/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2012-15 The Processing Foundation Copyright (c) 2004-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.core; // used by link() import java.awt.Desktop; import java.awt.DisplayMode; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.FileDialog; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; // used by loadImage() functions import javax.imageio.ImageIO; // allows us to remove our own MediaTracker code import javax.swing.ImageIcon; // used by selectInput(), selectOutput(), selectFolder() import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.UIManager; // used to present the fullScreen() warning about Spaces on OS X import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // used by desktopFile() method import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView; // loadXML() error handling import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.net.*; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.zip.*; import processing.data.*; import processing.event.*; import processing.opengl.*; /** * Base class for all sketches that use processing.core. *

* The * Window Size and Full Screen page on the Wiki has useful information * about sizing, multiple displays, full screen, etc. *

* Processing uses active mode rendering. All animation tasks happen on the * "Processing Animation Thread". The setup() and draw() methods are handled * by that thread, and events (like mouse movement and key presses, which are * fired by the event dispatch thread or EDT) are queued to be safely handled * at the end of draw(). *

* Starting with 3.0a6, blit operations are on the EDT, so as not to cause * GUI problems with Swing and AWT. In the case of the default renderer, the * sketch renders to an offscreen image, then the EDT is asked to bring that * image to the screen. *

* For code that needs to run on the EDT, use EventQueue.invokeLater(). When * doing so, be careful to synchronize between that code and the Processing * animation thread. That is, you can't call Processing methods from the EDT * or at any random time from another thread. Use of a callback function or * the registerXxx() methods in PApplet can help ensure that your code doesn't * do something naughty. *

* As of Processing 3.0, we have removed Applet as the base class for PApplet. * This means that we can remove lots of legacy code, however one downside is * that it's no longer possible (without extra code) to embed a PApplet into * another Java application. *

* As of Processing 3.0, we have discontinued support for versions of Java * prior to 1.8. We don't have enough people to support it, and for a * project of our (tiny) size, we should be focusing on the future, rather * than working around legacy Java code. */ public class PApplet implements PConstants { /** Full name of the Java version (i.e. 1.5.0_11). */ static public final String javaVersionName = System.getProperty("java.version"); static public final int javaPlatform; static { String version = javaVersionName; if (javaVersionName.startsWith("1.")) { version = version.substring(2); } javaPlatform = parseInt(version.substring(0, version.indexOf('.'))); } /** * Do not use; javaPlatform or javaVersionName are better options. * For instance, javaPlatform is useful when you need a number for * comparison, i.e. "if (javaPlatform >= 9)". * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static final float javaVersion = 1 + javaPlatform / 10f; /** * Current platform in use, one of the * PConstants WINDOWS, MACOSX, MACOS9, LINUX or OTHER. */ static public int platform; static { String osname = System.getProperty("os.name"); if (osname.indexOf("Mac") != -1) { platform = MACOSX; } else if (osname.indexOf("Windows") != -1) { platform = WINDOWS; } else if (osname.equals("Linux")) { // true for the ibm vm platform = LINUX; } else { platform = OTHER; } } /** * Whether to use native (AWT) dialogs for selectInput and selectOutput. * The native dialogs on some platforms can be ugly, buggy, or missing * features. For 3.3.5, this defaults to true on all platforms. */ static public boolean useNativeSelect = true; /** The PGraphics renderer associated with this PApplet */ public PGraphics g; /** * ( begin auto-generated from displayWidth.xml ) * * System variable which stores the width of the computer screen. For * example, if the current screen resolution is 1024x768, * displayWidth is 1024 and displayHeight is 768. These * dimensions are useful when exporting full-screen applications. *

* To ensure that the sketch takes over the entire screen, use "Present" * instead of "Run". Otherwise the window will still have a frame border * around it and not be placed in the upper corner of the screen. On Mac OS * X, the menu bar will remain present unless "Present" mode is used. * * ( end auto-generated ) */ public int displayWidth; /** * ( begin auto-generated from displayHeight.xml ) * * System variable that stores the height of the computer screen. For * example, if the current screen resolution is 1024x768, * displayWidth is 1024 and displayHeight is 768. These * dimensions are useful when exporting full-screen applications. *

