require 'rake/testtask' GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.load('genevalidator.gemspec') task default: [:build] desc 'Builds and installs' task install: [:build] do sh "gem install #{Rake.original_dir}/genevalidator-#{GEMSPEC.version}.gem" end desc 'Runs tests, generates documentation, builds gem (default)' task build: %i[test doc] do sh "gem build #{Rake.original_dir}/genevalidator.gemspec" end desc 'Runs tests' task :test do do |t| t.libs.push 'lib' t.test_files = FileList['test/test_*.rb'] t.verbose = false t.warning = false end end desc 'Build Assets' task :assets do # Requires uglifycss and uglifyjs # npm install uglifycss -g # npm install uglify-js -g assets_dir = File.expand_path('aux/html_files', __dir__) `rm #{assets_dir}/css/gv.compiled.min.css` `rm #{assets_dir}/js/gv.compiled.min.js` sh "uglifycss --output '#{assets_dir}/css/gv.compiled.min.css'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/css/src/font-awesome.min.css'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/css/src/bootstrap.min.css'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/css/src/style.css'" sh "uglifyjs '#{assets_dir}/js/src/jquery-2.1.1.min.js'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/js/src/bootstrap.min.js'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/js/src/jquery.tablesorter.min.js'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/js/src/d3.v3.min.js'" \ " '#{assets_dir}/js/src/plots.js' '#{assets_dir}/js/src/script.js'" \ " -m -c -o '#{assets_dir}/js/gv.compiled.min.js'" end desc 'Generates documentation' task :doc do sh "yardoc 'lib/**/*.rb'" end ## #### TRAVELLING RUBY ## # For Bundler.with_clean_env require 'bundler/setup' TMP_DIR = "#{Rake.original_dir}/tmp".freeze APP_NAME = "#{}-#{GEMSPEC.version}".freeze PLATFORMS = %w[linux-x86 linux-x86_64 osx].freeze TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION = 'traveling-ruby-20150715-2.2.2'.freeze TRAVELING_RUBYGEMS_VERSION = 'traveling-ruby-gems-20150715-2.2.2'.freeze NOKOGIRI_VERSION = 'nokogiri-'.freeze MAFFT = { version: '7.397', 'linux-x86': '', 'linux-x86_64': '', osx: '' }.freeze BLAST = { version: '2.7.1+', 'linux-x86': '', 'linux-x86_64': '', osx: '' }.freeze JQ = { version: '1.5', 'linux-x86': '', 'linux-x86_64': '', osx: '' }.freeze CSVTK = { version: '0.14.0', 'linux-x86': '', 'linux-x86_64': '', osx: '' }.freeze desc 'Create standalone GeneValidator packages' task :package do rm_rf TMP_DIR mkdir TMP_DIR task('package:build' => ['package:linux-x86', 'package:linux-x86_64', 'package:osx']).invoke rm_rf TMP_DIR end # Usage: # - Complete run # rake package # - Just create directories and don't compress # rake package DIR_ONLY=1 namespace :package do PLATFORMS.each do |platform| task platform => [ :bundle_install, :reduce_bundle_size, "#{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}.tar.gz", "#{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}-#{NOKOGIRI_VERSION}.tar.gz" ] do package_dir = "#{Rake.original_dir}/#{APP_NAME}-#{platform}" lib_dir = "#{package_dir}/lib/" bin_dir = "#{package_dir}/bin/" exemplar_dir = "#{package_dir}/exemplar_data/" blast_db_dir = "#{package_dir}/blast_db" app_dir = "#{lib_dir}/app/" vendor_dir = "#{lib_dir}/vendor/" ruby_dir = "#{lib_dir}/ruby/" pack_dir = "#{lib_dir}/packages/" nokogiri_path = "#{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}-" \ "#{NOKOGIRI_VERSION}.tar.gz" ruby_path = "#{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}.tar.gz" # set up dir structure rm_rf package_dir mkdir_p app_dir mkdir bin_dir mkdir exemplar_dir mkdir vendor_dir mkdir ruby_dir mkdir pack_dir cp_r "#{Rake.original_dir}/bin", app_dir cp_r "#{TMP_DIR}/vendor", lib_dir cp "#{Rake.original_dir}/exemplar_data/mrna_data.fa", exemplar_dir cp "#{Rake.original_dir}/exemplar_data/protein_data.fa", exemplar_dir cd vendor_dir do File.write('Gemfile', GEMFILE_CONTENTS) mkdir '.bundle' File.write('.bundle/config', BUNDLER_CONFIG) sh "tar -xzf #{nokogiri_path} -C ruby" end cd lib_dir do sh "tar -xzf #{ruby_path} -C ruby" end cd pack_dir do process_package(MAFFT[platform.to_sym], 'mafft') process_package(BLAST[platform.to_sym], 'blast') end cd package_dir do File.write(, SCRIPT_CONTENTS) sh "chmod +x #{}" File.write('Readme.txt', readme_contents(platform)) end cd bin_dir do Dir['../lib/packages/blast/bin/*'].each do |bin| ln_s bin, File.basename(bin) end # Copy a version of GV script into the bin directory sh "sed 's|SELFDIR}/|SELFDIR}/../|g' #{package_dir}/#{} > #{}" sh "chmod +x #{}" # Install JQ sh "curl -L #{JQ[platform.to_sym]} -o jq" sh 'chmod +x jq' # Install CSVTK sh "curl -L #{CSVTK[platform.to_sym]} | tar zxf -" end cp_r "#{TMP_DIR}/blast_db", blast_db_dir unless ENV['DIR_ONLY'] cd Rake.original_dir do sh "tar -czf #{APP_NAME}-#{platform}.tar.gz #{APP_NAME}-#{platform}" rm_rf package_dir end end end end desc 'Install gems to local directory' task :bundle_install do if RUBY_VERSION !~ /^2\.2\./ abort "You can only 'bundle install' using Ruby 2.2, because that's " \ 'what Traveling Ruby uses.' end cd Rake.original_dir do cp 'Gemfile', TMP_DIR File.write("#{TMP_DIR}/#{}.gemspec", edited_gemspec_content) end cd TMP_DIR do Bundler.with_clean_env do sh 'env BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG=1 bundle install --path vendor ' \ '--without development test' end cd 'vendor/ruby/2.2.0' do cd 'gems' do mkdir APP_NAME %w[aux lib].each { |d| cp_r "#{Rake.original_dir}/#{d}", APP_NAME } end cd 'specifications' do cp "#{TMP_DIR}/#{}.gemspec", "#{APP_NAME}.gemspec" end end mkdir 'blast_db' cd 'blast_db' do sh ' --decompress swissprot' do |_, e| abort ' failed to run.' if e.exitstatus == 2 # This script returns 0 on successful operations that result in no # downloads, 1 on successful operations that downloaded files, # and 2 on errors. end end end end desc 'Reduce Vendor size' task :reduce_bundle_size do cd "#{TMP_DIR}/vendor" do sh 'rm -f */*/cache/*' sh 'rm -rf ruby/*/extensions' sh "find ruby/2.2.0/gems -name '*.so' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby/2.2.0/gems -name '*.bundle' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby/2.2.0/gems -name '*.o' | xargs rm -f" # Remove tests %w[test tests spec features benchmark].each do |dir| sh "rm -rf ruby/*/gems/*/#{dir}" end # Remove documentation %w[README* CHANGE* Change* COPYING* LICENSE* MIT-LICENSE* TODO *.txt *.md *.rdoc].each do |file| sh "rm -f ruby/*/gems/*/#{file}" end %w[doc docs example examples sample doc-api].each do |dir| sh "rm -rf ruby/*/gems/*/#{dir}" end sh "find ruby -name '*.md' | xargs rm -f" # Remove misc unnecessary files sh 'rm -rf ruby/*/gems/*/.gitignore' sh 'rm -rf ruby/*/gems/*/.travis.yml' # Remove leftover native extension sources and compilation objects sh 'rm -f ruby/*/gems/*/ext/Makefile' sh 'rm -f ruby/*/gems/*/ext/*/Makefile' sh 'rm -f ruby/*/gems/*/ext/*/tmp' sh "find ruby -name '*.c' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby -name '*.cpp' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby -name '*.h' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby -name '*.rl' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby -name 'extconf.rb' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby/2.2.0/gems -name '*.o' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby/2.2.0/gems -name '*.so' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby/2.2.0/gems -name '*.bundle' | xargs rm -f" # Remove Java files. They're only used for JRuby support sh "find ruby -name '*.java' | xargs rm -f" sh "find ruby -name '*.class' | xargs rm -f" end end end PLATFORMS.each do |platform| file "#{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}.tar.gz" do download_runtime(platform) end file "#{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}-#{NOKOGIRI_VERSION}.tar.gz" do download_native_extension(platform, NOKOGIRI_VERSION) end end def download_runtime(platform) sh "curl -L --fail -o #{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}.tar.gz " \ "{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}.tar.gz" end def download_native_extension(platform, gem_name_and_version) sh "curl -L --fail -o #{TMP_DIR}/#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{platform}-#{gem_name_and_version}.tar.gz " \ "{TRAVELING_RUBYGEMS_VERSION}-#{platform}/#{gem_name_and_version}.tar.gz" end def process_package(url, package_name) if url.end_with?('.tar.gz', '.tgz') mkdir package_name cd package_name do sh "curl -L --fail #{url} | tar -xzf - --strip-components=1" end elsif url.end_with?('.zip') sh "curl -L --fail #{url} -o #{package_name}.zip" sh "unzip #{package_name}.zip" mv 'mafft-mac', package_name rm "#{package_name}.zip" end end def edited_gemspec_content file_list = Dir['lib/**/**'] + Dir['aux/**/**'] edited_gemspec = [] File.readlines('genevalidator.gemspec').each_with_index do |l, index| next if index < 4 # skip first four lines l = "s.version = '#{GEMSPEC.version}'\n" if l =~ /^\s+s.version/ l = "s.files = ['#{file_list.join("','")}']\n" if l =~ /^\s+s.files/ l = "s.add_dependency 'nokogiri', ''\nend" if l =~ /^end/ edited_gemspec << l end edited_gemspec.join end GEMFILE_CONTENTS = <<-GEMFILE.freeze source '' gem 'bio', '~> 1.4' gem 'bio-blastxmlparser', '~> 2.0' gem '#{}', '#{GEMSPEC.version}' gem 'nokogiri', '' gem 'statsample', '2.1.0' GEMFILE SCRIPT_CONTENTS = <<-SCRIPT.freeze #!/bin/bash set -e # Figure out where this script is located. SELFDIR="$(dirname "$0")" SELFDIR="$(cd "$SELFDIR" && pwd)" # Tell Bundler where the Gemfile and gems are. export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="${SELFDIR}/lib/vendor/Gemfile" unset BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG MAFFT_DIR="${SELFDIR}/lib/packages/mafft/mafftdir" BLAST_BIN="${SELFDIR}/lib/packages/blast/bin" GV_BLAST_DB_DIR="${SELFDIR}/blast_db"; export GV_BLAST_DB_DIR MAFFT_BINARIES="${MAFFT_DIR}/libexec"; export MAFFT_BINARIES; # Run the actual app using the bundled Ruby interpreter, with Bundler activated. PATH=${MAFFT_DIR}/bin:${BLAST_BIN}:$PATH exec "${SELFDIR}/lib/ruby/bin/ruby" -rbundler/setup "${SELFDIR}/lib/app/bin/genevalidator" --db "${GV_BLAST_DB_DIR}/swissprot" "$@" SCRIPT BUNDLER_CONFIG = <<-CONFIG.freeze BUNDLE_PATH: . BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "development:test" BUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS: '1' CONFIG def readme_contents(platform) <<-README -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneValidator (v#{GEMSPEC.version}) Website: Paper: Standalone Package for #{platform}. This package includes BLAST+ (v#{BLAST[:version]}), MAFFT (v#{MAFFT[:version]}), JQ (v#{JQ[:version]}), CSVTK (v#{CSVTK[:version]}) and the Swissprot BLAST database. Please cite as follows: Dragan M‡, Moghul MI‡, Priyam A, Bustos C & Wurm Y. 2015. GeneValidator: identify problems with protein-coding gene predictions". Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw015. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running GeneValidator with Exemplar Data: cd /path/to/genevalidator/package/ genevalidator -d blast_db/swissprot exemplar_data/protein_data.fa Run the following to see all options available. genevalidator -h See for more usage information. Please contact us if you require any further information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genevalidator is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License. Dependencies packaged with GeneValidator are licensed under their respective licenses: BLAST+ (Public Domain), Mafft (BSD), JQ (MIT), CSVTK (MIT) and SwissProt BLAST DB (CC BY-ND 3.0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- README end