require 'opal/lexer' require 'opal/grammar' require 'opal/scope' module Opal # This class is used to generate the javascript code from the given # ruby code. First, this class will use an instance of `Opal::Grammar` # to lex and then build up a tree of sexp statements. Once done, the # top level sexp is passed into `#top` which recursively generates # javascript for each sexp inside, and the result is returned as a # string. # # p = # p.parse "puts 42" # # => "(function() { ... })()" # # ## Sexps # # A sexp, in opal, is an array where the first value is a symbol # identifying the type of sexp. A simple ruby string "hello" would # be represented by the sexp: # # s(:str, "hello") # # Once that sexp is encounterd by the parser, it is handled by # `#process` which removes the sexp type from the array, and checks # for a method "process_str", which is used to handle specific sexps. # Once found, that method is called with the sexp and level as # arguments, and the returned string is the javascript to be used in # the resulting file. # # ## Levels # # A level inside the parser is just a symbol representing what type # of destination the code to be generated is for. For example, the # main two levels are `:stmt` and `:expr`. Most sexps generate the # same code for every level, but an `if` statement for example # will change when written as an expression. Javascript cannot have # if statements as expressions, so that sexp would wrap its result # inside an anonymous function so the if statement can compile as # expected. class Parser # Generated code gets indented with two spaces on each scope INDENT = ' ' # Expressions are handled at diffferent levels. Some sexps # need to know the js expression they are generating into. LEVEL = [:stmt, :stmt_closure, :list, :expr, :recv] # All compare method nodes - used to optimize performance of # math comparisons COMPARE = %w[< > <= >=] # Reserved javascript keywords - we cannot create variables with the # same name RESERVED = %w( break case catch continue debugger default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch this throw try typeof var let void while with class enum export extends import super true false native const ) # Statements which should not have ';' added to them. STATEMENTS = [:xstr, :dxstr] # The grammar (tree of sexps) representing this compiled code # @return [Opal::Grammar] attr_reader :grammar # Holds an array of paths which this file "requires". # @return [Array] attr_reader :requires # This does the actual parsing. The ruby code given is first # run through a `Grammar` instance which returns a sexp to # process. This is then handled recursively, resulting in a # string of javascript being returned. # # p = # p.parse "puts 'hey'" # # => "(function() { .... })()" # # @param [String] source the ruby code to parse # @param [String] file the filename representing this code # @return [String] string of javascript code def parse(source, file = '(file)') @grammar = @requires = [] @file = file @line = 1 @indent = '' @unique = 0 @helpers = { :breaker => true, :slice => true } top @grammar.parse(source, file) end # This is called when a parsing/processing error occurs. This # method simply appends the filename and curent line number onto # the message and raises it. # # parser.error "bad variable name" # # => raise "bad variable name :foo.rb:26" # # @param [String] msg error message to raise def error(msg) raise "#{msg} :#{@file}:#{@line}" end # Instances of `Scope` can use this to determine the current # scope indent. The indent is used to keep generated code easily # readable. # # @return [String] def parser_indent @indent end # Create a new sexp using the given parts. Even though this just # returns an array, it must be used incase the internal structure # of sexps does change. # # s(:str, "hello there") # # => [:str, "hello there"] # # @result [Array] def s(*parts) sexp = sexp.line = @line sexp end # Converts a ruby method name into its javascript equivalent for # a method/function call. All ruby method names get prefixed with # a '$', and if the name is a valid javascript identifier, it will # have a '.' prefix (for dot-calling), otherwise it will be # wrapped in brackets to use reference notation calling. # # mid_to_jsid('foo') # => ".$foo" # mid_to_jsid('class') # => ".$class" # mid_to_jsid('==') # => "['$==']" # mid_to_jsid('name=') # => "['$name=']" # # @param [String] mid ruby method id # @return [String] def mid_to_jsid(mid) if /\=|\+|\-|\*|\/|\!|\?|\<|\>|\&|\||\^|\%|\~|\[/ =~ mid.to_s "['$#{mid}']" else '.$' + mid end end # Used to generate a unique id name per file. These are used # mainly to name method bodies for methods that use blocks. # # @return [String] def unique_temp "TMP_#{@unique += 1}" end # Generate the code for the top level sexp, i.e. the root sexp # for a file. This is used directly by `#parse`. It pushes a # ":top" scope onto the stack and handles the passed in sexp. # The result is a string of javascript representing the sexp. # # @param [Array] sexp the sexp to process # @return [String] def top(sexp, options = {}) code = nil vars = [] in_scope(:top) do indent { code = @indent + process(s(:scope, sexp), :stmt) } @scope.add_temp "__opal = Opal" @scope.add_temp "self =" @scope.add_temp "__scope = __opal" @scope.add_temp "nil = __opal.nil" @scope.add_temp "def = #{current_self}._klass.prototype" if @scope.defines_defn @helpers.keys.each { |h| @scope.add_temp "__#{h} = __opal.