* To ensure that the sketch takes over the entire screen, use "Present" * instead of "Run". Otherwise the window will still have a frame border * around it and not be placed in the upper corner of the screen. On Mac OS * X, the menu bar will remain present unless "Present" mode is used. * * ( end auto-generated ) */ public int displayHeight; /** A leech graphics object that is echoing all events. */ public PGraphics recorder; /** * Command line options passed in from main(). * This does not include the arguments passed in to PApplet itself. * @see PApplet#main */ public String[] args; /** * Path to sketch folder. Previously undocumented, made private in 3.0a5 * so that people use the sketchPath() method and it's inited properly. * Call sketchPath() once to set the default. */ private String sketchPath; // public String sketchPath; static final boolean DEBUG = false; // static final boolean DEBUG = true; /** Default width and height for sketch when not specified */ static public final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 100; static public final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 100; // /** // * Exception thrown when size() is called the first time. // *

// * This is used internally so that setup() is forced to run twice // * when the renderer is changed. This is the only way for us to handle // * invoking the new renderer while also in the midst of rendering. // */ // static public class RendererChangeException extends RuntimeException { } /** * true if no size() command has been executed. This is used to wait until * a size has been set before placing in the window and showing it. */ // public boolean defaultSize; // /** Storage for the current renderer size to avoid re-allocation. */ // Dimension currentSize = new Dimension(); /** * ( begin auto-generated from pixels.xml ) * * Array containing the values for all the pixels in the display window. * These values are of the color datatype. This array is the size of the * display window. For example, if the image is 100x100 pixels, there will * be 10000 values and if the window is 200x300 pixels, there will be 60000 * values. The index value defines the position of a value within * the array. For example, the statement color b = pixels[230] will * set the variable b to be equal to the value at that location in * the array.
* Before accessing this array, the data must loaded with the * loadPixels() function. After the array data has been modified, * the updatePixels() function must be run to update the changes. * Without loadPixels(), running the code may (or will in future * releases) result in a NullPointerException. * * ( end auto-generated ) * * @webref image:pixels * @see PApplet#loadPixels() * @see PApplet#updatePixels() * @see PApplet#get(int, int, int, int) * @see PApplet#set(int, int, int) * @see PImage */ public int[] pixels; /** * ( begin auto-generated from width.xml ) * * System variable which stores the width of the display window. This value * is set by the first parameter of the size() function. For * example, the function call size(320, 240) sets the width * variable to the value 320. The value of width is zero until * size() is called. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref environment * @see PApplet#height * @see PApplet#size(int, int) */ public int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; /** * ( begin auto-generated from height.xml ) * * System variable which stores the height of the display window. This * value is set by the second parameter of the size() function. For * example, the function call size(320, 240) sets the height * variable to the value 240. The value of height is zero until * size() is called. * * ( end auto-generated ) * * @webref environment * @see PApplet#width * @see PApplet#size(int, int) */ public int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; /** * ( begin auto-generated from pixelWidth.xml ) * * When pixelDensity(2) is used to make use of a high resolution * display (called a Retina display on OS X or high-dpi on Windows and * Linux), the width and height of the sketch do not change, but the * number of pixels is doubled. As a result, all operations that use pixels * (like loadPixels(), get(), set(), etc.) happen * in this doubled space. As a convenience, the variables pixelWidth * and pixelHeight hold the actual width and height of the sketch * in pixels. This is useful for any sketch that uses the pixels[] * array, for instance, because the number of elements in the array will * be pixelWidth*pixelHeight, not width*height. * * ( end auto-generated ) * * @webref environment * @see PApplet#pixelHeight * @see #pixelDensity(int) * @see #displayDensity() */ public int pixelWidth; /** * ( begin auto-generated from pixelHeight.xml ) * * When pixelDensity(2) is used to make use of a high resolution * display (called a Retina display on OS X or high-dpi on Windows and * Linux), the width and height of the sketch do not change, but the * number of pixels is doubled. As a result, all operations that use pixels * (like loadPixels(), get(), set(), etc.) happen * in this doubled space. As a convenience, the variables pixelWidth * and pixelHeight hold the actual width and height of the sketch * in pixels. This is useful for any sketch that uses the pixels[] * array, for instance, because the number of elements in the array will * be pixelWidth*pixelHeight, not width*height. * * ( end auto-generated ) * * @webref environment * @see PApplet#pixelWidth * @see #pixelDensity(int) * @see #displayDensity() */ public int pixelHeight; /** * Keeps track of ENABLE_KEY_REPEAT hint */ protected boolean keyRepeatEnabled = false; /** * ( begin auto-generated from mouseX.xml ) * * The system variable mouseX always contains the current horizontal * coordinate of the mouse. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref input:mouse * @see PApplet#mouseY * @see PApplet#pmouseX * @see PApplet#pmouseY * @see PApplet#mousePressed * @see PApplet#mousePressed() * @see PApplet#mouseReleased() * @see PApplet#mouseClicked() * @see PApplet#mouseMoved() * @see PApplet#mouseDragged() * @see PApplet#mouseButton * @see PApplet#mouseWheel(MouseEvent) * * */ public int mouseX; /** * ( begin auto-generated from mouseY.xml ) * * The system variable mouseY always contains the current vertical * coordinate of the mouse. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref input:mouse * @see PApplet#mouseX * @see PApplet#pmouseX * @see PApplet#pmouseY * @see PApplet#mousePressed * @see PApplet#mousePressed() * @see PApplet#mouseReleased() * @see PApplet#mouseClicked() * @see PApplet#mouseMoved() * @see PApplet#mouseDragged() * @see PApplet#mouseButton * @see PApplet#mouseWheel(MouseEvent) * */ public int mouseY; /** * ( begin auto-generated from pmouseX.xml ) * * The system variable pmouseX always contains the horizontal * position of the mouse in the frame previous to the current frame.
* You may find that pmouseX and pmouseY have different * values inside draw() and inside events like mousePressed() * and mouseMoved(). This is because they're used for different * roles, so don't mix them. Inside draw(), pmouseX and * pmouseY update only once per frame (once per trip through your * draw()). But, inside mouse events, they update each time the * event is called. If they weren't separated, then the mouse would be read * only once per frame, making response choppy. If the mouse variables were * always updated multiple times per frame, using line(pmouseX, * pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY) inside draw() would have lots * of gaps, because pmouseX may have changed several times in * between the calls to line(). Use pmouseX and * pmouseY inside draw() if you want values relative to the * previous frame. Use pmouseX and pmouseY inside the mouse * functions if you want continuous response. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref input:mouse * @see PApplet#mouseX * @see PApplet#mouseY * @see PApplet#pmouseY * @see PApplet#mousePressed * @see PApplet#mousePressed() * @see PApplet#mouseReleased() * @see PApplet#mouseClicked() * @see PApplet#mouseMoved() * @see PApplet#mouseDragged() * @see PApplet#mouseButton * @see PApplet#mouseWheel(MouseEvent) */ public int pmouseX; /** * ( begin auto-generated from pmouseY.xml ) * * The system variable pmouseY always contains the vertical position * of the mouse in the frame previous to the current frame. More detailed * information about how pmouseY is updated inside of draw() * and mouse events is explained in the reference for pmouseX. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref input:mouse * @see PApplet#mouseX * @see PApplet#mouseY * @see PApplet#pmouseX * @see PApplet#mousePressed * @see PApplet#mousePressed() * @see PApplet#mouseReleased() * @see PApplet#mouseClicked() * @see PApplet#mouseMoved() * @see PApplet#mouseDragged() * @see PApplet#mouseButton * @see PApplet#mouseWheel(MouseEvent) */ public int pmouseY; /** * Previous mouseX/Y for the draw loop, separated out because this is * separate from the pmouseX/Y when inside the mouse event handlers. * See emouseX/Y for an explanation. */ protected int dmouseX, dmouseY; /** * The pmouseX/Y for the event handlers (mousePressed(), mouseDragged() etc) * these are different because mouse events are queued to the end of * draw, so the previous position has to be updated on each event, * as opposed to the pmouseX/Y that's used inside draw, which is expected * to be updated once per trip through draw(). */ protected int emouseX, emouseY; /** * Used to set pmouseX/Y to mouseX/Y the first time mouseX/Y are used, * otherwise pmouseX/Y are always zero, causing a nasty jump. *

