# frozen_string_literal: true class HtmlInput # if you call .memo which is not existant, it translates to .as_memo with opts_prepare first # def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) # opts_prepare *args # send "as_#{meth}" # end ############################# # custom fields definitions # ############################# def as_string @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:autocomplete] ||= 'off' @opts.tag(:input) end alias :as_text :as_string def as_password @opts[:type] = 'password' @opts.tag(:input) end def as_hidden @opts[:type] = 'hidden' @opts.tag(:input) end def as_file @opts[:type] = 'file' @opts.tag(:input) end def as_textarea val = @opts.delete(:value) || '' val = val.join($/) if val.is_array? comp_style = val.split(/\n/).length + val.length/100 comp_style = 6 if comp_style < 6 comp_style = 15 if comp_style > 15 @opts[:style] = "height:#{comp_style*20}px; #{@opts[:style]};" @opts.tag(:textarea, val) end alias :as_memo :as_textarea def as_checkbox id = Lux.current.uid hidden = { :name=>@opts.delete(:name), :type=>:hidden, :value=>@opts[:value] ? 1 : 0, :id=>id } @opts[:type] = :checkbox @opts[:onclick] = "document.getElementById('#{id}').value=this.checked ? 1 : 0; #{@opts[:onclick]}" @opts[:checked] = @opts.delete(:value) ? 1 : nil @opts.tag(:input)+hidden.tag(:input) end def as_checkboxes body = [] collection = @opts.delete(:collection) @opts[:type] = :checkbox null = @opts.delete(:null) value = @opts.delete(:value).to_s body.push %[] if null prepare_collection(collection).each do |el| opts = @opts.dup opts[:value] = el[0] opts[:checked] = true if value == el[0].to_s body.push %[] end '
' % body.join("\n") end def as_select body = [] collection = @opts.delete(:collection) @opts[:class] ||= 'form-select' if nullval = @opts.delete(:null) body.push %[] if nullval end for el in prepare_collection(collection) body.push(%[]) end body = body.join("\n") @opts.tag(:select, body) end def as_radio return as_radios if @opts[:collection] @opts[:type] = :radio @opts[:checked] = @opts[:value] == @object.send(@name) ? true : nil @opts.tag(:input) end def as_radios body = [] collection = @opts.delete(:collection) @opts[:type] = :radio null = @opts.delete(:null) value = @opts.delete(:value).to_s body.push %[] if null prepare_collection(collection).each do |el| opts = @opts.dup opts[:value] = el[0] opts[:checked] = true if value == el[0].to_s body.push %[] end '
' % body.join("\n") end def as_tag @opts[:value] = @opts[:value].or([]).join(', ') if ['Array', 'Sequel::Postgres::PGArray'].index(@opts[:value].class.name) @opts[:id] ||= Lux.current.uid @opts[:type] = :text @opts[:onkeyup] = %[draw_tag('#{@opts[:id]}')] @opts[:autocomplete] ||= 'off' @opts[:style] = ['display: block; width: 100%;', @opts[:style]].join(';') ret = %[ ] ret += @opts.tag(:input) ret += %[
] ret += %[] ret end def as_date @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:style] = 'width: 120px; display: inline;' @opts[:value] = @opts[:value].strftime('%d.%m.%Y') rescue @opts[:value] @opts[:autocomplete] = :off ret = @opts.tag(:input) ret += ' • %s' % Time.ago(Time.parse(@opts[:value])) if @opts[:value].present? && !@opts.delete(:no_ago) # ret += ' • %s' % @opts[:hint] ret + %[] end def as_datetime value = @opts[:value] id = @opts[:id] value_day = value ? value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') : '' value_time = value ? value.strftime('%H:%M') : '' value_all = value ? value.strftime('%H:%M') : '' base = { class: 'form-control', onchange: "datetime_set('#{id}');", style: 'width: 160px; display: inline;' } input_day = base.merge({ type: :date, id: '%s_day' % id, value: value_day }).tag :input input_time = base.merge({ style: 'width: 110px; display: inline;', type: :time, id: '%s_time' % id, value: value_time }).tag :input