unknown_global_method: src: "system('echo date')" res: "unknown method 'system(String)' for RubyLessTest." bad_argument_types: src: "strftime(34,'ffoo')" res: "unknown method 'strftime(Number, String)' for RubyLessTest." zero_div: src: "1/(id-10)" tem: "(1/(node.zip-10) rescue nil)" res: "" looping: src: "while(true) do puts 'flood' end" res: "'while' not available in RubyLess." add_two_strings: src: "name + 14" res: "unknown method '+(Number)' for 'node.name' of type String." two_arguments_in_hash: src: "dictionary[:one, :two]" res: "unknown method '[](Symbol, Symbol)' for 'get_dict' of type StringDictionary." number_argument: src: "dictionary[43]" res: "unknown method '[](Number)' for 'get_dict' of type StringDictionary." string_argument: src: "dictionary[spouse.name]" res: "unknown method '[](String)' for 'get_dict' of type StringDictionary." symbol_type_not_used_out_of_helper: src: "node.foo" tem: "unknown method 'foo()' for 'node' of type Dummy." optional_arguments_with_dynamic_string: src: "spouse.width(\"nice#{spouse.name}\" => 'pv')" tem: "Invalid key type for hash (should be a literal value, was :dstr)" optional_arguments_bad_type: src: "width(:mode => 12)" res: "unknown method 'width(:mode=>Number)' for RubyLessTest." optional_arguments_bad_argument: src: "width(:xyz => 'pv')" res: "unknown method 'width(:xyz=>String)' for RubyLessTest." hash_arguments_wrong_type: src: "hash_args('name' => 45)" tem: "unknown method 'hash_args(\"name\"=>Number)' for RubyLessTest." mixed_array: src: "[3, '4']" tem: 'Mixed Array not supported ([Number,String]).' hash_odd_keys_syntax_error: src: '{text}' tem: 'Syntax error' syntax_error: src: "3 * / * 5" tem: "/nterminated string meets end of file/" no_lasagna_in_rubyless: src: "foo = system" tem: "'lasgn' not available in RubyLess." call_on_class: src: "Page.name" tem: "unknown method 'name()' for 'Page' of type Class." unknown_constant: src: "RubyLess" tem: "Unknown constant 'RubyLess'." ternary_operator: src: "@foo ? 'xx' : 15" tem: "/Error in conditional expression.*String != Number/" unknown_method_in_list_ctx: src: "list.upcase" tem: "unknown method 'upcase()' for 'list' of type [String]."