# encoding: utf-8 require './test/test_helper' class ActionSmser::BaseTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase class MockSms to, :from => from, :body => body) end def before_delivery return true end def after_delivery(result) return true end end setup do @receivers = ["555123555", "123", "+358123555123", "004915112341234", "04917332341111"] @sender = "555666" @body = "Body with ääkköset end" @sms = MockSms.basic_sms(@receivers, @sender, @body) end test "receivers should be joined by commas" do assert_equal "555123555,123,358123555123,4915112341234,4917332341111", @sms.to_encoded end test "should be ok with single receivers" do str = "123123" @sms = MockSms.basic_sms(str, @sender, @body) assert_equal [str], @sms.to_as_array end test "from_encoded should remove leading + and 0" do @sms = MockSms.basic_sms("+358555", "+358123" , @body) assert_equal "358123", @sms.from_encoded end test "body should be possible to encode" do assert_equal "Body+with+%E4%E4kk%F6set+end", @sms.body_encoded_escaped @sms = MockSms.basic_sms(@receivers, @sender, "ääkköset - euro=€ - ...=…") assert_equal "%E4%E4kk%F6set+-+euro%3D%A4+-+...%3D_", @sms.body_encoded_escaped, "should use '_' in place of unknown chars" end test "body should be cropped to 500 chars, limit extra looong messages" do @sms.body = (1..1000).map{'a'}.join assert_equal 500, @sms.body_encoded_escaped.size end test "ttl should be 24 hours by default" do assert_equal 24.hours, @sms.ttl_to_i end test "should be able to change ttl" do @sms.ttl = "60" assert_equal 1.minute, @sms.ttl_to_i end test "should be valid sms" do assert @sms.valid? end test "should not be valid if no recipients" do @sms = MockSms.basic_sms([nil, ""], @sender, @body) assert !@sms.valid? end test "should have saved sms_type" do assert_equal "ActionSmser::BaseTest::MockSms.basic_sms", @sms.sms_type end test "should have copied the delivery_options when initializing" do assert @sms.delivery_options == ActionSmser.delivery_options assert @sms.delivery_options.object_id != ActionSmser.delivery_options.object_id end test "should have test_array as delivery method" do assert_equal ActionSmser::DeliveryMethods::TestArray, @sms.delivery_method end test "before delivery should be called if it's present" do @sms.expects(:before_delivery).once assert @sms.deliver end test "after delivery should be called if it's present" do @sms.expects(:after_delivery).once assert @sms.deliver end test "message_real_length should return real sms lenght" do assert_equal 4, ActionSmser::Base.message_real_length("a[a") end test "message_real_crop should return cropped message with sms chars taken account" do assert_equal "a[a[", ActionSmser::Base.message_real_cropped("a[a[", 6) assert_equal "a[a", ActionSmser::Base.message_real_cropped("a[a[", 5) assert_equal "a[a", ActionSmser::Base.message_real_cropped("a[a[", 4) assert_equal "a[", ActionSmser::Base.message_real_cropped("a[a[", 3) end end