#{h}" } code = INDENT + @scope.to_vars + "\n" + code end "(function() {\n#{ code }\n})();" end # Every time the parser enters a new scope, this is called with # the scope type as an argument. Valid types are `:top` for the # top level/file scope; `:class`, `:module` and `:sclass` for the # obvious ruby classes/modules; `:def` and `:iter` for methods # and blocks respectively. # # This method just pushes a new instance of `Opal::Scope` onto the # stack, sets the new scope as the `@scope` variable, and yields # the given block. Once the block returns, the old scope is put # back on top of the stack. # # in_scope(:class) do # # generate class body in here # body = "..." # end # # # use body result.. # # @param [Symbol] type the type of scope # @return [nil] def in_scope(type) return unless block_given? parent = @scope @scope =, self).tap { |s| s.parent = parent } yield @scope @scope = parent end # To keep code blocks nicely indented, this will yield a block after # adding an extra layer of indent, and then returning the resulting # code after reverting the indent. # # indented_code = indent do # "foo" # end # # @result [String] def indent(&block) indent = @indent @indent += INDENT @space = "\n#@indent" res = yield @indent = indent @space = "\n#@indent" res end # Temporary varibales will be needed from time to time in the # generated code, and this method will assign (or reuse) on # while the block is yielding, and queue it back up once it is # finished. Variables are queued once finished with to save the # numbers of variables needed at runtime. # # with_temp do |tmp| # "tmp = 'value';" # end # # @return [String] generated code withing block def with_temp(&block) tmp = @scope.new_temp res = yield tmp @scope.queue_temp tmp res end # Used when we enter a while statement. This pushes onto the current # scope's while stack so we know how to handle break, next etc. # # Usage: # # in_while do # # generate while body here. # end def in_while return unless block_given? @while_loop = @scope.push_while result = yield @scope.pop_while result end # Returns true if the parser is curently handling a while sexp, # false otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] def in_while? @scope.in_while? end # Processes a given sexp. This will send a method to the receiver # of the format "process_". Any sexp handler should # return a string of content. # # For example, calling `process` with `s(:lit, 42)` will call the # method `#process_lit`. If a method with that name cannot be # found, then an error is raised. # # process(s(:lit, 42), :stmt) # # => "42" # # @param [Array] sexp the sexp to process # @param [Symbol] level the level to process (see `LEVEL`) # @return [String] def process(sexp, level) type = sexp.shift meth = "process_#{type}" raise "Unsupported sexp: #{type}" unless respond_to? meth @line = sexp.line __send__ meth, sexp, level end # The last sexps in method bodies, for example, need to be returned # in the compiled javascript. Due to syntax differences between # javascript any ruby, some sexps need to be handled specially. For # example, `if` statemented cannot be returned in javascript, so # instead the "truthy" and "falsy" parts of the if statement both # need to be returned instead. # # Sexps that need to be returned are passed to this method, and the # alterned/new sexps are returned and should be used instead. Most # sexps can just be added into a s(:return) sexp, so that is the # default action if no special case is required. # # sexp = s(:str, "hey") # parser.returns(sexp) # # => s(:js_return, s(:str, "hey")) # # `s(:js_return)` is just a special sexp used to return the result # of processing its arguments. # # @param [Array] sexp the sexp to alter # @return [Array] altered sexp def returns(sexp) return returns s(:nil) unless sexp case sexp.first when :break, :next sexp when :yield sexp[0] = :returnable_yield sexp when :scope sexp[1] = returns sexp[1] sexp when :block if sexp.length > 1 sexp[-1] = returns sexp[-1] else sexp << returns(s(:nil)) end sexp when :when sexp[2] = returns(sexp[2]) sexp when :rescue sexp[1] = returns sexp[1] sexp when :ensure sexp[1] = returns sexp[1] sexp when :while # sexp[2] = returns(sexp[2]) sexp when :return sexp when :xstr sexp[1] = "return #{sexp[1]};" unless /return|;/ =~ sexp[1] sexp when :dxstr sexp[1] = "return #{sexp[1]}" unless /return|;|\n/ =~ sexp[1] sexp when :if sexp[2] = returns(sexp[2] || s(:nil)) sexp[3] = returns(sexp[3] || s(:nil)) sexp else s(:js_return, sexp).tap { |s| s.line = sexp.line } end end # Returns true if the given sexp is an expression. All expressions # will get ';' appended to their result, except for the statement # sexps. See `STATEMENTS` for a list of sexp names that are # statements. # # @param [Array] sexp the sexp to check # @return [Boolean] def expression?(sexp) !STATEMENTS.include?(sexp.first) end # More than one expression in a row will be grouped by the grammar # into a block sexp. A block sexp just holds any number of other # sexps. # # s(:block, s(:str, "hey"), s(:lit, 42)) # # A block can actually be empty. As opal requires real values to # be returned (to appease javascript values), a nil sexp # s(:nil) will be generated if the block is empty. # # @return [String] def process_block(sexp, level) result = [] sexp << s(:nil) if sexp.empty? until sexp.empty? stmt = sexp.shift type = stmt.first # find any inline yield statements if yasgn = find_inline_yield(stmt) result << "#{process(yasgn, level)};" end expr = expression?