--- tableclothes: tablecloths tablewear: tableware tacticaly: tactically tactict: tactic tactitian: tactician taget: target tahn: than tackel: tackle taht: that tailight: taillight talekd: talked tamborine: tambourine tandum: tandem tared: tarred tarrif: tariff tarriff: tariff tast: taste tath: that tatics: tactics tatoo: tattoo tattooes: tattoos taxanomic: taxonomic taxanomy: taxonomy teached: taught teachs: teaches teamate: teammate turorial: tutorial techical: technical techician: technician techincal: technical technicaly: technically technican: technician technolgy: technology tecnology: technology tehy: they Telengana: Telangana televison: television televize: televise telled: told tempate: template tepmlate: template tempalte: template temprature: temperature temperture: temperature temparate: temperate temperment: temperament tempermental: temperamental temporarely: temporarily TesorFlow: TensorFlow TensoFlow: TensorFlow Tensorlow: TensorFlow TensorFow: TensorFlow TnesorFlow: TensorFlow TesnorFlow: TensorFlow TensroFlow: TensorFlow TensorlFow: TensorFlow tensolflow: TensorFlow tenacle: tentacle tenament: tenement tendancy: tendency tennament: tenement tennant: tenant tennement: tenement tenous: tenuous tiem: time tenticle: tentacle tenture: tenure teritory: territory terminaly: terminally teminal: terminal termnal: terminal terminl: terminal termina: terminal treminal: terminal temrinal: terminal termnial: terminal termianl: terminal terresterial: terrestrial terrestial: terrestrial terriories: territories terriory: territory territores: territories territorist: terrorist territority: territory tset: test testamonial: testimonial testamony: testimony testical: testicle testiment: testament testimont: testament testomony: testimony Teusday: Tuesday textes: texts tghe: the thanbk: thank thay: they theese: these theif: thief theit: their theives: thieves themselfs: themselves themsleves: themselves theologan: theologian therafter: thereafter theraphy: therapy therfore: therefore theri: their theroretical: theoretical thgat: that thge: the thickend: thickened thier: their thign: thing thigsn: things thikn: think thikns: thinks thingking: thinking thiunk: think thna: than thne: then thnig: thing thnigs: things thoery: theory thorogh: thorough thoroghbred: thoroughbred thoroughbread: thoroughbred thoughout: throughout thourough: thorough thouroughly: thoroughly thousnad: thousand thraed: thread threated: threatened threath: threat threatning: threatening threee: three threshhold: threshold thrid: third thridly: thirdly throughfare: thoroughfare throughly: thoroughly throughtout: throughout througout: throughout thru: through thrusted: thrust thsi: this thsoe: those tht: that thta: that thte: the thyat: that Tiajuana: Tijuana tihkn: think tihs: this timne: time tipical: typical tje: the tjhe: the tkae: take tkaes: takes tkaing: taking tlaking: talking tobbaco: tobacco todya: today togather: together togeather: together togther: together tolerence: tolerance tolerent: tolerant toliet: toilet Tolkein: Tolkien tommorow: tomorrow tommorrow: tomorrow tomorow: tomorrow tongiht: tonight tooless: toolless toriod: toroid toriodal: toroidal tornament: tournament tortise: tortoise totaly: totally tounge: tongue tourmanent: tournament towrad: toward tradgedy: tragedy tradicional: traditional traditionaly: traditionally traditon: tradition traditonal: traditional trafficed: trafficked traing: training traingle: triangle trancend: transcend trancended: transcended trancendent: transcendent trancendental: transcendental trancending: transcending tranform: transform traning: training transcendance: transcendence transcendant: transcendent transcendentational: transcendental transcept: transept transend: transcend transending: transcending transfered: transferred transfering: transferring transferr: transfer transfar: transfer transister: transistor transistion: transition tansition: transition transitionary: transitional translater: translator transluscent: translucent transmision: transmission transmissable: transmissible transmited: transmitted transmiter: transmitter transmiting: transmitting transmitt: transmit transporation: transportation trate: trait tremelo: tremolo treshold: threshold tresle: trestle tresspass: trespass triathalon: triathlon triology: trilogy tripple: triple ture: 'true' truely: truly truley: truly trustworthyness: trustworthiness tryed: tried trys: tries tumultous: tumultuous Turky: Turkey turnes: turns turnstyle: turnstile twelth: twelfth twelveth: twelfth twiter: twitter Twiter: twitter twon: town tyhat: that TypScript: TypeScript Typecript: TypeScript TypeSript: TypeScript TypeScipt: TypeScript TypeScrpt: TypeScript TypeScrit: TypeScript TyepScript: TypeScript TypeScirpt: TypeScript typcial: typical typicaly: typically tyrany: tyranny tyrrany: tyranny