module GovUkDateFields module ActsAsGovUkDate extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end module ClassMethods VALID_ERROR_CLASH_BEHAVIOUR_OPTIONS = [ :append_gov_uk_date_field_error, :omit_gov_uk_date_field_error, :override_with_gov_uk_date_field_error] DEFAULT_GOV_UK_DATE_OPTIONS = { validate_if: ->{ true }, error_clash_behaviour: VALID_ERROR_CLASH_BEHAVIOUR_OPTIONS.first }.freeze def acts_as_gov_uk_date(*date_fields) options = _extract_supported_options!(date_fields) validate :validate_gov_uk_dates, if: options[:validate_if] after_initialize :populate_gov_uk_dates cattr_accessor :_gov_uk_dates self._gov_uk_dates = date_fields # call valid? on each of the gov_uk date fields, and add error messages # into the errors hash if not valid # define_method(:validate_gov_uk_dates) do date_fields.each do |date_field| next if self.instance_variable_get("@_#{date_field}".to_sym).valid? case options[:error_clash_behaviour] when :append_gov_uk_date_field_error errors[date_field] << "Invalid date" when :omit_gov_uk_date_field_error next when :override_with_gov_uk_date_field_error errors[date_field].clear errors[date_field] << "Invalid date" end end end # For each of the gov uk date fields, we have to define the following # instance methods (assuming the date field name is dob): # # * dob - retuns the date object (i.e. # * dob= - populatees @_dob # * dob_dd - returns the day value for form popualtion # * dob_dd= - sets the day value (used when updating from a form) # * dob_mm - returns the month value for form popualtion # * dob_mm= - sets the month value (used when updating from a form) # * dob_yyyy - returns the year value for form popualtion # * dob_yyyy= - sets the year value (used when updating from a form) # date_fields.each do |field| # #dob=(date) = assigns a date to the GovukDateFields::FormDate object define_method("#{field}=") do |new_date| raise"#{new_date} is not a Date object") unless new_date.respond_to?(:to_date) || new_date.nil? new_date = new_date.to_date unless new_date.nil? GovUkDateFields::FormDate.set_from_date(self, field, new_date) super(new_date) end # #dob_dd - return the day value for form population define_method("#{field}_dd") do return self.instance_variable_get("@_#{field}".to_sym).dd end # #dob_mm - return the day value for form population define_method("#{field}_mm") do return self.instance_variable_get("@_#{field}".to_sym).mm end # #dob_yyyy - return the day value for form population define_method("#{field}_yyyy") do return self.instance_variable_get("@_#{field}".to_sym).yyyy end # #dob_dd= - set the day part of the date (used in population of model from form) define_method("#{field}_dd=") do |day| GovUkDateFields::FormDate.set_date_part(:dd, self, field, day) end # #dob_dd= - set the day part of the date (used in population of model from form) define_method("#{field}_mm=") do |month| GovUkDateFields::FormDate.set_date_part(:mm, self, field, month) end # #dob_dd= - set the day part of the date (used in population of model from form) define_method("#{field}_yyyy=") do |year| GovUkDateFields::FormDate.set_date_part(:yyyy, self, field, year) end end include GovUkDateFields::ActsAsGovUkDate::LocalInstanceMethods end protected def _supported_options [:validate_if, :error_clash_behaviour] end def _extract_supported_options!(args) options = DEFAULT_GOV_UK_DATE_OPTIONS.merge(args.extract_options!) options.assert_valid_keys(*_supported_options) raise"Invalid parameters specified for :error_clash_behaviour") unless options[:error_clash_behaviour].in?(VALID_ERROR_CLASH_BEHAVIOUR_OPTIONS) options end end module LocalInstanceMethods # This is an after initialize method. We want to populate every gov_uk_date_field, unless it's a new # record, and there is already a non-nil form date (this happens when you call new and pass a hash of attributes and values) def populate_gov_uk_dates self._gov_uk_dates.each do |field_name| instance_variable_name = "@_#{field_name}" next if self.new_record? && self.instance_variable_defined?(instance_variable_name) && self.instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name) != nil GovUkDateFields::FormDate.set_from_date(self, field_name, self[field_name]) end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, GovUkDateFields::ActsAsGovUkDate