(stmt) and LEVEL.index(level) < LEVEL.index(:list) code = process(stmt, level) result << (expr ? "#{code};" : code) unless code == "" end result.join(@scope.class_scope? ? "\n\n#@indent" : "\n#@indent") end # When a block sexp gets generated, any inline yields (i.e. yield # statements that are not direct members of the block) need to be # generated as a top level member. This is because if a yield # is returned by a break statement, then the method must return. # # As inline expressions in javascript cannot return, the block # must be rewritten. # # For example, a yield inside an array: # # [1, 2, 3, yield(4)] # # Must be rewitten into: # # tmp = yield 4 # [1, 2, 3, tmp] # # This rewriting happens on sexps directly. # # @param [Sexp] stmt sexps to (maybe) rewrite # @return [Sexp] def find_inline_yield(stmt) found = nil case stmt.first when :js_return found = find_inline_yield stmt[1] when :array stmt[1..-1].each_with_index do |el, idx| if el.first == :yield found = el stmt[idx+1] = s(:js_tmp, '__yielded') end end when :call arglist = stmt[3] arglist[1..-1].each_with_index do |el, idx| if el.first == :yield found = el arglist[idx+1] = s(:js_tmp, '__yielded') end end end if found @scope.add_temp '__yielded' unless @scope.has_temp? '__yielded' s(:yasgn, '__yielded', found) end end def process_scope(sexp, level) stmt = sexp.shift if stmt stmt = returns stmt unless @scope.class_scope? code = process stmt, :stmt else code = "nil" end code end # s(:js_return, sexp) def process_js_return(sexp, level) "return #{process sexp.shift, :expr}" end # s(:js_tmp, str) def process_js_tmp(sexp, level) sexp.shift.to_s end def process_operator(sexp, level) meth, recv, arg = sexp mid = mid_to_jsid meth.to_s if @parser_uses_optimized_operators with_temp do |a| with_temp do |b| l = process recv, :expr r = process arg, :expr "(%s = %s, %s = %s, typeof(%s) === 'number' ? %s %s %s : %s%s(%s))" % [a, l, b, r, a, a, meth.to_s, b, a, mid, b] end end end "#{process recv, :recv}#{mid}(#{process arg, :expr})" end def js_block_given(sexp, level) @scope.uses_block! if @scope.block_name "(#{@scope.block_name} !== nil)" else "false" end end def handle_block_given(sexp, reverse = false) @scope.uses_block! name = @scope.block_name reverse ? "#{ name } === nil" : "#{ name } !== nil" end # s(:lit, 1) # s(:lit, :foo) def process_lit(sexp, level) val = sexp.shift case val when Numeric level == :recv ? "(#{val.inspect})" : val.inspect when Symbol val.to_s.inspect when Regexp val == // ? /^/.inspect : val.inspect when Range @helpers[:range] = true "__range(#{val.begin}, #{val.end}, #{val.exclude_end?})" else raise "Bad lit: #{val.inspect}" end end def process_dregx(sexp, level) parts = do |part| if String === part part.inspect elsif part[0] == :str process part, :expr else process part[1], :expr end end "(new RegExp(#{parts.join ' + '}))" end def process_dot2(sexp, level) lhs = process sexp[0], :expr rhs = process sexp[1], :expr @helpers[:range] = true "__range(%s, %s, false)" % [lhs, rhs] end def process_dot3(sexp, level) lhs = process sexp[0], :expr rhs = process sexp[1], :expr @helpers[:range] = true "__range(%s, %s, true)" % [lhs, rhs] end # s(:str, "string") def process_str(sexp, level) str = sexp.shift if str == @file @uses_file = true # "'FILE'" @file.inspect else str.inspect end end def process_defined(sexp, level) part = sexp[0] case part[0] when :self "self".inspect when :nil "nil".inspect when :true "true".inspect when :false "false".inspect when :call mid = mid_to_jsid part[2].to_s recv = part[1] ? process(part[1], :expr) : current_self "(#{recv}#{mid} ? 'method' : nil)" when :xstr "(typeof(#{process part, :expression}) !== 'undefined')" when :colon2 "false" else raise "bad defined? part: #{part[0]}" end end # s(:not, sexp) def process_not(sexp, level) with_temp do |tmp| "(#{tmp} = #{process(sexp.shift, :expr)}, (#{tmp} === nil || #{tmp} === false))" end # code = "!#{process sexp.shift, :expr}" # code end def process_block_pass(exp, level) process(s(:call, exp.shift, :to_proc, s(:arglist)), :expr) end # s(:iter, call, block_args [, body) def process_iter(sexp, level) call, args, body = sexp body ||= s(:nil) body = returns body code = "" params = nil scope_name = nil identity = nil args = nil if Fixnum === args # argh args ||= s(:masgn, s(:array)) args = args.first == :lasgn ? s(:array, args) : args[1] if args.last.is_a?(Array) and args.last[0] == :block_pass block_arg = args.pop block_arg = block_arg[1][1].to_sym end if args.last.is_a?(Array) and args.last[0] == :splat splat = args.last[1][1] args.pop len = args.length end indent do in_scope(:iter) do identity = @scope.identify! @scope.add_temp "self = #{identity}._s || this" args[1..-1].each do |arg| arg = arg[1] arg = "#{arg}$" if RESERVED.include? arg.to_s code += "if (#{arg} == null) #{arg} = nil;\n" end params = js_block_args(args[1..-1]) # params.unshift '_$' if splat params << splat code += "#{splat} =, #{len - 1});" end if block_arg @scope.block_name = block_arg @scope.add_temp block_arg @scope.add_temp '__context' scope_name = @scope.identify! # @scope.add_arg block_arg # code += "var #{block_arg} = _$ || nil, $context = #{block_arg}.