= 'Ara T. Howard' = '' This.homepage = "{This.lib}" task :license do open('LICENSE', 'w') { |fd| fd.puts 'Ruby' } end task :default do puts(( { |task|, ':') } - ['default']).sort) end task :test do run_tests! end namespace :test do task(:unit) { run_tests!(:unit) } task(:functional) { run_tests!(:functional) } task(:integration) { run_tests!(:integration) } end def run_tests!(which = nil) which ||= '**' test_dir = File.join(This.dir, 'test') test_glob ||= File.join(test_dir, "#{which}/**_test.rb") test_rbs = Dir.glob(test_glob).sort div = ('=' * 119) line = ('-' * 119) test_rbs.each_with_index do |test_rb, index| testno = index + 1 command = "#{This.ruby} -w -I ./lib -I ./test/lib #{test_rb}" puts say(div, color: :cyan, bold: true) say("@#{testno} => ", bold: true, method: :print) say(command, color: :cyan, bold: true) say(line, color: :cyan, bold: true) system(command) say(line, color: :cyan, bold: true) status = $?.exitstatus if say("@#{testno} <= ", bold: true, color: :white, method: :print) say('SUCCESS', color: :green, bold: true) else say("@#{testno} <= ", bold: true, color: :white, method: :print) say('FAILURE', color: :red, bold: true) end say(line, color: :cyan, bold: true) exit(status) unless end end task :gemspec do ignore_extensions = ['git', 'svn', 'tmp', /sw./, 'bak', 'gem'] ignore_directories = ['pkg'] ignore_files = ['test/log'] shiteless = lambda do |list| list.delete_if do |entry| next unless test('e', entry) extension = File.basename(entry).split(/[.]/).last ignore_extensions.any? { |ext| ext === extension } end list.delete_if do |entry| next unless test('d', entry) dirname = File.expand_path(entry) ignore_directories.any? { |dir| File.expand_path(dir) == dirname } end list.delete_if do |entry| next unless test('f', entry) filename = File.expand_path(entry) ignore_files.any? { |file| File.expand_path(file) == filename } end end lib = This.lib object = This.object version = This.version files = shiteless[Dir.glob('**/**')] executables = shiteless[Dir.glob('bin/*')].map { |exe| File.basename(exe) } # has_rdoc = true #File.exist?('doc') test_files = "test/#{lib}.rb" if File.file?("test/#{lib}.rb") summary = object.respond_to?(:summary) ? object.summary : "summary: #{lib} kicks the ass" description = object.respond_to?(:description) ? object.description : "description: #{lib} kicks the ass" license = object.respond_to?(:license) ? object.license : 'Ruby' if This.extensions.nil? This.extensions = [] extensions = This.extensions %w[Makefile configure extconf.rb].each do |ext| extensions << ext if File.exist?(ext) end end extensions = [extensions].flatten.compact if This.dependencies.nil? dependencies = [] else case This.dependencies when Hash dependencies = This.dependencies.values when Array dependencies = This.dependencies end end template = if test('e', 'gemspec.erb') Template {'gemspec.erb') } else Template do <<-__ ## <%= lib %>.gemspec # Gem::Specification::new do |spec| = <%= lib.inspect %> spec.version = <%= version.inspect %> spec.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY spec.summary = <%= lib.inspect %> spec.description = <%= description.inspect %> spec.license = <%= license.inspect %> spec.files =\n<%= files.sort.inspect %> spec.executables = <%= executables.inspect %> #{' '} spec.require_path = "lib" spec.test_files = <%= test_files.inspect %> <% dependencies.each do |lib_version| %> spec.add_dependency(*<%= Array(lib_version).flatten.inspect %>) <% end %> spec.extensions.push(*<%= extensions.inspect %>) = <%= %> = <%= %> spec.homepage = <%= This.homepage.inspect %> end __ end end Fu.mkdir_p(This.pkgdir) gemspec = "#{lib}.gemspec" open(gemspec, 'w') { |fd| fd.puts(template) } This.gemspec = gemspec end task gem: %i[clean gemspec] do Fu.mkdir_p(This.pkgdir) before = Dir['*.gem'] cmd = "gem build #{This.gemspec}" `#{cmd}` after = Dir['*.gem'] gem = ((after - before).first || after.first) or abort('no gem!'), This.pkgdir) This.gem = File.join(This.pkgdir, File.basename(gem)) end task :readme do