require 'rbbt/tsv' require 'rbbt/association/open' require 'rbbt/association/item' module Association def self.index(file, options = nil, persist_options = nil) options = options.nil? ? {} : options.dup persist_options = persist_options.nil? ? Misc.pull_keys(options, :persist) : persist_options.dup persist_options = Misc.add_defaults persist_options.dup, :persist => true persist = persist_options[:persist] file = version_file(file, options[:namespace]) if options[:namespace] and String === file Persist.persist_tsv(file, "Association Index", options, persist_options.merge(:engine => "BDB")) do |data| options = Misc.add_defaults options.dup, :monitor => "Building index for #{Misc.fingerprint file}" recycle = options[:recycle] undirected = options[:undirected] persist_options[:file] = persist_options[:file] + '.database' if persist_options[:file] database = open(file, options, persist_options.dup.merge(:engine => "HDB")) source_field = database.key_field fields = database.fields target_field = fields.first.split(":").last undirected = true if undirected.nil? and source_field == target_field key_field = [source_field, target_field, undirected ? "undirected" : nil].compact * "~" TSV.setup(data, :key_field => key_field, :fields => fields[1..-1], :type => :list, :serializer => :list) data.key_field = key_field data.fields = fields[1..-1] data.type = :list data.serializer = :list database.with_unnamed do database.with_monitor(options[:monitor]) do database.through do |source, values| case database.type when :single values = [[values]] when :list values = values.collect{|v| [v] } when :flat values = [values] end next if values.empty? next if source.nil? or source.empty? next if values.empty? targets, *rest = values size = targets ? targets.length : 0 rest.each_with_index do |list,i| list.replace [list.first] * size if list.length == 1 end if recycle and size > 1 rest = Misc.zip_fields rest annotations = rest.length > 1 ? : * targets.length) annotations.each do |target, info| next if target.nil? or target.empty? key = [source, target] * "~" if data[key].nil? or info.nil? data[key] = info else old_info = data[key] info ={|p| p * ";;" } data[key] = info end if undirected reverse_key = [target,source] * "~" data[reverse_key] = info unless data.include? reverse_key end end end end end end.tap do |data| if not Hash === data and data.respond_to? :read Association::Index.setup data data.entity_options = options[:entity_options] if options[:entity_options] data end end module Index attr_accessor :source_field, :target_field, :undirected def parse_key_field @source_field, @target_field, @undirected = key_field.split("~") end def self.setup(repo) repo.extend Association::Index repo.parse_key_field repo.unnamed = true repo end def reverse @reverse ||= begin if self.respond_to? :persistence_path persistence_path = self.persistence_path persistence_path = persistence_path.find if Path === persistence_path reverse_filename = persistence_path + '.reverse' else raise "Can only reverse a TokyoCabinet::BDB dataset at the time" end if File.exists?(reverse_filename) new = Persist.open_tokyocabinet(reverse_filename, false, serializer, TokyoCabinet::BDB) raise "Index has no info: #{reverse_filename}" if new.key_field.nil? Association::Index.setup new new else FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(reverse_filename) unless File.exists?(File.dirname(reverse_filename)) new = Persist.open_tokyocabinet(reverse_filename, true, serializer, TokyoCabinet::BDB) self.with_unnamed do self.with_monitor :desc => "Reversing #{ persistence_path }" do self.through do |key, value| new_key = key.split("~").reverse.join("~") new[new_key] = value end end end annotate(new) new.key_field = key_field.split("~").values_at(1,0,2).compact * "~" new.read_and_close do Association::Index.setup new end end new.unnamed = true new.undirected = undirected new rescue Exception Log.error "Deleting after error reversing database: #{ reverse_filename }" FileUtils.rm reverse_filename if File.exists? reverse_filename raise $! end end def match(entity) return entity.inject([]){|acc,e| acc.concat match(e); acc } if Array === entity return [] if entity.nil? prefix(entity + "~") end def matches(entities) entities.inject(nil) do |acc,e| m = match(e); if acc.nil? or acc.empty? acc = m else acc.concat m end acc end end def to_matrix(value_field = nil, &block) value_field = fields.first if value_field.nil? and fields.length == 1 value_pos = identify_field value_field if value_field and String === value_field key_field = source_field tsv = if value_pos AssociationItem.incidence self.keys, key_field do |key| if block_given? yield self[key][value_pos] else self[key][value_pos] end end elsif block_given? AssociationItem.incidence self.keys, key_field, &block else AssociationItem.incidence self.keys, key_field end end #{{{ Subset def subset(source, target) return [] if source.nil? or target.nil? or source.empty? or target.empty? if source == :all or source == "all" if target == :all or target == "all" return keys else matches = reverse.subset(target, source) return matches.collect{|m| r = m.partition "~"; r.reverse*"" } end end matches = source.uniq.inject([]){|acc,e| if block_given? acc.concat(match(e)) else acc.concat(match(e)) end } return matches if target == :all or target == "all" target_matches = {} matches.each{|code| s,sep,t = code.partition "~" next if undirected and t > s target_matches[t] ||= [] target_matches[t] << code } target_matches.values_at(*target.uniq).flatten.compact end end end