$S;" blk = "\n%s%s = %s._p || nil, __context = %s._s, %s.p = null;\n%s" % [@indent, block_arg, scope_name, block_arg, scope_name, @indent] code = blk + code end code += "\n#@indent" + process(body, :stmt) if @scope.defines_defn @scope.add_temp "def = (#{current_self}._isObject ? #{current_self} : #{current_self}.prototype)" end code = "\n#@indent#{@scope.to_vars}\n#@indent#{code}" end end itercode = "function(#{params.join ', '}) {\n#{code}\n#@indent}" call[3] << s(:js_tmp, "(%s = %s, %s._s = %s, %s)" % [identity, itercode, identity, current_self, identity]) process call, level end def js_block_args(sexp) do |arg| a = arg[1].to_sym a = "#{a}$".to_sym if RESERVED.include? a.to_s @scope.add_arg a a end end ## # recv.mid = rhs # # s(recv, :mid=, s(:arglist, rhs)) def process_attrasgn(exp, level) recv = exp[0] mid = exp[1] arglist = exp[2] return process(s(:call, recv, mid, arglist), level) end # Used to generate optimized attr_reader, attr_writer and # attr_accessor methods. These are optimized to avoid the added # cost of converting the method id's into jsid's at runtime. # # This method will only be called if all the given ids are strings # or symbols. Any dynamic arguments will default to being called # using the Module#attr_* methods as expected. # # @param [Symbol] meth :attr_{reader,writer,accessor} # @param [Array] attrs array of s(:lit) or s(:str) # @return [String] precompiled attr methods def handle_attr_optimize(meth, attrs) out = [] attrs.each do |attr| mid = attr[1] ivar = "@#{mid}".to_sym pre = @scope.proto unless meth == :attr_writer out << process(s(:defn, mid, s(:args), s(:scope, s(:ivar, ivar))), :stmt) end unless meth == :attr_reader mid = "#{mid}=".to_sym out << process(s(:defn, mid, s(:args, :val), s(:scope, s(:iasgn, ivar, s(:lvar, :val)))), :stmt) end end out.join(", \n#@indent") + ', nil' end def handle_alias_native(sexp) args = sexp[2] meth = mid_to_jsid args[1][1].to_s func = args[2][1] @scope.methods << meth "%s%s = %s.%s" % [@scope.proto, meth, @scope.proto, func] end def handle_respond_to(sexp, level) recv, mid, arglist = sexp recv ||= s(:self) meth = process(arglist[1], level) if arglist[1] "(!!#{process(recv, level)}['$' + #{meth}])" end # s(:call, recv, :mid, s(:arglist)) # s(:call, nil, :mid, s(:arglist)) def process_call(sexp, level) recv, meth, arglist, iter = sexp mid = mid_to_jsid meth.to_s case meth when :attr_reader, :attr_writer, :attr_accessor return handle_attr_optimize(meth, arglist[1..-1]) if @scope.class_scope? when :block_given? return js_block_given(sexp, level) when :alias_native return handle_alias_native(sexp) if @scope.class_scope? when :require path = arglist[1] if path and path[0] == :str @requires << path[1] end return "" when :respond_to? return handle_respond_to(sexp, level) end splat = arglist[1..-1].any? { |a| a.first == :splat } if Array === arglist.last and arglist.last.first == :block_pass arglist << s(:js_tmp, process(arglist.pop, :expr)) elsif iter block = iter end recv ||= s(:self) if block tmprecv = @scope.new_temp elsif splat and recv != [:self] and recv[0] != :lvar tmprecv = @scope.new_temp end args = "" recv_code = process recv, :recv args = process arglist, :expr dispatch = tmprecv ? "(#{tmprecv} = #{recv_code})#{mid}" : "#{recv_code}#{mid}" splat ? "#{dispatch}.apply(#{tmprecv || recv_code}, #{args})" : "#{dispatch}(#{args})" end # s(:arglist, [arg [, arg ..]]) def process_arglist(sexp, level) code = '' work = [] until sexp.empty? splat = sexp.first.first == :splat arg = process sexp.shift, :expr if splat if work.empty? if code.empty? code += "[].concat(#{arg})" else code += ".concat(#{arg})" end else join = "[#{work.join ', '}]" code += (code.empty? ? join : ".concat(#{join})") code += ".concat(#{arg})" end work = [] else work.push arg end end unless work.empty? join = work.join ', ' code += (code.empty? ? join : ".concat([#{work}])") end code end # s(:splat, sexp) def process_splat(sexp, level) return "[]" if sexp.first == [:nil] return "[#{process sexp.first, :expr}]" if sexp.first.first == :lit process sexp.first, :recv end # s(:class, cid, super, body) def process_class(sexp, level) cid, sup, body = sexp body[1] = s(:nil) unless body[1] code = nil @helpers[:klass] = true if Symbol === cid or String === cid base = current_self name = cid.to_s elsif cid[0] == :colon2 base = process(cid[1], :expr) name = cid[2].to_s elsif cid[0] == :colon3 base = 'Opal.Object' name = cid[1].to_s else raise "Bad receiver in class" end sup = sup ? process(sup, :expr) : 'null' indent do in_scope(:class) do = name @scope.add_temp "#{ @scope.proto } = #{name}.prototype", "__scope = #{name}._scope" if Array === body.last # A single statement will need a block needs_block = body.last.first != :block body.last.first == :block last_body_statement = needs_block ? body.last : body.last.last if last_body_statement and Array === last_body_statement if [:defn, :defs].include? last_body_statement.first body[-1] = s(:block, body[-1]) if needs_block body.last << s(:nil) end end end body = returns(body) body = process body, :stmt code = "\n#{@scope.to_donate_methods}" code += @indent + @scope.to_vars + "\n\n#@indent" + body end end spacer = "\n#{@indent}#{INDENT}" cls = "function #{name}() {};" boot = "#{name} = __klass(__base, __super, #{name.inspect}, #{name});" "(function(__base, __super){#{spacer}#{cls}#{spacer}#{boot}\n#{code}\n#{@indent}})(#{base}, #{sup})" end # s(:sclass, recv, body) def process_sclass(sexp, level) recv = sexp[0] body = sexp[1] code = nil in_scope(:sclass) do @scope.add_temp '__scope = self._scope' code = @scope.to_vars + process(body, :stmt) end call = s(:call, recv, :singleton_class, s(:arglist)) "(function(){#{ code }}).call(#{ process call, :expr })" end # s(:module, cid, body) def process_module(sexp, level) cid = sexp[0] body = sexp[1] code = nil @helpers[:module] = true if Symbol === cid or String === cid base = current_self name = cid.to_s elsif cid[0] == :colon2 base = process(cid[1], :expr) name = cid[2].to_s elsif cid[0] == :colon3 base = 'Opal.Object' name = cid[1].to_s else raise "Bad receiver in class" end indent do in_scope(:module) do = name @scope.add_temp "#{ @scope.proto } = #{name}.prototype", "__scope = #{name}._scope" body = process body, :stmt code = @indent + @scope.to_vars + "\n\n#@indent" + body + "\n#@indent" + @scope.to_donate_methods end end spacer = "\n#{@indent}#{INDENT}" cls = "function #{name}() {};" boot = "#{name} = __module(__base, #{name.inspect}, #{name});" "(function(__base){#{spacer}#{cls}#{spacer}#{boot}\n#{code}\n#{@indent}})(#{base})" end def process_undef(exp, level) @helpers[:undef] = true jsid = mid_to_jsid exp[0][1].to_s # "__undef(this, #{jsid.inspect})" # FIXME: maybe add this to donate(). it will be undefined, so # when added to includees it will actually undefine methods there # too. "delete #{ @scope.proto }#{jsid}" end # s(:defn, mid, s(:args), s(:scope)) def process_defn(sexp, level) mid = sexp[0] args = sexp[1] stmts = sexp[2] js_def nil, mid, args, stmts, sexp.line, sexp.end_line end # s(:defs, recv, mid, s(:args), s(:scope)) def process_defs(sexp, level) recv = sexp[0] mid = sexp[1] args = sexp[2] stmts = sexp[3] js_def recv, mid, args, stmts, sexp.line, sexp.end_line end def js_def(recvr, mid, args, stmts, line, end_line) jsid = mid_to_jsid mid.to_s if recvr @scope.defines_defs = true smethod = true if @scope.class_scope? && recvr.first == :self recv = process(recvr, :expr) else @scope.defines_defn = true recv = current_self end code = '' params = nil scope_name = nil uses_super = nil # opt args if last arg is sexp opt = args.pop if Array === args.last argc = args.length - 1 # block name &block if args.last.to_s.start_with? '&' block_name = args.pop.to_s[1..-1].to_sym argc -= 1 end # splat args *splat if args.last.to_s.start_with? '*' if args.last == :* args.pop argc -= 1 else splat = args[-1].to_s[1..-1].to_sym args[-1] = splat argc -= 1 end end args << block_name if block_name # have to re-add incase there was a splat arg indent do in_scope(:def) do @scope.mid = mid @scope.defs = true if recvr if block_name @scope.uses_block! end yielder = block_name || '__yield' @scope.block_name = yielder params = process args, :expr stmt_code = "\n#@indent" + process(stmts, :stmt) if @scope.uses_block? # CASE 1: no args - only the block if argc == 0 and !splat # add param name as a function param, to make it cleaner # params = yielder code += "if (typeof(#{yielder}) !== 'function') { #{yielder} = nil }" # CASE 2: we have a splat - use argc to get splat args, then check last one elsif splat @scope.add_temp yielder code += "#{splat} =, #{argc});\n#{@indent}" code += "if (typeof(#{splat}[#{splat}.length - 1]) === 'function') { #{yielder} = #{splat}.pop(); } else { #{yielder} = nil; }\n#{@indent}" # CASE 3: we have some opt args elsif opt code += "var BLOCK_IDX = arguments.length - 1;\n#{@indent}" code += "if (typeof(arguments[BLOCK_IDX]) === 'function' && arguments[BLOCK_IDX]._s !== undefined) { #{yielder} = arguments[BLOCK_IDX] } else { #{yielder} = nil }" lastopt = opt[-1][1] opt[1..-1].each do |o| id = process s(:lvar, o[1]), :expr if o[2][2] == :undefined code += ("if (%s === %s && typeof(%s) === 'function') { %s = undefined; }" % [id, yielder, id, id]) else code += ("if (%s == null || %s === %s) {\n%s%s\n%s}" % [id, id, yielder, @indent + INDENT, process(o, :expre), @indent]) end end # CASE 4: normal args and block else code += "if (typeof(#{yielder}) !== 'function') { #{yielder} = nil }" end else opt[1..-1].each do |o| next if o[2][2] == :undefined id = process s(:lvar, o[1]), :expr code += ("if (%s == null) {\n%s%s\n%s}" % [id, @indent + INDENT, process(o, :expre), @indent]) end if opt code += "#{splat} =, #{argc});" if splat end code += stmt_code # code += "\n#@indent" + process(stmts, :stmt) if @scope.uses_block? and !block_name params = params.empty? ? yielder : "#{params}, #{yielder}" end # Returns the identity name if identified, nil otherwise scope_name = @scope.identity uses_super = @scope.uses_super code = "#@indent#{@scope.to_vars}" + code end end defcode = "#{"#{scope_name} = " if scope_name}function(#{params}) {\n#{code}\n#@indent}" if recvr if smethod @scope.smethods << "$#{mid}" "#{ }#{jsid} = #{defcode}" else "#{ recv }#{ jsid } = #{ defcode }" end elsif @scope.class_scope? @scope.methods << "$#{mid}" if uses_super @scope.add_temp uses_super uses_super = "#{uses_super} = #{@scope.proto}#{jsid};\n#@indent" end "#{uses_super}#{ @scope.proto }#{jsid} = #{defcode}" elsif @scope.type == :iter "def#{jsid} = #{defcode}" elsif @scope.type == :top "#{ current_self }#{ jsid } = #{ defcode }" else "def#{jsid} = #{defcode}" end end ## # Returns code used in debug mode to check arity of method call def arity_check(args, opt, splat) arity = args.size - 1 arity -= (opt.size - 1) if opt arity -= 1 if splat arity = -arity - 1 if opt or splat aritycode = "var $arity = arguments.length; if ($arity !== 0) { $arity -= 1; }" if arity < 0 # splat or opt args aritycode + "if ($arity < #{-(arity + 1)}) { opal.arg_error($arity, #{arity}); }" else aritycode + "if ($arity !