U: FXMap[f0.69999999999999996ffFC:FXMapperSettings{"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Grid BoxesT"Arrow Color" black"Paths as CurvesT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Box Number Color" grey"Create on ConnectionF"Font Objects" Times"Map0"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Box Border Color" black" Language"en"Automatic ConnectionT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Color" grey"Box BG Color" white"Font Text" Times" BG Color"dark grey"The Lost Islands of Alabaz"Gonzalo Garramuño0i [U:FXSection[[ U: FXRoom["Your Bedroom"sword journal "[ 000000U:FXConnection[ Fii[@-U;["Eastern Tower""[ 00@30U; [ Fii[@6U;["Throne Room""[ @<0U; [ Fii[U;["Alabaza Plaza""[ 00U; [ Fii[@HU;["The Great Library""[ 000000@N0Fii"The interior of this place is quiet and dim. Whispers echo under the high, arched ceilings. The walls are lined with tall bookshelves, each cra"F[ii0U; [ Fii[@HU;[" Quay""[ @Z0000000Fii"SYou are standing at the end of a massive stone quay jutting out into the calm, green waters of the Chrysolite Sea. (A "quay" is a big walkway that sticks far out into the water, for boats to park next to.) The main road leads back north. Just beyond the end of the quay, a wall of mist covers the sea, stretching all the way up to the sky.0F[ii0@E0Fii"The plaza is a center of daily life for citizens of Alabazapolis. It sits right in between the Royal Palace, to the west, and the Great Library, to the east. The main road leads south.0F@?[ii00000Fii"Tall, marble columns hold up the lofty ceiling, and tapestries of deepest, royal blue hang from the walls. At the eastern end of the hall, a grand archway leads outside to Alabaza Plaza. A stairway to one side lead0F[ii000Fii"\A curving staircase leads down to the bottom of the tower. Your bedroom is to the east.0F[ii0Fii"$Since you're one of the King's Knights, you get to sleep in your own room in the Royal Palace. Your bedroom is way up on the top floor of the eastern tower. It's small but cozy. You have a bed, a trunk, and a window that lets in the morning sunlight. A door to the west leads out to the hall.0F@6@?@H@]@Q[ @3@<@E@Z@N" AlabazU;[[ U;["Main Deck""[ U; [ Fii[@qU;[" Galley""[ 0000@w000Fii"\This is the ship's galley, where the food is cooked during your journey. Sacks and barr0F[ii0U; [ Fii[@qU;["Crow's Nest""[ 000000@}0Fii"The crow's nest is a tiny platform perched high above the deck of the ship. From here you would have a beautiful view of the sea, if it weren't for the mist covering everything. In the other0F[ii0U; [ Fii[@qU;["Poop Deck""[ @0000000Fii"The poop deck is aft and slightly higher than the main deck, so you can stand up here and see down the whole length of your ship. At the rear of the deck is a capstan for raising the anchor. (A "capstan" is kind of like a big crank that helps you lift very heavy objects.)0F[ii000Fii"You are standing on the main deck of your ship, the Dauntless. The mainmast rises tall and straight from the center of the deck. A rope ladder leads up to the crow's nest at the top of the mast. The poop deck lies aft of here, and a short flight of steps leads below deck.0F@@z@[@@w@}"DauntlessU;[[U;["Trashy Beach""[ 000000U; [ Fii[@U;[" Junkyard""[ 00@00000Fii"Everywhere you look, endless piles of junk stretch away to the horizon. It looks as though the entire island is buried beneath a gigantic mound of trash. A gap between two garbage dunes leads east, back to the beach.0F[ii0Fii"#There is so much trash on this0F@[@"Gray PearlU;[[U;["Sandy Beach""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Farm Road""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Windmill Road""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Maintenance Area"red pearl "[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Supply Closet""[ 0000@000Fi i"eThis is just a small supply closet with empty, dust-covered shelves. You can leave to the south.0F[ii000@0U; [ Fii[@U;["Bask-o-Vator Control Room""[ 00@000U; [ Fii[@U;["Pump Control Room""[ 00@000U; [ Fii[@U;["Irrigation Control Room""[ 00@00000Fii"The north wall of this room is covered with video screens and flashing lights. A big screen in the middle reads SHADDHAR IRRIGATION SYSTEM OFFLINE. You can see more rooms with flashing lights to the east.0F[ii0Fii"The north wall of this room is covered with video screens and flashing lights. A big screen in the middle reads LUGUBRIA WATER PUMPS OFFLINE. You can see more rooms with flashing lights to the east and west.0F[ii0Fi i"The north wall of this room is covered with video screens and flashing lights. A big screen in the middle reads WOODWIND BASK-O-0F[ii0Fi i"lBright, white lights shine down