* Just using (frameCount == 0) won't work since mouseXxxxx() * may not be called until a couple frames into things. *

* @deprecated Please refrain from using this variable, it will be removed * from future releases of Processing because it cannot be used consistently * across platforms and input methods. */ @Deprecated public boolean firstMouse = true; /** * ( begin auto-generated from mouseButton.xml ) * * Processing automatically tracks if the mouse button is pressed and which * button is pressed. The value of the system variable mouseButton * is either LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER depending on which * button is pressed. * * ( end auto-generated ) * *


* * If running on Mac OS, a ctrl-click will be interpreted as the right-hand * mouse button (unlike Java, which reports it as the left mouse). * @webref input:mouse * @see PApplet#mouseX * @see PApplet#mouseY * @see PApplet#pmouseX * @see PApplet#pmouseY * @see PApplet#mousePressed * @see PApplet#mousePressed() * @see PApplet#mouseReleased() * @see PApplet#mouseClicked() * @see PApplet#mouseMoved() * @see PApplet#mouseDragged() * @see PApplet#mouseWheel(MouseEvent) */ public int mouseButton; /** * ( begin auto-generated from mousePressed_var.xml ) * * Variable storing if a mouse button is pressed. The value of the system * variable mousePressed is true if a mouse button is pressed and * false if a button is not pressed. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref input:mouse * @see PApplet#mouseX * @see PApplet#mouseY * @see PApplet#pmouseX * @see PApplet#pmouseY * @see PApplet#mousePressed() * @see PApplet#mouseReleased() * @see PApplet#mouseClicked() * @see PApplet#mouseMoved() * @see PApplet#mouseDragged() * @see PApplet#mouseButton * @see PApplet#mouseWheel(MouseEvent) */ public boolean mousePressed; /** @deprecated Use a mouse event handler that passes an event instead. */ @Deprecated public MouseEvent mouseEvent; /** * ( begin auto-generated from key.xml ) * * The system variable key always contains the value of the most * recent key on the keyboard that was used (either pressed or released). *

* For non-ASCII keys, use the keyCode variable. The keys included * in the ASCII specification (BACKSPACE, TAB, ENTER, RETURN, ESC, and * DELETE) do not require checking to see if they key is coded, and you * should simply use the key variable instead of keyCode If * you're making cross-platform projects, note that the ENTER key is * commonly used on PCs and Unix and the RETURN key is used instead on * Macintosh. Check for both ENTER and RETURN to make sure your program * will work for all platforms. * * ( end auto-generated ) * *


* * Last key pressed. *

* If it's a coded key, i.e. UP/DOWN/CTRL/SHIFT/ALT, * this will be set to CODED (0xffff or 65535). * * @webref input:keyboard * @see PApplet#keyCode * @see PApplet#keyPressed * @see PApplet#keyPressed() * @see PApplet#keyReleased() */ public char key; /** * ( begin auto-generated from keyCode.xml ) * * The variable keyCode is used to detect special keys such as the * UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT arrow keys and ALT, CONTROL, SHIFT. When checking * for these keys, it's first necessary to check and see if the key is * coded. This is done with the conditional "if (key == CODED)" as shown in * the example. *

* The keys included in the ASCII specification (BACKSPACE, TAB, ENTER, * RETURN, ESC, and DELETE) do not require checking to see if they key is * coded, and you should simply use the key variable instead of * keyCode If you're making cross-platform projects, note that the * ENTER key is commonly used on PCs and Unix and the RETURN key is used * instead on Macintosh. Check for both ENTER and RETURN to make sure your * program will work for all platforms. *

