80000021-1203016871 2008-02-14T14:21:11-05:00 2008-02-14T14:21:11-05:00 1203016871 Wachovia Wachovia true 0 Bank 123422344 0.00 0.00 NotApplicable 80000023-1203104744 2008-02-15T14:45:44-05:00 2008-02-15T14:45:44-05:00 1203104744 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable true 0 AccountsReceivable AccountsReceivable 11000 Unpaid or unapplied customer invoices and credits 0.00 0.00 Operating 80000020-1203016666 2008-02-14T14:17:46-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:46-05:00 1203016666 Undeposited Funds Undeposited Funds true 0 OtherCurrentAsset UndepositedFunds 12000 Funds received, but not yet deposited to a bank account 0.00 0.00 NotApplicable 80000005-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Accumulated Depreciation Accumulated Depreciation true 0 FixedAsset 17000 Accumulated depreciation on equipment, buildings and improvements 0.00 0.00 Investing 80000004-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Furniture and Equipment Furniture and Equipment true 0 FixedAsset 15000 Furniture and equipment with useful life exceeding one year 0.00 0.00 Investing 80000022-1203016871 2008-02-14T14:21:11-05:00 2008-02-14T14:21:11-05:00 1203016871 Accounts Payable Accounts Payable true 0 AccountsPayable AccountsPayable 20000 Unpaid or unapplied vendor bills or credits 0.00 0.00 Operating 80000006-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Advance Customer Payments Advance Customer Payments true 0 OtherCurrentLiability 24500 Monies received from customers not yet earned or deposits refundable to customers 0.00 0.00 Operating 8000001F-1203016627 2008-02-14T14:17:07-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:07-05:00 1203016627 Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities true 0 OtherCurrentLiability PayrollLiabilities 24000 Unpaid payroll liabilities. Amounts withheld or accrued, but not yet paid 0.00 0.00 Operating 8000001C-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Members Draw Members Draw true 0 Equity 30700 Monies taken out of the business by the member 0.00 0.00 Financing 8000001D-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Members Equity Members Equity true 0 Equity RetainedEarnings 32000 Monies invested in the business by the member, and profits kept in company accounts 0.00 0.00 Financing 80000003-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Opening Balance Equity Opening Balance Equity true 0 Equity OpeningBalanceEquity 30000 Opening balances during setup post to this account. The balance of this account should be zero after completing your setup 0.00 0.00 Financing 80000007-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Sales Sales true 0 Income 47900 Gross sales of products and services 0.00 0.00 293 Schedule C: Gross receipts or sales None 80000008-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Subcontracted Services Subcontracted Services true 0 CostOfGoodsSold 53500 Subcontracted services for client projects 0.00 0.00 494 Schedule C: Labor, cost of goods None 80000009-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Advertising and Promotion Advertising and Promotion true 0 Expense 60000 Advertising, marketing, graphic design, and other promotional expenses 0.00 0.00 304 Schedule C: Advertising None 8000000A-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Automobile Expense Automobile Expense true 0 Expense 60200 Fuel, oil, repairs, and other automobile maintenance for business autos 0.00 0.00 306 Schedule C: Car and truck expenses None 8000000B-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Bank Service Charges Bank Service Charges true 0 Expense 60400 Bank account service fees, bad check charges and other bank fees 0.00 0.00 302 Schedule C: Other business expenses None 8000000C-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Computer and Internet Expenses Computer and Internet Expenses true 0 Expense 61700 Computer supplies, off-the-shelf software, online fees, and other computer or internet related expenses 0.00 0.00 302 Schedule C: Other business expenses None 8000000D-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Depreciation Expense Depreciation Expense true 0 Expense 62400 Depreciation on equipment, buildings and improvements 0.00 0.00 None 8000000E-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Dues and Subscriptions Dues and Subscriptions true 0 Expense 62500 Subscriptions and membership dues for civic, service, professional, trade organizations 0.00 0.00 302 Schedule C: Other business expenses None 8000000F-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Equipment Rental Equipment Rental true 0 Expense 62600 Rent paid for rented equipment used for business 0.00 0.00 299 Schedule C: Rent/lease vehicles, equip. None 80000010-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Insurance Expense Insurance Expense true 0 Expense 63300 Insurance expenses 0.00 0.00 310 Schedule C: Insurance, other than health None 80000011-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Interest Expense Interest Expense true 0 Expense 63400 Interest payments on business loans, credit card balances, or other business debt 0.00 0.00 312 Schedule C: Interest expense, other None 80000012-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Meals and Entertainment Meals and Entertainment true 0 Expense 64300 Business meals and entertainment expenses, including travel-related meals (may have limited deductibility) 0.00 0.00 294 Schedule C: Meals and entertainment None 80000013-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Office Supplies Office Supplies true 0 Expense 64900 Office supplies expense 0.00 0.00 313 Schedule C: Office expenses None 8000001E-1203016627 2008-02-14T14:17:07-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:07-05:00 1203016627 Payroll Expenses Payroll Expenses true 0 Expense PayrollExpenses 66000 Payroll expenses 0.00 0.00 297 Schedule C: Wages paid None 80000014-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Postage and Delivery Postage and Delivery true 0 Expense 66500 Postage, courier, and pickup and delivery services 0.00 0.00 302 Schedule C: Other business expenses None 80000015-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Professional Fees Professional Fees true 0 Expense 66700 Payments to accounting professionals and attorneys for accounting or legal services 0.00 0.00 298 Schedule C: Legal and professional fees None 80000016-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Rent Expense Rent Expense true 0 Expense 67100 Rent paid for company offices or other structures used in the business 0.00 0.00 300 Schedule C: Rent/lease other bus. prop. None 80000017-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance true 0 Expense 67200 Incidental repairs and maintenance of business assets that do not add to the value or appreciably prolong its life 0.00 0.00 315 Schedule C: Repairs and maintenance None 80000018-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Telephone Expense Telephone Expense true 0 Expense 68100 Telephone and long distance charges, faxing, and other fees Not equipment purchases 0.00 0.00 318 Schedule C: Utilities None 80000019-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Travel Expense Travel Expense true 0 Expense 68400 Business-related travel expenses including airline tickets, taxi fares, hotel and other travel expenses 0.00 0.00 317 Schedule C: Travel None 8000001A-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Utilities Utilities true 0 Expense 68600 Water, electricity, garbage, and other basic utilities expenses 0.00 0.00 318 Schedule C: Utilities None 8000001B-1203016625 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 2008-02-14T14:17:05-05:00 1203016625 Ask My Accountant Ask My Accountant true 0 OtherExpense 80000 Transactions to be discussed with accountant, consultant, or tax preparer 0.00 0.00 None