== #{arity}) { opal.arg_error($arity, #{arity}); }" end end def process_args(exp, level) args = [] until exp.empty? a = exp.shift.to_sym a = "#{a}$".to_sym if RESERVED.include? a.to_s @scope.add_arg a args << a end args.join ', ' end # s(:self) # => this def process_self(sexp, level) current_self end # Returns the current value for 'self'. This will be native # 'this' for methods and blocks, and the class name for class # and module bodies. def current_self if @scope.class_scope? elsif 'self' elsif 'self' elsif @scope.iter? 'self' else # def 'this' end end # s(:true) # => true # s(:false) # => false # s(:nil) # => nil %w(true false nil).each do |name| define_method "process_#{name}" do |exp, level| name end end # s(:array [, sexp [, sexp]]) def process_array(sexp, level) return '[]' if sexp.empty? code = '' work = [] until sexp.empty? splat = sexp.first.first == :splat part = process sexp.shift, :expr if splat if work.empty? code += (code.empty? ? part : ".concat(#{part})") else join = "[#{work.join ', '}]" code += (code.empty? ? join : ".concat(#{join})") code += ".concat(#{part})" end work = [] else work << part end end unless work.empty? join = "[#{work.join ', '}]" code += (code.empty? ? join : ".concat(#{join})") end code end # s(:hash, key1, val1, key2, val2...) def process_hash(sexp, level) keys = [] vals = [] sexp.each_with_index do |obj, idx| if idx.even? keys << obj else vals << obj end end if keys.all? { |k| [:lit, :str].include? k[0] } hash_obj = {} hash_keys = [] keys.size.times do |i| k = process(keys[i], :expr) hash_keys << k unless hash_obj.include? k hash_obj[k] = process(vals[i], :expr) end map = { |k| "#{k}: #{hash_obj[k]}"} @helpers[:hash2] = true "__hash2({#{map.join(', ')}})" else @helpers[:hash] = true "__hash(#{ { |p| process p, :expr }.join ', '})" end end # s(:while, exp, block, true) def process_while(sexp, level) expr = sexp[0] stmt = sexp[1] redo_var = @scope.new_temp stmt_level = if level == :expr or level == :recv :stmt_closure else :stmt end pre = "while (" code = "#{js_truthy expr}){" in_while do @while_loop[:closure] = true if stmt_level == :stmt_closure @while_loop[:redo_var] = redo_var body = process(stmt, :stmt) if @while_loop[:use_redo] pre = "#{redo_var}=false;" + pre + "#{redo_var} || " code += "#{redo_var}=false;" end code += body end code += "}" code = pre + code @scope.queue_temp redo_var if stmt_level == :stmt_closure code = "(function() {#{code}; return nil;}).call(#{current_self})" end code end def process_until(exp, level) expr = exp[0] stmt = exp[1] redo_var = @scope.new_temp stmt_level = if level == :expr or level == :recv :stmt_closure else :stmt end pre = "while (!(" code = "#{js_truthy expr})) {" in_while do @while_loop[:closure] = true if stmt_level == :stmt_closure @while_loop[:redo_var] = redo_var body = process(stmt, :stmt) if @while_loop[:use_redo] pre = "#{redo_var}=false;" + pre + "#{redo_var} || " code += "#{redo_var}=false;" end code += body end code += "}" code = pre + code @scope.queue_temp redo_var if stmt_level == :stmt_closure code = "(function() {#{code}; return nil;}).call(#{current_self})" end code end # alias foo bar # # s(:alias, s(:lit, :foo), s(:lit, :bar)) def process_alias(exp, level) new = mid_to_jsid exp[0][1].to_s old = mid_to_jsid exp[1][1].to_s if [:class, :module].include? @scope.type @scope.methods << "$#{exp[0][1].to_s}" "%s%s = %s%s" % [@scope.proto, new, @scope.proto, old] else current = current_self "%s.prototype%s = %s.prototype%s" % [current, new, current, old] end end def process_masgn(sexp, level) lhs = sexp[0] rhs = sexp[1] tmp = @scope.new_temp len = 0 # remote :array part lhs.shift if rhs[0] == :array len = rhs.length - 1 # we are guaranteed an array of this length code = ["#{tmp} = #{process rhs, :expr}"] elsif rhs[0] == :to_ary code = ["((#{tmp} = #{process rhs[1], :expr})._isArray ? #{tmp} : (#{tmp} = [#{tmp}]))"] elsif rhs[0] == :splat code = ["#{tmp} = #{process rhs[1], :expr}"] else raise "Unsupported mlhs type" end lhs.each_with_index do |l, idx| if l.first == :splat s = l[1] s << s(:js_tmp, "{tmp}, #{idx})") code << process(s, :expr) else if idx >= len l << s(:js_tmp, "(#{tmp}[#{idx}] == null ? nil : #{tmp}[#{idx}])") else l << s(:js_tmp, "#{tmp}[#{idx}]") end code << process(l, :expr) end end @scope.queue_temp tmp code.join ', ' end def process_svalue(sexp, level) process sexp.shift, level end # s(:lasgn, :lvar, rhs) def process_lasgn(sexp, level) lvar = sexp[0] rhs = sexp[1] lvar = "#{lvar}$".to_sym if RESERVED.include? lvar.to_s @scope.add_local lvar res = "#{lvar} = #{process rhs, :expr}" level == :recv ? "(#{res})" : res end # s(:lvar, :lvar) def process_lvar(exp, level) lvar = exp.shift.to_s lvar = "#{lvar}$" if RESERVED.include? lvar lvar end # s(:iasgn, :ivar, rhs) def process_iasgn(exp, level) ivar = exp[0] rhs = exp[1] ivar = ivar.to_s[1..-1] lhs = RESERVED.include?(ivar) ? "#{current_self}['#{ivar}']" : "#{current_self}.#{ivar}" "#{lhs} = #{process rhs, :expr}" end # s(:ivar, :ivar) def process_ivar(exp, level) ivar = exp.shift.to_s[1..-1] part = RESERVED.include?(ivar) ? "['#{ivar}']" : ".#{ivar}" @scope.add_ivar part "#{current_self}#{part}" end # s(:gvar, gvar) def process_gvar(sexp, level) gvar = sexp.shift.to_s[1..-1] @helpers['gvars'] = true "__gvars[#{gvar.inspect}]" end # s(:gasgn, :gvar, rhs) def process_gasgn(sexp, level) gvar = sexp[0].to_s[1..-1] rhs = sexp[1] @helpers['gvars'] = true "__gvars[#{gvar.to_s.inspect}] = #{process rhs, :expr}" end # s(:const, :const) def process_const(sexp, level) "__scope.