* For users familiar with Java, the values for UP and DOWN are simply * shorter versions of Java's KeyEvent.VK_UP and KeyEvent.VK_DOWN. Other * keyCode values can be found in the Java KeyEvent reference. * * ( end auto-generated ) * *


* When "key" is set to CODED, this will contain a Java key code. *

* For the arrow keys, keyCode will be one of UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT. * Also available are ALT, CONTROL and SHIFT. A full set of constants * can be obtained from java.awt.event.KeyEvent, from the VK_XXXX variables. * * @webref input:keyboard * @see PApplet#key * @see PApplet#keyPressed * @see PApplet#keyPressed() * @see PApplet#keyReleased() */ public int keyCode; /** * ( begin auto-generated from keyPressed_var.xml ) * * The boolean system variable keyPressed is true if any key * is pressed and false if no keys are pressed. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref input:keyboard * @see PApplet#key * @see PApplet#keyCode * @see PApplet#keyPressed() * @see PApplet#keyReleased() */ public boolean keyPressed; List pressedKeys = new ArrayList<>(6); /** * The last KeyEvent object passed into a mouse function. * @deprecated Use a key event handler that passes an event instead. */ @Deprecated public KeyEvent keyEvent; /** * ( begin auto-generated from focused.xml ) * * Confirms if a Processing program is "focused", meaning that it is active * and will accept input from mouse or keyboard. This variable is "true" if * it is focused and "false" if not. This variable is often used when you * want to warn people they need to click on or roll over an applet before * it will work. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref environment */ public boolean focused = false; // /** // * Confirms if a Processing program is running inside a web browser. This // * variable is "true" if the program is online and "false" if not. // */ // @Deprecated // public boolean online = false; // // This is deprecated because it's poorly named (and even more poorly // // understood). Further, we'll probably be removing applets soon, in which // // case this won't work at all. If you want this feature, you can check // // whether getAppletContext() returns null. /** * Time in milliseconds when the applet was started. *

* Used by the millis() function. */ long millisOffset = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * ( begin auto-generated from frameRate_var.xml ) * * The system variable frameRate contains the approximate frame rate * of the software as it executes. The initial value is 10 fps and is * updated with each frame. The value is averaged (integrated) over several * frames. As such, this value won't be valid until after 5-10 frames. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref environment * @see PApplet#frameRate(float) * @see PApplet#frameCount */ public float frameRate = 10; protected boolean looping = true; /** flag set to true when a redraw is asked for by the user */ protected boolean redraw = true; /** * ( begin auto-generated from frameCount.xml ) * * The system variable frameCount contains the number of frames * displayed since the program started. Inside setup() the value is * 0 and and after the first iteration of draw it is 1, etc. * * ( end auto-generated ) * @webref environment * @see PApplet#frameRate(float) * @see PApplet#frameRate */ public int frameCount; /** true if the sketch has stopped permanently. */ public volatile boolean finished; /** used by the UncaughtExceptionHandler, so has to be static */ static Throwable uncaughtThrowable; // public, but undocumented.. removing for 3.0a5 // /** // * true if the animation thread is paused. // */ // public volatile boolean paused; /** * true if exit() has been called so that things shut down * once the main thread kicks off. */ protected boolean exitCalled; // messages to send if attached as an external vm /** * Position of the upper-lefthand corner of the editor window * that launched this applet. */ static public final String ARGS_EDITOR_LOCATION = "--editor-location"; static public final String ARGS_EXTERNAL = "--external"; /** * Location for where to position the applet window on screen. *

* This is used by the editor to when saving the previous applet * location, or could be used by other classes to launch at a * specific position on-screen. */ static public final String ARGS_LOCATION = "--location"; /** Used by the PDE to suggest a display (set in prefs, passed on Run) */ static public final String ARGS_DISPLAY = "--display"; // static public final String ARGS_SPAN_DISPLAYS = "--span"; static public final String ARGS_WINDOW_COLOR = "--window-color"; static public final String ARGS_PRESENT = "--present"; static public final String ARGS_STOP_COLOR = "--stop-color"; static public final String ARGS_HIDE_STOP = "--hide-stop"; /** * Allows the user or PdeEditor to set a specific sketch folder path. *

