require 'fhir_client' FHIR.logger.level = Logger::ERROR namespace :fhir do desc 'console' task :console, [] do exec('ruby bin/console') end # # Prerequisites & Assumptions: # # 1. Running SMART-on-FHIR (DSTU2 branch) server [http://example/fhir] # 2. Running OpenID Connect server [http://example:8080/openid-connect-server-webapp] # 3. Configured client under OpenID Connect server: # a. Create a system scope if necessary. SMART-on-FHIR requires 'fhir_complete' scope. # b. Add the scope created in (a) to client. # c. Add the FHIR server URL to the list of allowed redirect URIs (required?) # d. Ensure client has 'client credentials' grant type # d. Whitelist the client # 4. 'client_id' and 'client_secret' variables are the name and secret of the client created in (3) # 5. :authorize_url is the authorization endpoint of the OpenID connect server # 6. :token_url is the token endpoint of the OpenID connect server # desc 'OAuth2 Example' task :oauth2, [:url, :client_id, :client_secret] do |_t, args| client = client_id = args.client_id client_secret = args.client_secret options = client.get_oauth2_metadata_from_conformance if options.empty? puts 'This server does not support the expected OAuth2 extensions.' else client.set_oauth2_auth(client_id, client_secret, options[:authorize_url], options[:token_url]) reply = client.read_feed(FHIR::Patient) puts reply.body end end desc 'count all resources for a given server' task :count, [:url, :display_zero] do |_t, args| client = client.try_conformance_formats(FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON) display_zero = (args.display_zero == 'true') counts = {} fhir_resources.each do |klass| reply = client.read_feed(klass) if !reply.resource.nil? && ( > 0 || display_zero) counts[] = end end printf " %-30s %5s\n", 'Resource', 'Count' printf " %-30s %5s\n", '--------', '-----' counts.each do |key, value| # puts "#{key} #{value}" printf " %-30s %5s\n", key, value end end desc 'delete all resources for a given server' task :clean, [:url] do |_t, args| client = client.try_conformance_formats(FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON) fhir_resources.each do |klass| puts "Reading #{}..." skipped = [] reply = client.read_feed(klass) while !reply.nil? && !reply.resource.nil? && > 0 puts " Cleaning #{reply.resource.entry.length} #{} resources..." reply.resource.entry.each do |entry| unless entry.resource.nil? del_reply = client.destroy(klass, skipped << "#{}/#{}" if [405, 409].include?(del_reply.code) end end if skipped.empty? reply = client.read_feed(klass) else puts " *** Unable to delete some #{}s ***" reply = nil end end end puts 'Done cleaning.' Rake::Task['fhir:count'].invoke(args.url) end def fhir_resources { |r| Object.const_get("FHIR::#{r}") } end end