module Opener module Daemons ## # Downlods a KAF document, passes it to a component and submits the output # to a callback URL or a default queue. Each Worker instance runs in an # isolated thread # # @!attribute [r] config # @return [Opener::Daemons::Configuration] # # @!attribute [r] uploader # @return [Opener::Daemons::Uploader] # # @!attribute [r] downloader # @return [Opener::Daemons::Downloader] # # @!attribute [r] callback_handler # @return [Opener::CallbackHandler] # class Worker < Oni::Worker attr_reader :config, :uploader, :downloader, :callback_handler INLINE_IO = !!ENV['INLINE_IO'] include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation include NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer ## # @param [Opener::Daemons::Configuration] config # def initialize(config) @config = config @downloader = @uploader = @callback_handler = @input = nil @output = nil end ## # Processes a document. # # @raise [Oni::WrappedError] # def process add_transaction_attributes begin process_input run_component process_output submit_callbacks # Unsupported languages are handled in a different manner as they can # occur quite often. In these cases we _do_ want the data to be sent # to the final callback URL (skipping whatever comes before it) so it # can act upon it. rescue Core::UnsupportedLanguageError handle_unsupported_language end end ## # def process_input if config.input @input = Zlib.gunzip Base64.decode64 config.input @input.force_encoding 'UTF-8' else @input = config.input_url end end ## # @return [String] # def run_component @output = @input, config.metadata.custom_config end ## # @param [String] output # @return [Aws::S3::Object] # def process_output if INLINE_IO @next_input = Base64.encode64 Zlib.gzip @output else @object = uploader.upload config.identifier, @output, config.metadata end end ## # Sends the object's URL to the next callback URL. # # @param [Aws::S3::Object] object # def submit_callbacks urls = config.callbacks.dup next_url = urls.shift next_url, next_input_params.merge( identifier: config.identifier, callbacks: urls, metadata: config.metadata, )"Submitted response to #{next_url}", config.metadata) end ## # Sends the unsupported input to the last callback URL. # def handle_unsupported_language last_url = config.callbacks.last last_url, input_params.merge( identifier: config.identifier, metadata: config.metadata, ) "Submitted input with an unsupported language to #{last_url}", config.metadata ) end private ## # Preserve input for last callback # def input_params if config.input_url {input_url: config.input_url} else {input: config.input} end end ## # Use generated output as new input # def next_input_params if INLINE_IO {input: @next_input} else {input_url: @object.public_url.to_s} end end def add_transaction_attributes Transaction.current.add_parameters( input_url: config.input_url, identifier: config.identifier, callbacks: config.callbacks, metadata: config.metadata, ) end if Daemons.newrelic? add_transaction_tracer :process, category: :task add_method_tracer :run_component add_method_tracer :process_output add_method_tracer :submit_callbacks end end # Worker end # Daemons end # Opener