describe "Fortitude convenience methods", :type => :system do describe "#all_fortitude_superclasses" do it "should return an empty array for ::Fortitude::Widget" do expect(::Fortitude::Widget.all_fortitude_superclasses).to eq([ ]) end it "should return just ::Fortitude::Widget for a direct subclass" do class ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesDirectSubclass < ::Fortitude::Widget; end expect(ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesDirectSubclass.all_fortitude_superclasses).to eq([ ::Fortitude::Widget ]) end it "should return a whole class hierarchy if appropriate" do class ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesGrandparent < ::Fortitude::Widget; end class ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesParent < ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesGrandparent; end class ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesChild < ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesParent; end expect(ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesChild.all_fortitude_superclasses).to eq([ ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesParent, ConvenienceSpecAllSuperclassesGrandparent, ::Fortitude::Widget ]) end end describe "#javascript" do it "should output JavaScript inside the proper tag, by default" do expect(render(widget_class_with_content { javascript "hi, there" })).to eq( %{}) end it "should include newlines if we're formatting output, but not indent it" do wc = widget_class do format_output true def content div do text "hi" javascript "hi, there" text "bye" end end end expect(render(wc)).to eq(%{
}) expect(output).to match(%r{id="whatever"}) expect(output).to match(%r{class="foo bar"}) end it "should correctly add classes if passed text, then attributes" do output = render(widget_class_with_p_added_content { p_added "hello", :id => :whatever }) expect(output).to match(%r{]*>hello
}) expect(output).to match(%r{id="whatever"}) expect(output).to match(%r{class="foo bar"}) end it "should correctly add classes if passed nil, then attributes" do output = render(widget_class_with_p_added_content { p_added nil, :id => :whatever }) expect(output).to match(%r{]*>
}) expect(output).to match(%r{id="whatever"}) expect(output).to match(%r{class="foo bar"}) end it "should correctly add classes if passed text, then explicitly-nil attributes" do output = render(widget_class_with_p_added_content { p_added "hello", nil }) expect(output).to match(%r{ }) end it "should correctly add classes if passed nil and nil" do expect(render(widget_class_with_p_added_content { p_added nil, nil })).to eq(%{}) end it "should correctly add just a single class" do wc = widget_class_with_p_added do def classes_to_add :foo end def content p_added "hello" end end expect(render(wc)).to eq(%{hello
}) end def render_and_extract_classes(class_or_widget) output = render(class_or_widget) if output =~ %r{^} $1.split(" ") else raise "Unexpected content: #{output.inspect}" end end def expect_classes_transform(original_hash, expected_classes) expect(render_and_extract_classes(widget_class_with_p_added_content { p_added(original_hash) }).sort).to eq( expected_classes.sort) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has classes specified with a symbol" do expect_classes_transform({ :class => 'orig' }, %w{orig foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has classes specified with a string" do expect_classes_transform({ 'class' => 'orig' }, %w{orig foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has multiple classes" do expect_classes_transform({ :class => [ 'orig1', 'orig2', 'orig3' ] }, %w{orig1 orig2 orig3 foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has just one class" do expect_classes_transform({ :class => 'orig' }, %w{orig foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has explicit nil for :class" do expect_classes_transform({ 'class' => nil }, %w{foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has explicit empty-string for :class" do expect_classes_transform({ 'class' => '' }, %w{foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has explicit false for :class" do expect_classes_transform({ :class => false }, %w{foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has an array for :class" do expect_classes_transform({ :class => [ 'orig1', 'orig2', 'orig3' ] }, %w{orig1 orig2 orig3 foo bar}) end it "should correctly add classes if the base has a whitespace-separated array of classes for :class" do expect_classes_transform({ 'class' => 'orig1 orig2 orig3' }, %w{foo bar orig1 orig2 orig3}) end it "should allow being called as #add_css_class" do add_css_class_class = widget_class do def p_added(*args, &block) p(*add_css_class('foo', *args), &block) end def content p_added "hello" end end expect(render(add_css_class_class)).to eq('hello
') end end end