module CloudCrowd class Worker CENTRAL_URL = CloudCrowd.config[:central_server] RETRY_WAIT = CloudCrowd.config[:worker_retry_wait] attr_reader :action # Spinning up a worker will create a new AssetStore with a persistent # connection to S3. This AssetStore gets passed into each action, for use # as it is run. def initialize @id = $$ @hostname = Socket.gethostname @store = @server = central_server_resource log 'started' end # Ask the central server for a new WorkUnit. def fetch_work_unit keep_trying_to "fetch a new work unit" do unit_json = @server['/work'].get return unless unit_json # No content means no work for us. @start_time = parse_work_unit unit_json log "fetched work unit for #{@action_name}" end end # Return output to the central server, marking the current work unit as done. def complete_work_unit(result) keep_trying_to "complete work unit" do data = completion_params.merge({:status => 'succeeded', :output => result}) @server["/work/#{data[:id]}"].put(data) log "finished #{@action_name} in #{data[:time]} seconds" end end # Mark the current work unit as failed, returning the exception to central. def fail_work_unit(exception) keep_trying_to "mark work unit as failed" do data = completion_params.merge({:status => 'failed', :output => exception.message}) @server["/work/#{data[:id]}"].put(data) log "failed #{@action_name} in #{data[:time]} seconds\n#{exception.message}\n#{exception.backtrace}" end end def keep_trying_to(title) begin yield rescue Exception => e log "failed to #{title} -- retry in #{RETRY_WAIT} seconds" log e.message log e.backtrace sleep RETRY_WAIT retry end end # Does this Worker have a job to do? def has_work? @action_name && @input && @options end # Executes the current work unit, catching all exceptions as failures. def run_work_unit begin @action = CloudCrowd.actions(@action_name).new @action.configure(@status, @input, @options, @store) result = case @status when CloudCrowd::PROCESSING then @action.process when CloudCrowd::SPLITTING then @action.split when CloudCrowd::MERGING then @action.merge else raise "Work units must specify their status." end complete_work_unit(result) rescue Exception => e fail_work_unit(e) ensure clear_work_unit end end # Wraps +run_work_unit+ to benchmark the execution time, if requested. def run return run_work_unit unless @options['benchmark'] status = CloudCrowd.display_status(@status) log("ran #{@action_name}/#{status} in " + Benchmark.measure { run_work_unit }.to_s) end private # Keep an authenticated (if configured to enable authentication) resource # for the central server. def central_server_resource params = [CENTRAL_URL] params += [CloudCrowd.config[:login], CloudCrowd.config[:password]] if CloudCrowd.config[:use_http_authentication]*params) end # Common parameters to send back to central, regardless of success or failure. def completion_params {:id => @options['work_unit_id'], :time => - @start_time} end # Extract our instance variables from a WorkUnit's JSON. def parse_work_unit(unit_json) unit = JSON.parse(unit_json) @action_name, @input, @options, @status = unit['action'], unit['input'], unit['options'], unit['status'] @options['job_id'] = unit['job_id'] @options['work_unit_id'] = unit['id'] @options['attempts'] ||= unit['attempts'] end # Log a message to the daemon log. Includes PID for identification. def log(message) puts "Worker ##{@id}: #{message}" end # When we're done with a unit, clear out our ivars to make way for the next. # Also, remove all of the previous unit's temporary storage. def clear_work_unit @action.cleanup_work_directory @action, @action_name, @input, @options, @start_time = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil end end end