STDOUT.sync = true # for debugging def sample_daemons proclist = `/bin/ps -A -o pid,command` proclist.to_a.grep(%r{^\s*\d+\s+ruby\s+.*foreground_sample_daemon$}) { |l| l[/^\s*(\d+)\s+/,1].to_i } end def kill_foreground if @foreground begin Process.kill(:TERM, @foreground) Process.waitpid(@foreground) rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::ECHILD end end end def kill_all_sample_daemons(signal=:TERM) sample_daemons.each { |pid| system("kill -#{signal} #{pid}") } sleep 1 # Give the process time to say goodbye. end After do kill_foreground kill_all_sample_daemons end When /^I run the sample daemon$/ do steps %q{ When I successfully run `foreground_sample_daemon` } end When /^I run the sample daemon via foreground$/ do @foreground = fork do exec('foreground', '--pid_file', '/tmp/', 'foreground_sample_daemon') end end When /^I kill the sample daemon$/ do kill_all_sample_daemons end When /^I send the sample daemon a (\w+) signal$/ do |signal| kill_all_sample_daemons(signal.to_sym) end When /^I kill foreground$/ do sleep 1 # Give foreground some time to setup signal handling... or tests will break. kill_foreground end Then /^foreground should not run$/ do unless @foreground lambda { Process.kill(0, @foreground) }.should raise_error(Errno::ESRCH), "foreground still running with PID #{@foreground}" end end Then /^the sample daemon should run$/ do steps %q{ Then 1 sample daemon should run } end Then /^the sample daemon should not run$/ do steps %q{ Then 0 sample daemon should run } end Then /^(\d+) sample daemons? should run$/ do |expected| expected = expected.to_i actual = sample_daemons.count actual.should eql(expected), "Expected #{expected} running sample daemon, but got #{actual} instead!" end Then /^the sample daemon should have received a (\w+) signal$/ do |signal| steps %Q{ Then the file "/tmp/foreground_sample_daemon.log" should contain "received #{signal} signal" } end