class MTGCardFinder::CLI def self.start Parser.reset_query_info puts "Powered by MTG$ ("; sleep(0.5); puts "-------------------------------------------------" puts "Please select your price trend Format:" puts "-------------------------------------------------" puts "#{"|Last Update|".fg COLORS[6]}#{Parser.update_date}" puts "-------------------------------------------------" self.set_choosing end def self.set_text puts "#{"[1]".fg COLORS[3]} Standard: #{"rising".fg COLORS[4]} cards today" puts "#{"[2]".fg COLORS[3]} Modern: #{"rising".fg COLORS[4]} cards today" puts "#{"[3]".fg COLORS[3]} Standard: #{"crashing".fg COLORS[6]} cards today" puts "#{"[4]".fg COLORS[3]} Modern: #{"crashing".fg COLORS[6]} cards today" puts "-------------------------------------------------" end def self.options_text puts "Would you like to?" puts "#{"[1]".fg COLORS[3]} search for a different format's market?" puts "#{"[2]".fg COLORS[3]} save the current card search listing into a CSV file?" puts "#{"[3]".fg COLORS[3]} purchase one of the queried cards in the open market?" puts "#{"[4]".fg COLORS[3]} exit the program?" puts "-------------------------------------------------" end def self.set_choosing self.set_text self.set_input Parser.scrape_cards Parser.display_cards puts "" puts "-------------------------------------------------" puts "" self.options_text self.options_input end def self.set_input sleep(1) puts "Please type out the #{"number".fg COLORS[3]} of the format you would like to see from above..." Parser.select_format end def self.options_input input = gets.strip.to_i if input == 1 puts "Please select your price trend Format:" self.set_choosing elsif input == 2 Parser.csv sleep(2) self.options_text self.options_input elsif input == 3 puts "Please type out the #{"number".fg COLORS[4]} from one of the above searched cards:" Parser.purchase sleep(2.5) self.options_text self.options_input elsif input == 4 puts "" puts "" puts "Thank you for using #{"MTG".fg COLORS[6]} #{"CARD".fg COLORS[5]} #{"FINDER".fg COLORS[4]}" puts "-----------------------------------" exit else puts "That is not a valid option" self.options_input end end end