require_relative 'compiler/buffer.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/comment.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/control.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/define.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/doctype.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/eval.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/filter.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/node.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/root.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/text.rb'
require_relative 'compiler/yield.rb'

# @Opulent
module Opulent
  # @Compiler
  class Compiler
    BUFFER = :@_opulent_buffer

    OPULENT_KEY = :_opulent_key
    OPULENT_VALUE = :_opulent_value

    # All node Objects (Array) must follow the next convention in order
    # to make parsing faster
    # [:node_type, :value, :attributes, :children, :indent]
    # @param path [String] Current file path needed for include nodes
    def initialize(settings = {})
      # Setup convention accessors
      @type = 0
      @value = 1
      @options = 2
      @children = 3
      @indent = 4

      # Inherit settings from Engine
      @settings = settings

      # Get special node types from the settings
      @multi_node = Settings::MULTI_NODE
      @inline_node = Settings::INLINE_NODE

      # Initialize amble object
      @template = [[:preamble]]

      # Incrmental counters
      @current_variable_count = 0
      @current_attribute = 0
      @current_extension = 0
      @current_definition = 0

      # The node stack is needed to keep track of all the visited nodes
      # from the current branch level
      @node_stack = []

      # The sibling stack keeps track of the sibling count from the current
      # branch level being generated
      @sibling_stack = []

      # Whenever we enter a definition compilation, add the provided blocks to
      # the current block stack. When exiting a definition, remove blocks.
      @block_stack = []

    # Compile input nodes, replace them with their definitions and
    # @param root_node [Array] Root node containing all document nodes
    def compile(root_node, definitions = {})
      # Compiler generated code
      @code = ''
      @generator = ''
      @definitions = definitions

      # Set initial parent, from which we start generating code
      @sibling_stack << root_node[@children].size

      # Write all node definitions as method defs
      @definitions.each do |_, node|
        define node

      # Start building up the code from the root node
      root_node[@children].each do |child|
        root child, 0

      @template << [:postamble]


    # Remove the last newline from the current code buffer
    def remove_trailing_newline
      @code.chop! if @code[-1] == "\n"

    # Indent all lines of the input text using give indentation
    # @param text [String] Input text to be indented
    # @param indent [String] Indentation string to be appended
    def indent_lines(text, indent)
      text ||= '' { |line| indent + line }.join

    # Give an explicit error report where an unexpected sequence of tokens
    # appears and give indications on how to solve it
    # @param context [Symbol] Context name in which the error happens
    # @param data [Array] Additional error information
    def self.error(context, *data)
      message = case context
                when :enumerable
                  "The provided each structure iteration input \"#{data[0]}\"" \
                  ' is not Enumerable.'
                when :binding
                  data[0] = data[0].to_s.match(/\`(.*)\'/)
                  data[0] = data[0][1] if data[0]
                  "Found an undefined local variable or method \"#{data[0]}\"."
                when :variable_name
                  data[0] = data[0].to_s.match(/\`(.*)\'/)[1]
                  "Found an undefined local variable or method \"#{data[0]}\"" \
                  ' in locals.'
                when :extension
                  "The extension sequence \"#{data[0]}\" is not a valid " \
                  'attributes extension. Please use a Hash to extend ' \
                when :filter_registered
                  "The \"#{data[0]}\" filter could not be recognized by " \
                when :filter_load
                  "The gem required for the \"#{data[0]}\" filter is not " \
                  "installed. You can install it by running:\n\n#{data[1]}"

      # Reconstruct lines to display where errors occur
      fail "\n\nOpulent " +'[Runtime Error]') + "\n---\n" \
      'A runtime error has been encountered when building the compiled ' \
      " node tree.\n #{message}\n\n\n"