input_all = base.merge({ style: 'width: 150px; display: inline;', type: :text, id: id, name: @opts[:name], onfocus: 'blur();' }).tag :input script = %[] desc = value ? '—' + Time.ago(value) : '' [input_day, input_time, input_all, script, desc].join(' ') end def as_datebuttons @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:style] = 'width:100px; display:inline;' @opts[:id] = "date_#{Lux.current.uid}" id = "##{@opts[:id]}" ret = @opts.tag(:input) ret += %[ ] for el in [1, 3, 7, 14, 30] date = DateTime.now+el.days name = el.to_s name += " (#{date.strftime('%a')})" if el < 7 ret += %[ ] end ret end def as_user button_text = if @opts[:value].to_i > 0 usr = User.find(@opts[:value]) "#{usr.name} (#{usr.email})" else 'Select user' end @opts[:style] = "width:auto;#{@opts[:style]};" @opts[:onclick] = %[Dialog.render(this,'Select user', '/part/users/single_user?product_id=#{@object.bucket_id}');return false;] @opts.tag :button, button_text end def as_photo @opts[:type] = 'hidden' if @opts[:value].present? img = Photo.find(@opts[:value]) @image = %[ ×] end picker = @opts.tag(:input) %[Select photo#{picker}#{@image}] end def as_photos @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:style] = 'width:150px; display:inline;' @opts[:class] += ' mutiple' @images = [] if @opts[:value].present? for el in @opts[:value].split(',').uniq img = Photo.find(el.to_i) rescue next @images.push %[ ] end end picker = @opts.tag(:input) %[Add photo #{picker}
#{@images.join(' ')}
] end def as_admin_password @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:style] = 'display:none;' @opts[:value] = '' ret = @opts.tag(:input) %[Set pass #{ret}] end def as_color value = @opts[:value] @opts[:style] ||= 'width:150px; float: left; margin-right: 10px;' as_text + %[] end def as_array_values name = @opts[:name] ret = [] values = @opts[:value].kind_of?(String) ? @opts[:value].split(',') : @opts[:value] for el in @opts[:collection] ret.push %[] end ret.join('') end def as_pass value = @opts[:value] id = @opts[:id] @opts[:value] = '' @opts[:style] = 'width:200px; display:inline;' ret = @opts.tag(:input) %[#{value.present? ? 'Change' : 'Set'} password] end def as_image @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:style] = 'width:350px; float:left;' @opts[:autocomplete] ||= 'off' input = @opts.tag(:input) path_name = 'image_upload_dialog' input += %[upload] if @opts[:value].present? input = %[ #{input}] input += %[

...] end '' + input end def as_geo @opts[:type] = 'text' @opts[:style] = 'width:200px; float:left;' ret = @opts.tag(:input) ret += %[  Show on map] end def as_html_trix %[
] end def as_button_select body = ['
'] collection = @opts.delete(:collection) for el in prepare_collection(collection) opts = { class:'btn btn-sm' } ap "#{@opts[:name]} - #{@opts[:value]} == #{el[0]}" opts[:class] += ' btn-primary' if @opts[:value].to_s == el[0].to_s opts[:onclick] = "$(this).parent().find('.btn').removeClass('btn-primary'); $(this).addClass('btn-primary').blur(); $(this).addClass('btn-primary').blur();" opts[:onclick] += @opts[:onclick] ? "(#{@opts[:onclick].sub(/;\s*$/,'')})('#{el[0]}')" : "$('##{@opts[:id]}').val('#{el[0]}')" opts[:onclick] += '; return false;' body.push opts.tag(:button, el[1]) end body.push '
' body.push @opts.pluck(:name, :id, :value).merge(type: :hidden).tag(:input) body.join('') end def as_address val = @opts[:value] @opts[:style] ||= 'height:55px; width:250px; float: left; margin-right:5px;' ret = as_textarea ret += %[
open in new window
] if val.to_s.length > 5 ret end def as_images path_name = defined?(Storage) ? :storages : :images val = @opts[:value].to_s ret = as_memo ret += '
' ret += val.split("\n").map{ |url| %[] }.join(' ') ret += %[add image] ret end def as_disabled @opts[:disabled] = true @opts.delete(:name) as_text end end