header nav.navbar.navbar-default role="navigation" .container /! Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display .navbar-header = link_to current_store.name, comable.root_path, class: 'navbar-brand' - unless devise_controller? /! Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling .navbar-collapse ol.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right.comable-checkout-flow li.signin class="#{'active' if action_name == 'signin'}" = Comable.t('checkout_flow.sign_in') li.addresses class="#{'active' if params[:state].in? %w( orderer delivery payment shipment )}" = Comable.t('checkout_flow.address_and_payment') li.confirm class="#{'active' if params[:state] == 'confirm'}" = Comable.t('checkout_flow.confirm') li.complete class="#{'active' if action_name == 'create'}" = Comable.t('checkout_flow.complete')