#{sexp.shift}" end # s(:cdecl, :const, rhs) def process_cdecl(sexp, level) const = sexp[0] rhs = sexp[1] "__scope.#{const} = #{process rhs, :expr}" end # s(:return [val]) def process_return(sexp, level) val = process(sexp.shift || s(:nil), :expr) raise "Cannot return as an expression" unless level == :stmt "return #{val}" end # s(:xstr, content) def process_xstr(sexp, level) code = sexp.first.to_s code += ";" if level == :stmt and !code.include?(';') level == :recv ? "(#{code})" : code end # s(:dxstr, parts...) def process_dxstr(sexp, level) code = do |p| if String === p p.to_s elsif p.first == :evstr process p.last, :stmt elsif p.first == :str p.last.to_s else raise "Bad dxstr part" end end.join code += ";" if level == :stmt and !code.include?(';') code = "(#{code})" if level == :recv code end # s(:dstr, parts..) def process_dstr(sexp, level) parts = do |p| if String === p p.inspect elsif p.first == :evstr "(" + process(p.last, :expr) + ")" elsif p.first == :str p.last.inspect else raise "Bad dstr part" end end res = parts.join ' + ' level == :recv ? "(#{res})" : res end def process_dsym(sexp, level) parts = do |p| if String === p p.inspect elsif p.first == :evstr process(s(:call, p.last, :to_s, s(:arglist)), :expr) elsif p.first == :str p.last.inspect else raise "Bad dsym part" end end "(#{parts.join '+'})" end # s(:if, test, truthy, falsy) def process_if(sexp, level) test, truthy, falsy = sexp returnable = (level == :expr or level == :recv) if returnable truthy = returns(truthy || s(:nil)) falsy = returns(falsy || s(:nil)) end # optimize unless (we don't want else unless we need to) if falsy and !truthy truthy = falsy falsy = nil check = js_falsy test else check = js_truthy test end code = "if (#{check}) {\n" indent { code += @indent + process(truthy, :stmt) } if truthy indent { code += "\n#@indent} else {\n#@indent#{process falsy, :stmt}" } if falsy code += "\n#@indent}" code = "(function() { #{code}; return nil; }).call(#{current_self})" if returnable code end def js_truthy_optimize(sexp) if sexp.first == :call mid = sexp[2] if mid == :block_given? return process sexp, :expr elsif COMPARE.include? mid.to_s return process sexp, :expr elsif mid == :"==" return process sexp, :expr end elsif [:lvar, :self].include? sexp.first name = process sexp, :expr "#{name} !== false && #{name} !== nil" end end def js_truthy(sexp) if optimized = js_truthy_optimize(sexp) return optimized end with_temp do |tmp| "(%s = %s) !== false && %s !== nil" % [tmp, process(sexp, :expr), tmp] end end def js_falsy(sexp) if sexp.first == :call mid = sexp[2] if mid == :block_given? return handle_block_given(sexp, true) end end with_temp do |tmp| "(%s = %s) === false || %s === nil" % [tmp, process(sexp, :expr), tmp] end end # s(:and, lhs, rhs) def process_and(sexp, level) lhs = sexp[0] rhs = sexp[1] t = nil tmp = @scope.new_temp if t = js_truthy_optimize(lhs) return "((#{tmp} = #{t}) ? #{process rhs, :expr} : #{tmp})".tap { @scope.queue_temp tmp } end @scope.queue_temp tmp "(%s = %s, %s !== false && %s !== nil ? %s : %s)" % [tmp, process(lhs, :expr), tmp, tmp, process(rhs, :expr), tmp] end # s(:or, lhs, rhs) def process_or(sexp, level) lhs = sexp[0] rhs = sexp[1] t = nil with_temp do |tmp| # if t = js_truthy_optimize(lhs) # "((%s = %s) ? %s : %s)" % [tmp, t, tmp, process(rhs, :expr)] # else "((%s = %s), %s !== false && %s !== nil ? %s : %s)" % [tmp, process(lhs, :expr), tmp, tmp, tmp, process(rhs, :expr)] # end end end # s(:yield, arg1, arg2) def process_yield(sexp, level) call = handle_yield_call sexp, level if level == :stmt "if (#{call} === __breaker) return __breaker.$v" else with_temp do |tmp| "(((#{tmp} = #{call}) === __breaker) ? __breaker.$v : #{tmp})" end end end # special opal yield assign, for `a = yield(arg1, arg2)` to assign # to a temp value to make yield expr into stmt. # # level will always be stmt as its the reason for this to exist # # s(:yasgn, :a, s(:yield, arg1, arg2)) def process_yasgn(sexp, level) call = handle_yield_call s(*sexp[1][1..-1]), :stmt "if ((%s = %s) === __breaker) return __breaker.$v" % [sexp[0], call] end # Created by `#returns()` for when a yield statement should return # it's value (its last in a block etc). def process_returnable_yield(sexp, level) call = handle_yield_call sexp, level with_temp do |tmp| "return %s = %s, %s === __breaker ? %s : %s" % [tmp, call, tmp, tmp, tmp] end end def handle_yield_call(sexp, level) @scope.uses_block! splat = sexp.any? { |s| s.first == :splat } # sexp.unshift s(:js_tmp, '__context') unless splat # self args = process_arglist sexp, level y = @scope.block_name || '__yield' splat ? "#{y}.apply(null, #{args})" : "#{y}(#{args})" end def process_break(exp, level) val = exp.empty? ? 'nil' : process(exp.shift, :expr) if in_while? @while_loop[:closure] ? "return #{ val };" : "break;" elsif @scope.iter? error "break must be used as a statement" unless level == :stmt "return (__breaker.$v = #{ val }, __breaker)" else error "cannot use break outside of iter/while" end end # s(:case, expr, when1, when2, ..) def process_case(exp, level) code = [] @scope.add_local "$case" expr = process exp.shift, :expr # are we inside a statement_closure returnable = level != :stmt done_else = false until exp.empty? wen = exp.shift if wen and wen.first == :when returns(wen) if returnable wen = process(wen, :stmt) wen = "else #{wen}" unless code.empty? code << wen elsif wen # s(:else) done_else = true wen = returns(wen) if returnable code << "else {#{process wen, :stmt}}" end end code << "else {return nil}" if returnable and !done_else code = "$case = #{expr};#{code.join @space}" code = "(function() { #{code} }).call(#{current_self})" if returnable code end # when foo # bar # # s(:when, s(:array, foo), bar) def process_when(exp, level) arg = exp.shift[1..