from the ceiling onto a clean, white floor. The walls are smooth, polis"F[ii000@0U; [ Fii[@U;["Base of the Windmill""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Inside the Windmill""[ 0000@ 000Fii"The inside of the windmill is hot and dark and filled with machinery, creaking and clanking all around you. A small hatch leads back outside.0F[ii 0@00000Fii"DYou are standing at the base of one of the giant golden windmil0F[ii0Fi i"The road ends here in front of a large, gray building. In the fields to the west you can see giant windmills, their golden sails flashing in the sun.0F[ii000@000Fi i "The road cuts north and south across rolling green meadows. On the east side of the road stands a little farmhouse. Behind it is a ploughed field.0F[ii0000000Fi i "WWarm, golden sand covers this beach. A path leads north, into fragrant grasslands.0F@@@@ @@@@@[@@@@ @@@@@"Golden PearlU;[[U;["Canyon Overlook""[ U; [ Fii[@ U;["Rocky Cove""[ 0000@&000Fii"You are standing in a large wicker basket, near the shore of a shallow cove cut into the base of a tall cliff. The rock walls rise high above you on all sides."F[ii0U; [ Fii[U;["Museum Lobby""[ 00U; [ Fii[U;[""Historical Gallery, North End""[ 0000U; [ Fii[@>U;["Historical Gallery, Middle""[ @D000U; [ Fii[@GU;[""Historical Gallery, South End""[ @M0000000Fi i "This is the south end of a long, wide hallway carved out of the rock. The hall is filled with display cases, but all of them are empty. The hall continues to the north.0F[ii000Fi i"This is the middle of a long, wide hallway carved out of the rock. The hall is filled with display cases, but all of them are empty. The hall continues north and south.0F[ii0@;0Fi i"YThis is the north end of a long, wide hallway carved out of the rock. The hall is fi0F@5[ii000@20Fii"The inside of the cave is cool and quiet. Glass globes floating near the ceiling provide a soft, yellow light. The mouth of the cave is west of here, and a tunnel leads further east.0F@ [ii0U; [ Fii[@ U;["Upper Ledge""[ @^000U; [ Fii[@aU;["Windy Point""[ @g000U; [ Fii[@jU;["Avalanche Site""[ @p0000000Fii "The trail comes to an end at a slight bulge in the rock. From here the slope is too steep to continue down, although you can always follow the trail back up.0F[ii000Fii "You are in the wicker basket, dangling just off the edge of the cliff. The very top of the cliff is really just a flattened ridge, with a sheer drop on one side and a steep but climbable slope on the other. The wind up here is particularly strong.0F[ii000Fii"This is a small, flat ledge sticking out from the side of the cliff. Steps carved out of the rock lead back down to the lower ledge.0F[ii000Fii"You are standing in a large wicker basket, dangling next to a wide ledge halfway up the cliff. Beneath you is a deep, winding canyon. To the east, a sign hangs next to a large cave entrance. To the south, steps cut into the rock lead up to a higher ledge.0F@a@j@s@)@>@G@P@5[ @^@g@p@&@D@M@;@2"Pink PearlU;[[U;["Icy Shore""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Crossroads""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Mountain Path""[ U; [ Fii[@U;[" Summit""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Crystal Palace""[ 0000@0U; [ Fii[@U;["Precipice""[ 00@000U; [ Fii[@U;[" The Nest""[ 00@00000Fii"You are balanced on a narrow ledge, near the top of a tall spire of rock high up in the clear, mountain air. Perched on top of the spire is a giant bird's nest made of ice. The bridge leads back east.0F[ii0Fii"_The air is still and clear on this side of the mountain. A short path leads from the cryst0F[ii0Fii"The inside of the palace is a single, enormous room made of dazzling crystal. Light reflects from millions of polished facets, shifting and sparkling like a giant kaleidoscope. You can leave to the south or to the west.0F[iiU; [ Fii[@0[iiU; [ Fii[@0[iiU; [ Fii[@0[ii@U; [ Fii[@0[iiU; [ Fii[@0[iiU; [ Fii[@0[iiFii"Here at the mountain's peak, billowing white clouds surround you in all directions. There is no snow, but it is still impossible to see very far.0F[ii000@000Fii"The path continues north and south, winding its way up the side of the mountain. Above you, the top of the mountain disappears into billowing white clouds.0F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;["White Forest""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Frozen Menagerie""[ 0000@000Fi i"*Sculptures of animals and fantastic b0F[ii00000@0Fi i "A forest of silvery-white trees provides some shelter from the wind and snow. To the north, an opening in the rocks leads down under the mountains. A path to the west leads back to the crossroads.0F[ii0@000Fii "Three paths meet here in this snowy