntypes = native_database_types if ntypes[:primary_key] == type return :primary_key, nil else ntypes.each do |name, val| if name == :primary_key next end if val[:name].downcase == tname.downcase && ( val[:limit].nil? || val[:limit].to_i == limit ) return name, limit end end end elsif /^(.*?)/ =~ type tname = $1 ntypes = native_database_types if ntypes[:primary_key] == type return :primary_key, nil else ntypes.each do |name, val| if val[:name].downcase == tname.downcase && val[:limit].nil? return name, nil end end end else return :string, 255 end return nil, nil end def active? end def reconnect! @connection.reconnect! configure_connection if respond_to?(:configure_connection) @connection end def disconnect! @connection.disconnect! end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 def jdbc_insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil, binds = []) # :nodoc: insert_sql(sql, name, pk, id_value, sequence_name, binds) end def jdbc_update(sql, name = nil, binds = []) # :nodoc: execute(sql, name, binds) end def jdbc_select_all(sql, name = nil, binds = []) # :nodoc: select(sql, name, binds) end # Allow query caching to work even when we override alias_method_chain'd methods alias_chained_method :select_all, :query_cache, :jdbc_select_all alias_chained_method :update, :query_dirty, :jdbc_update alias_chained_method :insert, :query_dirty, :jdbc_insert end def jdbc_columns(table_name, name = nil) @connection.columns(table_name.to_s) end alias_chained_method :columns, :query_cache, :jdbc_columns # Executes +sql+ statement in the context of this connection using # +binds+ as the bind substitutes. +name+ is logged along with # the executed +sql+ statement. def exec_query(sql, name = 'SQL', binds = []) # :nodoc: log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_query(to_sql(sql, binds)) } end # Executes insert +sql+ statement in the context of this connection using # +binds+ as the bind substitutes. +name+ is the logged along with # the executed +sql+ statement. def exec_insert(sql, name, binds, pk = nil, sequence_name = nil) # :nodoc: log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_insert(to_sql(sql, binds)) } end # Executes delete +sql+ statement in the context of this connection using # +binds+ as the bind substitutes. +name+ is the logged along with # the executed +sql+ statement. def exec_delete(sql, name, binds) # :nodoc: log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_delete(to_sql(sql, binds)) } end # Executes update +sql+ statement in the context of this connection using # +binds+ as the bind substitutes. +name+ is the logged along with # the executed +sql+ statement. def exec_update(sql, name, binds) # :nodoc: log(sql, name || 'SQL') { @connection.execute_update(to_sql(sql, binds)) } end # Similar to {#exec_query} except it returns "raw" results in an array # where each rows is a hash with keys as columns (just like Rails used to # do up until 3.0) instead of wrapping them in a {#ActiveRecord::Result}. def exec_query_raw(sql, name = 'SQL', binds = [], &block) # :nodoc: log(sql, name || 'SQL') do @connection.execute_query_raw(to_sql(sql, binds), &block) end end def select_rows(sql, name = nil) exec_query_raw(sql, name).map!(&:values) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 # expects AR::Result e.g. from select_all def select(sql, name = nil, binds = []) exec_query(sql, name, binds) end else def select(sql, name = nil, binds = []) # NOTE: only (sql, name) on AR < 3.1 exec_query_raw(sql, name, binds) end end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 # 2.3.x # NOTE: 2.3 log(sql, name) while does not like `name == nil` # Executes the SQL statement in the context of this connection. def execute(sql, name = nil, binds = []) sql = to_sql(sql, binds) if name == :skip_logging _execute(sql, name) else log(sql, name ||= 'SQL') { _execute(sql, name) } end end else #elsif ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR == 0 # NOTE: 3.0 log(sql, name) allow `name == nil` (handles `name ||= "SQL"`) # Executes the SQL statement in the context of this connection. def execute(sql, name = nil, binds = []) sql = to_sql(sql, binds) if name == :skip_logging _execute(sql, name) else log(sql, name) { _execute(sql, name) } end end # NOTE: 3.1 log(sql, name = "SQL", binds = []) `name == nil` is fine # TODO skip logging the binds (twice) until prepared-statement support #else end # we need to do it this way, to allow Rails stupid tests to always work # even if we define a new execute method. Instead of mixing in a new # execute, an _execute should be mixed in. def _execute(sql, name = nil) @connection.execute(sql) end private :_execute # NOTE: we have an extra binds argument at the end due 2.3 support (due {#jdbc_insert}). def insert_sql(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil, binds = []) # :nodoc: id = execute(sql, name = nil, binds) id_value || id end def tables(name = nil) @connection.tables end def table_exists?