-1] body = exp.shift body = process body, level if body test = [] until arg.empty? a = arg.shift if a.first == :splat # when inside another when means a splat of values call = s(:call, s(:js_tmp, "$splt[i]"), :===, s(:arglist, s(:js_tmp, "$case"))) splt = "(function($splt) {for(var i = 0; i < $splt.length; i++) {" splt += "if (#{process call, :expr}) { return true; }" splt += "} return false; }).call(#{current_self}, #{process a[1], :expr})" test << splt else call = s(:call, a, :===, s(:arglist, s(:js_tmp, "$case"))) call = process call, :expr # call = "else " unless test.empty? test << call end end "if (%s) {%s%s%s}" % [test.join(' || '), @space, body, @space] end # lhs =~ rhs # # s(:match3, lhs, rhs) def process_match3(sexp, level) lhs = sexp[0] rhs = sexp[1] call = s(:call, lhs, :=~, s(:arglist, rhs)) process call, level end # @@class_variable # # s(:cvar, name) def process_cvar(exp, level) with_temp do |tmp| "((%s = Opal.cvars[%s]) == null ? nil : %s)" % [tmp, exp.shift.to_s.inspect, tmp] end end # @@name = rhs # # s(:cvasgn, :@@name, rhs) def process_cvasgn(exp, level) "(Opal.cvars[#{exp.shift.to_s.inspect}] = #{process exp.shift, :expr})" end def process_cvdecl(exp, level) "(Opal.cvars[#{exp.shift.to_s.inspect}] = #{process exp.shift, :expr})" end # BASE::NAME # # s(:colon2, base, :NAME) def process_colon2(sexp, level) base = sexp[0] name = sexp[1] "(%s)._scope.%s" % [process(base, :expr), name.to_s] end def process_colon3(exp, level) "__opal.Object._scope.#{exp.shift.to_s}" end # super a, b, c # # s(:super, arg1, arg2, ...) def process_super(sexp, level) args = [] until sexp.empty? args << process(sexp.shift, :expr) end js_super "[#{ args.join ', ' }]" end # super # # s(:zsuper) def process_zsuper(exp, level) js_super "[self].concat(" end def js_super args if @scope.def_in_class? mid = @scope.mid.to_s sid = "super_#{unique_temp}" @scope.uses_super = sid "#{sid}.apply(#{current_self}, #{ args })" elsif @scope.type == :def identity = @scope.identify! cls_name = jsid = mid_to_jsid @scope.mid.to_s # base = @scope.defs ? '' : ".prototype" # "%s._super%s%s.apply(this, %s)" % [cls_name, base, jsid, args] if @scope.defs "%s._super%s.apply(this, %s)" % [cls_name, jsid, args] else "#{current_self}._klass._super.prototype%s.apply(#{current_self}, %s)" % [jsid, args] end elsif @scope.type == :iter chain, defn, mid = @scope.get_super_chain trys = { |c| "#{c}._sup" }.join ' || ' "(#{trys} || #{current_self}._klass._super.prototype[#{mid}]).apply(#{current_self}, #{args})" else raise "Cannot call super() from outside a method block" end end # a ||= rhs # # s(:op_asgn_or, s(:lvar, :a), s(:lasgn, :a, rhs)) def process_op_asgn_or(exp, level) process s(:or, exp.shift, exp.shift), :expr end def process_op_asgn1(sexp, level) "'FIXME(op_asgn1)'" end # lhs.b += rhs # # s(:op_asgn2, lhs, :b=, :+, rhs) def process_op_asgn2(exp, level) lhs = process exp.shift, :expr mid = exp.shift.to_s[0..-2] op = exp.shift rhs = exp.shift if op.to_s == "||" raise "op_asgn2 for ||" else with_temp do |temp| getr = s(:call, s(:js_tmp, temp), mid, s(:arglist)) oper = s(:call, getr, op, s(:arglist, rhs)) asgn = s(:call, s(:js_tmp, temp), "#{mid}=", s(:arglist, oper)) "(#{temp} = #{lhs}, #{process asgn, :expr})" end end end # s(:ensure, body, ensure) def process_ensure(exp, level) begn = exp.shift if level == :recv || level == :expr retn = true begn = returns begn end body = process begn, level ensr = exp.shift || s(:nil) ensr = process ensr, level body = "try {\n#{body}}" unless body =~ /^try \{/ res = "#{body}#{@space}finally {#{@space}#{ensr}}" res = "(function() { #{res}; }).call(#{current_self})" if retn res end def process_rescue(exp, level) body = exp.first.first == :resbody ? s(:nil) : exp.shift body = indent { process body, level } parts = [] until exp.empty? part = indent { process exp.shift, level } part = "else " + part unless parts.empty? parts << part end # if no rescue statement captures our error, we should rethrow parts << indent { "else { throw $err; }" } code = "try {#@space#{INDENT}#{body}#@space} catch ($err) {#@space#{parts.join @space}#{@space}}" code = "(function() { #{code} }).call(#{current_self})" if level == :expr code end def process_resbody(exp, level) args = exp[0] body = exp[1] body = process(body || s(:nil), level) types = args[1..-2] err = { |t| call = s(:call, t, :===, s(:arglist, s(:js_tmp, "$err"))) a = process call, :expr #puts a a }.join ', ' err = "true" if err.empty? if Array === args.last and [:lasgn, :iasgn].include? args.last.first val = args.last val[2] = s(:js_tmp, "$err") val = process(val, :expr) + ";" end "if (#{err}) {#{@space}#{val}#{body}}" # raise exp.inspect end # FIXME: Hack.. grammar should remove top level begin. def process_begin(exp, level) process exp[0], level end def process_next(exp, level) val = exp.empty? ? 'nil' : process(exp.shift, :expr) if in_while? "continue;" else "return #{val};" end end def process_redo(exp, level) if in_while? @while_loop[:use_redo] = true "#{@while_loop[:redo_var]} = true" else "REDO()" end end end end