# When a new {SocialStream::Models::Subject subject} is created, a initial set # of relations is created for him. Afterwards, the {SocialStream::Models::Subject subject} # can customize them and adapt them to his own preferences. # # Default relations are defined at config/relations.yml # class Relation::Custom < Relation # Default relations shipped with Social Stream DEFAULT = {} # Default relations are re-defined in this configuration file CONFIG_FILE = File.join(::Rails.root, 'config', 'relations.yml') # This is weird. We must call #inspect before has_ancestry for Relation::Custom # to recognize STI inspect has_ancestry belongs_to :actor validates_presence_of :name, :actor_id validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :actor_id class << self # Relations configuration def config @config ||= build_config end def defaults_for(actor) cfg_rels = config[actor.subject_type.underscore] if cfg_rels.nil? raise "Undefined relations for subject type #{ actor.subject_type }. Please, add an entry to #{ CONFIG_FILE }" end rels = {} cfg_rels.each_pair do |name, cfg_rel| rels[name] = create! :actor => actor, :name => cfg_rel['name'], :receiver_type => cfg_rel['receiver_type'] if (ps = cfg_rel['permissions']).present? ps.each do |p| p.push(nil) if p.size == 1 rels[name].permissions << Permission.find_or_create_by_action_and_object(*p) end end end # Parent, relations must be set after creation # FIXME: Can fix with ruby 1.9 and ordered hashes cfg_rels.each_pair do |name, cfg_rel| rels[name].update_attribute(:parent, rels[cfg_rel['parent']]) end rels.values end # A relation in the top of a strength hierarchy def strongest roots end private # Gets the default relations defined in DEFAULT and updates the values # from the CONFIG_FILE configuration file def build_config DEFAULT.merge YAML.load_file(CONFIG_FILE) end end # Compare two relations def <=> rel return -1 if rel.is_a?(Public) if ancestor_ids.include?(rel.id) 1 elsif rel.ancestor_ids.include?(id) -1 else 0 end end # Other relations below in the same hierarchy that this relation def weaker descendants end # Relations below or at the same level of this relation def weaker_or_equal subtree end # Other relations above in the same hierarchy that this relation def stronger ancestors end # Relations above or at the same level of this relation def stronger_or_equal path end # JSON compatible with SocialCheesecake def to_cheesecake_hash(options = {}) {:id => id, :name => name}.tap do |hash| if options[:subsector] hash[:actors] = ties.map{ |t| [t.contact.receiver_id, t.contact.receiver.name, t.contact_id] }.uniq else hash[:subsectors] = ( weaker.present? ? weaker.map{ |w| w.to_cheesecake_hash(:subsector => true) } : Array.wrap(to_cheesecake_hash(:subsector => true)) ) end end end end ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:relation_custom, Relation::Custom)