// Copyright (c) 2012, 2017 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #include "dump.h" #include "encode.h" #include "mem.h" extern VALUE Oj; bool string_writer_optimized = false; static void key_check(StrWriter sw, const char *key) { DumpType type = sw->types[sw->depth]; if (0 == key && (ObjectNew == type || ObjectType == type)) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Can not push onto an Object without a key."); } } static void push_type(StrWriter sw, DumpType type) { if (sw->types_end <= sw->types + sw->depth + 1) { size_t size = (sw->types_end - sw->types) * 2; OJ_R_REALLOC_N(sw->types, char, size); sw->types_end = sw->types + size; } sw->depth++; sw->types[sw->depth] = type; } static void maybe_comma(StrWriter sw) { switch (sw->types[sw->depth]) { case ObjectNew: sw->types[sw->depth] = ObjectType; break; case ArrayNew: sw->types[sw->depth] = ArrayType; break; case ObjectType: case ArrayType: // Always have a few characters available in the out.buf. *sw->out.cur++ = ','; break; } } // Used by stream writer also. void oj_str_writer_init(StrWriter sw, int buf_size) { sw->opts = oj_default_options; sw->depth = 0; sw->types = OJ_R_ALLOC_N(char, 256); sw->types_end = sw->types + 256; *sw->types = '\0'; sw->keyWritten = 0; if (0 == buf_size) { buf_size = 4096; } else if (buf_size < 1024) { buf_size = 1024; } // Must be allocated. Using the out.stack_buffer results in double frees // and I haven't figured out why yet. sw->out.buf = OJ_R_ALLOC_N(char, buf_size); sw->out.cur = sw->out.buf; sw->out.end = sw->out.buf + buf_size - BUFFER_EXTRA; sw->out.allocated = true; *sw->out.cur = '\0'; sw->out.circ_cache = NULL; sw->out.circ_cnt = 0; sw->out.hash_cnt = 0; sw->out.opts = &sw->opts; sw->out.indent = sw->opts.indent; sw->out.depth = 0; sw->out.argc = 0; sw->out.argv = NULL; sw->out.ropts = NULL; sw->out.omit_nil = oj_default_options.dump_opts.omit_nil; } void oj_str_writer_push_key(StrWriter sw, const char *key) { DumpType type = sw->types[sw->depth]; long size; if (sw->keyWritten) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Can not push more than one key before pushing a non-key."); } if (ObjectNew != type && ObjectType != type) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Can only push a key onto an Object."); } size = sw->depth * sw->out.indent + 3; assure_size(&sw->out, size); maybe_comma(sw); if (0 < sw->depth) { fill_indent(&sw->out, sw->depth); } oj_dump_cstr(key, strlen(key), 0, 0, &sw->out); *sw->out.cur++ = ':'; sw->keyWritten = 1; } void oj_str_writer_push_object(StrWriter sw, const char *key) { if (sw->keyWritten) { sw->keyWritten = 0; assure_size(&sw->out, 1); } else { long size; key_check(sw, key); size = sw->depth * sw->out.indent + 3; assure_size(&sw->out, size); maybe_comma(sw); if (0 < sw->depth) { fill_indent(&sw->out, sw->depth); } if (0 != key) { oj_dump_cstr(key, strlen(key), 0, 0, &sw->out); *sw->out.cur++ = ':'; } } *sw->out.cur++ = '{'; push_type(sw, ObjectNew); } void oj_str_writer_push_array(StrWriter sw, const char *key) { if (sw->keyWritten) { sw->keyWritten = 0; assure_size(&sw->out, 1); } else { long size; key_check(sw, key); size = sw->depth * sw->out.indent + 3; assure_size(&sw->out, size); maybe_comma(sw); if (0 < sw->depth) { fill_indent(&sw->out, sw->depth); } if (0 != key) { oj_dump_cstr(key, strlen(key), 0, 0, &sw->out); *sw->out.cur++ = ':'; } } *sw->out.cur++ = '['; push_type(sw, ArrayNew); } void oj_str_writer_push_value(StrWriter sw, VALUE val, const char *key) { Out out = &sw->out; if (sw->keyWritten) { sw->keyWritten = 0; } else { long size; key_check(sw, key); size = sw->depth * out->indent + 3; assure_size(out, size); maybe_comma(sw); if (0 < sw->depth) { fill_indent(&sw->out, sw->depth); } if (0 != key) { oj_dump_cstr(key, strlen(key), 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = ':'; } } switch (out->opts->mode) { case StrictMode: oj_dump_strict_val(val, sw->depth, out); break; case NullMode: oj_dump_null_val(val, sw->depth, out); break; case ObjectMode: oj_dump_obj_val(val, sw->depth, out); break; case CompatMode: oj_dump_compat_val(val, sw->depth, out, Yes == out->opts->to_json); break; case RailsMode: oj_dump_rails_val(val, sw->depth, out); break; case CustomMode: oj_dump_custom_val(val, sw->depth, out, true); break; default: oj_dump_custom_val(val, sw->depth, out, true); break; } } void oj_str_writer_push_json(StrWriter sw, const char *json, const char *key) { if (sw->keyWritten) { sw->keyWritten = 0; } else { long size; key_check(sw, key); size = sw->depth * sw->out.indent + 3; assure_size(&sw->out, size); maybe_comma(sw); if (0 < sw->depth) { fill_indent(&sw->out, sw->depth); } if (0 != key) { oj_dump_cstr(key, strlen(key), 0, 0, &sw->out); *sw->out.cur++ = ':'; } } oj_dump_raw(json, strlen(json), &sw->out); } void oj_str_writer_pop(StrWriter sw) { long size; DumpType type = sw->types[sw->depth]; if (sw->keyWritten) { sw->keyWritten = 0; rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Can not pop after writing a key but no value."); } sw->depth--; if (0 > sw->depth) { rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Can not pop with no open array or object."); } size = sw->depth * sw->out.indent + 2; assure_size(&sw->out, size); fill_indent(&sw->out, sw->depth); switch (type) { case ObjectNew: case ObjectType: *sw->out.cur++ = '}'; break; case ArrayNew: case ArrayType: *sw->out.cur++ = ']'; break; } if (0 == sw->depth && 0 <= sw->out.indent) { *sw->out.cur++ = '\n'; } } void oj_str_writer_pop_all(StrWriter sw) { while (0 < sw->depth) { oj_str_writer_pop(sw); } } static void str_writer_free(void *ptr) { StrWriter sw; if (0 == ptr) { return; } sw = (StrWriter)ptr; oj_out_free(&sw->out); OJ_R_FREE(sw->types); OJ_R_FREE(ptr); } /* Document-method: new * call-seq: new(io, options) * * Creates a new StringWriter. Options are supported according the the * specified mode or the mode in the default options. Note that if mimic_JSON * or Oj.optimize_rails has not been called then the behavior of the modes may * not be the same as if they were. * * In addition to the regular dump options for the various modes a * _:buffer_size_ option is available. It should be set to a positive * integer. It is considered a hint of how large the initial internal buffer * should be. * * - *io* [_IO_] stream to write to * - *options* [_Hash_] formatting options */ static VALUE str_writer_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = OJ_R_ALLOC(struct _strWriter); oj_str_writer_init(sw, 0); if (1 == argc) { oj_parse_options(argv[0], &sw->opts); } sw->out.argc = argc - 1; sw->out.argv = argv + 1; sw->out.indent = sw->opts.indent; return Data_Wrap_Struct(oj_string_writer_class, 0, str_writer_free, sw); } /* Document-method: push_key * call-seq: push_key(key) * * Pushes a key onto the JSON document. The key will be used for the next push * if currently in a JSON object and ignored otherwise. If a key is provided on * the next push then that new key will be ignored. * - *key* [_String_] the key pending for the next push */ static VALUE str_writer_push_key(VALUE self, VALUE key) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); oj_str_writer_push_key(sw, StringValuePtr(key)); return Qnil; } /* Document-method: push_object * call-seq: push_object(key=nil) * * Pushes an object onto the JSON document. Future pushes will be to this object * until a pop() is called. * - *key* [_String_] the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_object(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); switch (argc) { case 0: oj_str_writer_push_object(sw, 0); break; case 1: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_object(sw, 0); } else { oj_str_writer_push_object(sw, StringValuePtr(argv[0])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_object'."); break; } if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(Qnil); oj_str_writer_pop(sw); } return Qnil; } /* Document-method: push_array * call-seq: push_array(key=nil) * * Pushes an array onto the JSON document. Future pushes will be to this object * until a pop() is called. * - *key* [_String_] the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_array(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); switch (argc) { case 0: oj_str_writer_push_array(sw, 0); break; case 1: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_array(sw, 0); } else { oj_str_writer_push_array(sw, StringValuePtr(argv[0])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_object'."); break; } if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(Qnil); oj_str_writer_pop(sw); } return Qnil; } /* Document-method: push_value * call-seq: push_value(value, key=nil) * * Pushes a value onto the JSON document. * - *value* [_Object_] value to add to the JSON document * - *key* [_String_] the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_value(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { