--- regenerate: false permalink: /501.html exclude_from_search: true --- {% capture j1_cache %} {% comment %} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/http_error_pages/HTTP501.html # Liquid TEMPLATE to generate customized HTML error pages: 501 - Not Implemented # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2021 Juergen Adams # Copyright (C) 2020 Andi Dittrich # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/J1 Template/blob/master/LICENSE # HttpErrorPages are licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/AndiDittrich/HttpErrorPages # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test data: # liquid_var: {{ liquid_var | debug }} # config: {{ config | debug }} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign title = "Uups | Not Implemented" %} {% assign webmaster_email = site.webmaster.email %} {% assign copyright_info = site.copyright %} {% assign favicon = site.favicon.image %} {% assign images_dir = site.asciidoc_attributes.imagesdir %} {% assign brand_text = site.brand.text %} {% assign brand_image_source = site.brand.image %} {% assign brand_image_height = site.brand.image_height %} {% capture brand_image %}{{images_dir}}/{{brand_image_source}}{% endcapture %} {{title}} {{brand_text}}

Not Implemented 501

The Webserver cannot recognize the request method.

{% endcapture %} {{ j1_cache | strip_empty_lines }} {% assign j1_cache = nil %}