field, from the north, south, and east. At the crossroads, an icicle-laden signpost sticks up from a snow bank, pointing the way to regions further inland.0F[ii0000000Fii "$There is no sand here, only a j0F@@@@@@@@[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"Clear PearlU;[[U;["Black Pier""[ U; [ Fii[U;["Necropolis""[ U; [ Fii[@ U;["Musician's Quarter""[ 0000@000Fii"This corner of the graveyard seems more peaceful than the rest. The ever-present whispering is silent here. All around you are the tombs of Alabaz's greatest musicians and composers. You can return to the main necropolis to the south.0F[ii000@000Fii"A wide avenue paved with bone-white stone winds north and south among towering mausoleums and fields of gravestones. Lampposts light the way with pale, flickering flames, but in between the buildings the shadows are thick and dark.0F@[ii0000000Fii"kYou are standing on a wide pier made of black marble, under a strangely dark sky. To the north, a pair0F@ @[@@"Black PearlU;[[ U;[" Gazebo""[ U; [ Fii[@#U;["Underwater Room""[ 0000@)0U; [ Fii[@,U;["Underwater Cliff""[ 00U; [ Fii[@5U;["Base of the Lighthouse""[ U; [ Fii[@>U;["Top of the Lighthouse"soggy parchment "[ 0000@D000Fi i"The walls of the lighthouse are made of thick glass, but many of the panes are cracked or broken, letting the waves and weather in. The floor is knee-deep in cold seawater. A completely submerged staircase leads down into the depths.0F[ii00000@;0Fi i"The ocean has invaded this large, round room. Sand covers the floor, and tendrils of seaweed reach in from an opening in the wall to the west. A curving stairway leads up.0F[ii@200U; [ Fii[@5U;["Deep Waters""[ 00U; [ Fii[@TU;["Pumping Station"!one of the sprouts and pull "[ 000000@Z0Fii"Part of the ceiling must have collapsed in this room a long time ago. The floor is covered with sand and muck, and a hallway that must have led to other rooms0F[ii0@Q0U; [ Fii[@TU;["Captain's Cabin"/orange-and-purple swirled pearl telescope "[ 00@e00000Fii"This must once have been the captain's cabin. Although most of the furniture is wrecked, a large map of the Alabaz Archipelago still hangs intact on one wall, rippling slightly in the water. A large hole in the starboard0F[ii0Fii"cDown here in the deep, the water is murky and cold. The black rocks of the cliff rise high abo0F[ii0Fii" Now that0F[ii0Fi i"The ocean has invade0T[ii0000000Fi i "The walls of this octagonal room are made of thick glass, but many of the panes are cracked or broken, letting the waves and weather in. The floor is knee-deep in cold seawater. A completely submerged staircase leads down into the depths.0F@,@5@T@h@]@>@G[ @)@2@Q@e@Z@;@D"Green PearlU;[[ U;["Festive Docks""[ 00U; [ Fii[U;["Presidential Balcony""[ 0000U; [ Fii[U;["Entrance Tunnel""[ @0U; [ Fii[@0[ii000U; [ Fii[U;["Public Square""[ U; [ Fii[@@|[ii0@0U; [ Fii[@U;[" Stables""[ @000U; [ Fii[@U;["Starting Line""[ @000U; [ Fii[@U;["Winner's Circle""[ @U; [ Fii[@@[ii000000Fii "@You are standing on a raised dais at the far end of the tra0F[ii000Fii "WThe track begins here, where a broad, white line has been painted across the dirt.0F[ii000Fii"zThe stables are cool and shady, and the hay piled in the corners of the room gives off a sweet, musty odor. A small d0F[ii@00Fii":Crowds of people mill around this wide square, gather0F@[ii0Fi i"The wall of the Coliseum is so thick that the entrance forms a long tunnel between the outside and the inside. The roaring sound you heard outside is even louder in here. Visitors are constantly pouring in from the west, all of them heading through a turnstile to the east.0F@[ii0@0Fi i"From this broad, high balcony, you can see the entire arena spread out before you. A stairway to the south leads back down to the ground level.0F@|[ii0@000Fii"?Brightly colored flags flap in the breeze on either side o0F@@@@@@[@@@@@@@@@"Striped PearlU;[[ U;["Rickety Dock""[ 000000U; [ Fii[U;["Barren Field""[ 00@000U; [ Fii[@U;["Greenhouse" buttons"[ 0U; [ Fii[U;["Jungle Clearing (Maze)""[ 00U; [ Fii[@@[ii000@0Fii""F@[ii@00000Fii"Pale sunlight shines through the glass walls and ceiling of this small building, keeping the inside warm and dry. All of the plants must have withered away long ago, but there is a row of old seed dispensers along one wall, and next to them a rusty spigot. You can leave to the e"F[ii0Fii"You are standing in the middle of a barren field of dirt. The dirt stretches out to the horizon in every direction, flat and featureless. To the east is the dock, and some distance to the west you can make out what looks like a little house made of0F@[ii@Fi i"HAn old, wooden walkway extends from the shore, its boards faded and0F@@@[ @@@@"Brown Pearli i