class IuguUI.Button defaults: none: false hideInput: true el: undefined @load: ( context ) -> selector = "[data-type='iux.form.button']" if context elements = context.find(selector) else elements = $(selector) return if elements.length == 0 elements.each -> return if $(@).data("iux.initialized") == true new IuguUI.Button el: @ context: context $(@).data "iux.initialized", true constructor: ( options ) -> @initialize( options ) initialize: ( options ) -> _.bindAll @ @options = _.extend {}, @defaults, options return null unless @options.el @el = $(@options.el) @toggle_button = true if"mode") == "toggle" @onClick = @options.onClick if @options.onClick input_selector = ("#" +"input")) if"input") if @options.context and input_selector @input_element = $(@options.context.find(input_selector)) if @input_element.size() == 0 @input_element = @options.context @input_element = $(@input_element[0]) else if input_selector @input_element = $(input_selector) if @getInput() and"value") and"value").toString() == @getInput().val().toString() @el.addClass("selected") unless @el.hasClass("selected") if @getInput() and @getInput().is(":checkbox") and @getInput().is(":checked") @el.addClass("selected") if @getInput() and @getInput().is(":radio") and @getInput().is(":checked") @el.addClass("selected") if @getInput() and @getInput().is(":radio") or @getInput().is(":checkbox") @getInput().bind "change", @inputChangedCallback @el.bind "click", @click if @options.hideInput and @input_element @input_element.hide() getInput: -> return $(@input_element) if @input_element false linkedElements: -> $('[data-group="' +"group") + '"]') hasLinkedElements: -> elms = @linkedElements() return false unless elms and elms.size() > 1 true inputChangedCallback: -> if @hasLinkedElements() @linkedElements().removeClass("selected") if @getInput() and @getInput().is(":checkbox") and @getInput().is(":checked") @el.addClass("selected") if @getInput() and @getInput().is(":radio") and @getInput().is(":checked") @el.addClass("selected") configureInputElementValue: ( value ) -> return unless @getInput() if @getInput().is(":checkbox") @getInput().attr "checked", @el.hasClass("selected") else if @getInput().is(":radio") @getInput().attr "checked", @el.hasClass("selected") else @getInput().val( value ) if @getInput() if (@getInput()) @getInput().trigger("change") toggleable: -> return false unless @toggle_button return false if @hasLinkedElements() true click: -> value ="value") if"value") if @toggleable() @el.toggleClass "selected" if @toggleable() and @el.hasClass("selected") == false value = null if @hasLinkedElements() @linkedElements().removeClass("selected") @el.addClass("selected") if value != null # Configure value @onClick( value ) if @onClick @configureInputElementValue value else @configureInputElementValue value @IuguUI.Button = IuguUI.Button $ -> IuguUI.Button.load()