switch (argc) { case 1: oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, 0); break; case 2: if (Qnil == argv[1]) { oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, 0); } else { oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, StringValuePtr(argv[1])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_value'."); break; } return Qnil; } /* Document-method: push_json * call-seq: push_json(value, key=nil) * * Pushes a string onto the JSON document. The String must be a valid JSON * encoded string. No additional checking is done to verify the validity of the * string. * - *value* [_Object_] value to add to the JSON document * - *key* [_String_] the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { switch (argc) { case 1: oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), 0); break; case 2: if (Qnil == argv[1]) { oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), 0); } else { oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), StringValuePtr(argv[1])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_json'."); break; } return Qnil; } /* Document-method: pop * call-seq: pop() * * Pops up a level in the JSON document closing the array or object that is * currently open. */ static VALUE str_writer_pop(VALUE self) { oj_str_writer_pop((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; } /* Document-method: pop_all * call-seq: pop_all() * * Pops all level in the JSON document closing all the array or object that is * currently open. */ static VALUE str_writer_pop_all(VALUE self) { oj_str_writer_pop_all((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; } /* Document-method: reset * call-seq: reset() * * Reset the writer back to the empty state. */ static VALUE str_writer_reset(VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); sw->depth = 0; *sw->types = '\0'; sw->keyWritten = 0; sw->out.cur = sw->out.buf; *sw->out.cur = '\0'; return Qnil; } /* Document-method: to_s * call-seq: to_s() * * Returns the JSON document string in what ever state the construction is at. * * *return* [_String_] */ static VALUE str_writer_to_s(VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); VALUE rstr = rb_str_new(sw->out.buf, sw->out.cur - sw->out.buf); return oj_encode(rstr); } /* Document-method: as_json * call-seq: as_json() * * Returns the contents of the writer as a JSON element. If called from inside * an array or hash by Oj the raw buffer will be used othersize a more * inefficient parse of the contents and a return of the result is * completed. The parse uses the strict mode. * * *return* [_Hash_|_Array_|_String_|_Integer_|_Float_|_True_|_False_|_nil|) */ static VALUE str_writer_as_json(VALUE self) { if (string_writer_optimized) { return self; } return rb_hash_new(); } /* Document-class: Oj::StringWriter * * Supports building a JSON document one element at a time. Build the document * by pushing values into the document. Pushing an array or an object will * create that element in the JSON document and subsequent pushes will add the * elements to that array or object until a pop() is called. When complete * calling to_s() will return the JSON document. Note that calling to_s() before * construction is complete will return the document in it's current state. */ void oj_string_writer_init(void) { oj_string_writer_class = rb_define_class_under(Oj, "StringWriter", rb_cObject); rb_gc_register_address(&oj_string_writer_class); rb_undef_alloc_func(oj_string_writer_class); rb_define_module_function(oj_string_writer_class, "new", str_writer_new, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_key", str_writer_push_key, 1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_object", str_writer_push_object, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_array", str_writer_push_array, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_value", str_writer_push_value, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_json", str_writer_push_json, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "pop", str_writer_pop, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "pop_all", str_writer_pop_all, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "reset", str_writer_reset, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "to_s", str_writer_to_s, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "raw_json", str_writer_to_s, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "as_json", str_writer_as_json, 0); }