require "ostruct" module Sapience # rubocop:disable ClassVars class Configuration attr_reader :default_level, :backtrace_level, :backtrace_level_index attr_writer :host attr_accessor :app_name, :ap_options, :appenders, :log_executor, :filter_parameters, :metrics, :error_handler SUPPORTED_EXECUTORS = %i(single_thread_executor immediate_executor).freeze DEFAULT = { log_level: :info, host: nil, ap_options: { multiline: false }, appenders: [{ stream: { io: STDOUT, formatter: :color } }], log_executor: :single_thread_executor, metrics: { datadog: { url: Sapience::DEFAULT_STATSD_URL } }, error_handler: { silent: {} }, filter_parameters: %w(password password_confirmation), }.freeze # Initial default Level for all new instances of Sapience::Logger def initialize(options = {}) # rubocop:disable AbcSize fail ArgumentError, "options need to be a hash #{options.inspect}" unless options.is_a?(Hash) @options = DEFAULT.merge(options.dup.deep_symbolize_keyz!) @options[:log_executor] &&= @options[:log_executor].to_sym validate_log_executor!(@options[:log_executor]) self.default_level = @options[:log_level].to_sym self.backtrace_level = @options[:log_level].to_sym = @options[:host] self.app_name = @options[:app_name] self.ap_options = @options[:ap_options] self.appenders = @options[:appenders] self.log_executor = @options[:log_executor] self.filter_parameters = @options[:filter_parameters] self.metrics = @options[:metrics] self.error_handler = @options[:error_handler] end # Sets the global default log level def default_level=(level) @default_level = level # For performance reasons pre-calculate the level index @default_level_index = level_to_index(level) end # Returns the symbolic level for the supplied level index def index_to_level(level_index) LEVELS[level_index] end # Internal method to return the log level as an internal index # Also supports mapping the ::Logger levels to Sapience levels def level_to_index(level) # rubocop:disable AbcSize, PerceivedComplexity, CyclomaticComplexity return if level.nil? case level when Symbol LEVELS.index(level) when String LEVELS.index(level.downcase.to_sym) when Integer map_levels[level] || fail_with_unkown_log_level!(level) else fail_with_unkown_log_level!(level) end end def fail_with_unkown_log_level!(level) fail UnkownLogLevel, "Invalid level:#{level.inspect} being requested." \ " Must be one of #{LEVELS.inspect}" end # Mapping of Rails and Ruby Logger levels to Sapience levels def map_levels return [] unless defined?(::Logger::Severity) @@map_levels ||= ::Logger::Severity.constants.each_with_object([]) do |constant, levels| levels[::Logger::Severity.const_get(constant)] = level_by_index_or_error(constant) end end def level_by_index_or_error(constant) LEVELS.find_index(constant.downcase.to_sym) || LEVELS.find_index(:error) end def default_level_index Thread.current[:sapience_silence] || @default_level_index end # Sets the level at which backtraces should be captured # for every log message. # # By enabling backtrace capture the filename and line number of where # message was logged can be written to the log file. Additionally, the backtrace # can be forwarded to error management services such as Bugsnag. # # Warning: # Capturing backtraces is very expensive and should not be done all # the time. It is recommended to run it at :error level in production. def backtrace_level=(level) @backtrace_level = level # For performance reasons pre-calculate the level index @backtrace_level_index = level.nil? ? 65_535 : level_to_index(level) end # Returns [String] name of this host for logging purposes # Note: Not all appenders use `host` def host @host ||= Socket.gethostname end def validate_log_executor!(log_executor) return true if SUPPORTED_EXECUTORS.include?(log_executor) fail InvalidLogExecutor, "#{log_executor} is unsupported. Use (#{SUPPORTED_EXECUTORS.join(", ")})" end end end