(name) @connection.table_exists?(name) # schema_name = nil end def indexes(table_name, name = nil, schema_name = nil) @connection.indexes(table_name, name, schema_name) end def begin_db_transaction @connection.begin end def commit_db_transaction @connection.commit end def rollback_db_transaction @connection.rollback end def begin_isolated_db_transaction(isolation) @connection.begin(isolation) end # Does this adapter support setting the isolation level for a transaction? # @note We allow to ask for a specified transaction isolation level ... def supports_transaction_isolation?(level = nil) @connection.supports_transaction_isolation?(level) end def write_large_object(*args) @connection.write_large_object(*args) end def pk_and_sequence_for(table) key = primary_key(table) [ key, nil ] if key end def primary_key(table) primary_keys(table).first end def primary_keys(table) @connection.primary_keys(table) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR == 0 #attr_reader :visitor unless method_defined?(:visitor) # not in 3.0 # Converts an AREL AST to SQL. def to_sql(arel, binds = []) # NOTE: can not handle `visitor.accept(arel.ast)` right thus # convert AREL to a SQL string and simply substitute binds : sql = arel.respond_to?(:to_sql) ? arel.send(:to_sql) : arel return sql if binds.blank? sql.gsub('?') { quote(*binds.shift.reverse) } end elsif ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 # AR >= 3.1 or 4.0 # Converts an AREL AST to SQL. def to_sql(arel, binds = []) if arel.respond_to?(:ast) visitor.accept(arel.ast) { quote(*binds.shift.reverse) } else # for backwards compatibility : sql = arel.respond_to?(:to_sql) ? arel.send(:to_sql) : arel return sql if binds.blank? sql.gsub('?') { quote(*binds.shift.reverse) } end end else # AR-2.3 no #to_sql method # Substitutes SQL bind parameters. def to_sql(sql, binds = []) sql = sql.send(:to_sql) if sql.respond_to?(:to_sql) return sql if binds.blank? copy = binds.dup sql.gsub('?') { quote(*copy.shift.reverse) } end end protected def translate_exception(e, message) # we shall not translate native "Java" exceptions as they might # swallow an ArJdbc / driver bug into a AR::StatementInvalid ... return e if e.is_a?(NativeException) # JRuby 1.6 return e if e.is_a?(Java::JavaLang::Throwable) super # NOTE: wraps AR::JDBCError into AR::StatementInvalid, desired ?! end def last_inserted_id(result) result end # Helper to handle 3.x/4.0 uniformly override #table_definition as : # # def table_definition(*args) # new_table_definition(TableDefinition, *args) # end # def new_table_definition(table_definition, *args) # args ignored only used for 4.0 end private :new_table_definition # if adapter overrides #table_definition it works on 3.x as well as 4.0 if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR > 3 # aliasing #create_table_definition as #table_definition : alias table_definition create_table_definition # native_database_types, name, temporary, options def create_table_definition(name, temporary, options) table_definition(name, temporary, options) end # arguments expected: (name, temporary, options) def new_table_definition(table_definition, *args) native_database_types, *args end private :new_table_definition end private # #deprecated no longer used def substitute_binds(sql, binds = []) sql = extract_sql(sql) if binds.empty? sql else copy = binds.dup sql.gsub('?') { quote(*copy.shift.reverse) } end end # #deprecated no longer used def extract_sql(obj) obj.respond_to?(:to_sql) ? obj.send(:to_sql) : obj end protected def JdbcConnection::select?(sql) end def self.insert?(sql) JdbcConnection::insert?(sql) end def self.update?(sql) ! select?(sql) && ! insert?(sql) end unless defined? AbstractAdapter.type_cast_config_to_integer def self.type_cast_config_to_integer(config) config =~ /\A\d+\z/ ? config.to_i : config end def self.type_cast_config_to_boolean(config) config == "false" ? false : config end end end end end