samples = '' prompt = '~ > ' lib = This.lib version = This.version Dir['sample*/*'].sort.each do |sample| samples << "\n" << " <========< #{sample} >========>" << "\n\n" cmd = "cat #{sample}" samples << Util.indent(prompt + cmd, 2) << "\n\n" samples << Util.indent(`#{cmd}`, 4) << "\n" cmd = "ruby #{sample}" samples << Util.indent(prompt + cmd, 2) << "\n\n" cmd = "ruby -e'STDOUT.sync=true; exec %(ruby -I ./lib #{sample})'" samples << Util.indent(`#{cmd} 2>&1`, 4) << "\n" end template = if test('e', 'README.erb') Template {'README.erb') } else Template do <<-__ NAME #{lib} DESCRIPTION INSTALL gem install #{lib} SAMPLES #{samples} __ end end open('README', 'w') { |fd| fd.puts template } end task :clean do Dir[File.join(This.pkgdir, '**/**')].each { |entry| Fu.rm_rf(entry) } end task release: %i[clean gemspec gem] do gems = Dir[File.join(This.pkgdir, '*.gem')].flatten raise "which one? : #{gems.inspect}" if gems.size > 1 raise 'no gems?' if gems.size < 1 cmd = "gem push #{This.gem}" puts cmd puts system(cmd) abort("cmd(#{cmd}) failed with (#{$?.inspect})") unless $? end BEGIN { # support for this rakefile # $VERBOSE = nil require 'ostruct' require 'erb' require 'fileutils' require 'rbconfig' # fu shortcut # Fu = FileUtils # cache a bunch of stuff about this rakefile/environment # This = This.file = File.expand_path(__FILE__) This.dir = File.dirname(This.file) This.pkgdir = File.join(This.dir, 'pkg') This.lib = File.basename(Dir.pwd) This._lib = "#{This.dir}/lib/#{This.lib}/_lib.rb" # load meta lib info # a = Object.constants.dup require This._lib b = Object.constants.dup added = b - a const = added.first warn "WARNING: defined multiple constants #{added.inspect} in #{_lib}, using #{const} !!!" if added.size > 1 This.const = const This.object = Object.const_get(This.const) = This.version = This.object.send(:version) # see if dependencies are export by the module # This.dependencies = This.object.dependencies if This.object.respond_to?(:dependencies) # we need to know the name of the lib an it's version # abort('no lib') unless This.lib abort('no version') unless This.version # discover full path to this ruby executable # c = RbConfig::CONFIG bindir = c['bindir'] || c['BINDIR'] ruby_install_name = c['ruby_install_name'] || c['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME'] || 'ruby' ruby_ext = c['EXEEXT'] || '' ruby = File.join(bindir, (ruby_install_name + ruby_ext)) This.ruby = ruby # some utils # module Util def indent(s, n = 2) s = unindent(s) ws = ' ' * n s.gsub(/^/, ws) end def unindent(s) indent = nil s.each_line do |line| next if line =~ /^\s*$/ indent = line[/^\s*/] and break end indent ? s.gsub(/^#{indent}/, '') : s end extend self end # template support # class Template def initialize(&block) @block = block @template = end def expand(b = nil) || @block).binding) end alias_method 'to_s', 'expand' end def Template(*args, &block)*args, &block) end # colored console output support # This.ansi = { clear: "\e[0m", reset: "\e[0m", erase_line: "\e[K", erase_char: "\e[P", bold: "\e[1m", dark: "\e[2m", underline: "\e[4m", underscore: "\e[4m", blink: "\e[5m", reverse: "\e[7m", concealed: "\e[8m", black: "\e[30m", red: "\e[31m", green: "\e[32m", yellow: "\e[33m", blue: "\e[34m", magenta: "\e[35m", cyan: "\e[36m", white: "\e[37m", on_black: "\e[40m", on_red: "\e[41m", on_green: "\e[42m", on_yellow: "\e[43m", on_blue: "\e[44m", on_magenta: "\e[45m", on_cyan: "\e[46m", on_white: "\e[47m" } def say(phrase, *args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options[:color] = args.shift.to_s.to_sym unless args.empty? keys = options.keys keys.each { |key| options[key.to_s.to_sym] = options.delete(key) } color = options[:color] bold = options.has_key?(:bold) parts = [phrase] parts.unshift(This.ansi[color]) if color parts.unshift(This.ansi[:bold]) if bold parts.push(This.ansi[:clear]) if parts.size > 1 method = options[:method] || :puts Kernel.send(method, parts.join) end # always run out of the project dir # Dir.chdir(This.dir) }