* Used by PdeEditor to pass in the location where saveFrame() * and all that stuff should write things. */ static public final String ARGS_SKETCH_FOLDER = "--sketch-path"; static public final String ARGS_DENSITY = "--density"; /** * When run externally to a PdeEditor, * this is sent by the sketch when it quits. */ static public final String EXTERNAL_STOP = "__STOP__"; /** * When run externally to a PDE Editor, this is sent by the applet * whenever the window is moved. *

* This is used so that the editor can re-open the sketch window * in the same position as the user last left it. */ static public final String EXTERNAL_MOVE = "__MOVE__"; /** true if this sketch is being run by the PDE */ boolean external = false; static final String ERROR_MIN_MAX = "Cannot use min() or max() on an empty array."; // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . protected PSurface surface; public PSurface getSurface() { return surface; } /** * A dummy frame to keep compatibility with 2.x code * and encourage users to update. */ public Frame frame; // public Frame getFrame() { // return frame; // } // // // public void setFrame(Frame frame) { // this.frame = frame; // } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // /** // * Applet initialization. This can do GUI work because the components have // * not been 'realized' yet: things aren't visible, displayed, etc. // */ // public void init() { //// println("init() called " + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())); // // using a local version here since the class variable is deprecated //// Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); //// screenWidth = screen.width; //// screenHeight = screen.height; // // defaultSize = true; // finished = false; // just for clarity // // // this will be cleared by draw() if it is not overridden // looping = true; // redraw = true; // draw this guy at least once // firstMouse = true; // // // calculated dynamically on first call //// // Removed in 2.1.2, brought back for 2.1.3. Usually sketchPath is set //// // inside runSketch(), but if this sketch takes care of calls to init() //// // when PApplet.main() is not used (i.e. it's in a Java application). //// // THe path needs to be set here so that loadXxxx() functions work. //// if (sketchPath == null) { //// sketchPath = calcSketchPath(); //// } // // // set during Surface.initFrame() //// // Figure out the available display width and height. //// // No major problem if this fails, we have to try again anyway in //// // handleDraw() on the first (== 0) frame. //// checkDisplaySize(); // //// // Set the default size, until the user specifies otherwise //// int w = sketchWidth(); //// int h = sketchHeight(); //// defaultSize = (w == DEFAULT_WIDTH) && (h == DEFAULT_HEIGHT); //// //// g = makeGraphics(w, h, sketchRenderer(), null, true); //// // Fire component resize event //// setSize(w, h); //// setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h)); //// //// width = g.width; //// height = g.height; // // surface.startThread(); // } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boolean insideSettings; String renderer = JAVA2D; // int quality = 2; int smooth = 1; // default smoothing (whatever that means for the renderer) boolean fullScreen; int display = -1; // use default GraphicsDevice[] displayDevices; // Unlike the others above, needs to be public to support // the pixelWidth and pixelHeight fields. public int pixelDensity = 1; int suggestedDensity = -1; boolean present; String outputPath; OutputStream outputStream; // Background default needs to be different from the default value in // PGraphics.backgroundColor, otherwise size(100, 100) bg spills over. // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/2297 int windowColor = 0xffDDDDDD; /** * @param method "size" or "fullScreen" * @param args parameters passed to the function so we can show the user * @return true if safely inside the settings() method */ boolean insideSettings(String method, Object... args) { if (insideSettings) { return true; } final String url = "https://processing.org/reference/" + method + "_.html"; if (!external) { // post a warning for users of Eclipse and other IDEs StringList argList = new StringList(args); System.err.println("When not using the PDE, " + method + "() can only be used inside settings()."); System.err.println("Remove the " + method + "() method from setup(), and add the following:"); System.err.println("public void settings() {"); System.err.println(" " + method + "(" + argList.join(", ") + ");"); System.err.println("}"); } throw new IllegalStateException(method + "() cannot be used here, see " + url); } void handleSettings() { insideSettings = true; // Need the list of display devices to be queried already for usage below. // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/3295 // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/3296 // Not doing this from a static initializer because it may cause // PApplet to cache and the values to stick through subsequent runs. // Instead make it a runtime thing and a local variable. GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice device = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice(); displayDevices = ge.getScreenDevices(); // Default or unparsed will be -1, spanning will be 0, actual displays will // be numbered from 1 because it's too weird to say "display 0" in prefs. if (display > 0 && display <= displayDevices.length) { device = displayDevices[display-1]; } // Set displayWidth and displayHeight for people still using those. DisplayMode displayMode = device.getDisplayMode(); displayWidth = displayMode.getWidth(); displayHeight = displayMode.getHeight(); // Here's where size(), fullScreen(), smooth(N) and noSmooth() might // be called, conjuring up the demons of various rendering configurations. settings(); if (display == SPAN && platform == MACOSX) { // Make sure "Displays have separate Spaces" is unchecked // in System Preferences > Mission Control Process p = exec("defaults", "read", "com.apple.spaces", "spans-displays"); BufferedReader outReader = createReader(p.getInputStream()); BufferedReader errReader = createReader(p.getErrorStream()); StringBuilder stdout = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder stderr = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; try { while ((line = outReader.readLine()) != null) { stdout.append(line); } while ((line = errReader.readLine()) != null) { stderr.append(line); } } catch (IOException e) { printStackTrace(e); } int resultCode = -1; try { resultCode = p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } String result = trim(stdout.toString()); if ("0".equals(result)) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { checkLookAndFeel(); final String msg = "To use fullScreen(SPAN), first turn off “Displays have separate spaces”\n" + "in System Preferences \u2192 Mission Control. Then log out and log back in."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "Apple's Defaults Stink", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } }); } else if (!"1".equals(result)) { System.err.println("Could not check the status of “Displays have separate spaces.”"); System.err.format("Received message '%s' and result code %d.%n", trim(stderr.toString()), resultCode); } } insideSettings = false; } /** * ( begin auto-generated from settings.xml ) * * Description to come... * * ( end auto-generated ) * * Override this method to call size() when not using the PDE. * * @webref environment * @see PApplet#fullScreen() * @see PApplet#setup() * @see PApplet#size(int,int) * @see PApplet#smooth() */ public void settings() { // is this necessary? (doesn't appear to be, so removing) //size(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT, JAVA2D); } final public int sketchWidth() { return width; } final public int sketchHeight() { return height; } final public String sketchRenderer() { return renderer; } // Named quality instead of smooth to avoid people trying to set (or get) // the current smooth level this way. Also that smooth(number) isn't really // public or well-known API. It's specific to the capabilities of the // rendering surface, and somewhat independent of whether the sketch is // smoothing at any given time. It's also a bit like getFill() would return // true/false for whether fill was enabled, getFillColor() would return the // color itself. Or at least that's what I can recall at the moment. [fry] // public int sketchQuality() { // //return 2; // return quality; // } // smoothing 1 is default.. 0 is none.. 2,4,8 depend on renderer final public int sketchSmooth() { return smooth; } final public boolean sketchFullScreen() { //return false; return fullScreen; } // // Could be named 'screen' instead of display since it's the people using // // full screen who will be looking for it. On the other hand, screenX/Y/Z // // makes things confusing, and if 'displayIndex' exists... // public boolean sketchSpanDisplays() { // //return false; // return spanDisplays; // } // Numbered from 1, SPAN (0) means all displays, -1 means the default display final public int sketchDisplay() { return display; } final public String sketchOutputPath() { //return null; return outputPath; } final public OutputStream sketchOutputStream() { //return null; return outputStream; } final public int sketchWindowColor() { return windowColor; } final public int sketchPixelDensity() { return pixelDensity; } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * ( begin auto-generated from displayDensity.xml ) * * This function returns the number "2" if the screen is a high-density * screen (called a Retina display on OS X or high-dpi on Windows and Linux) * and a "1" if not. This information is useful for a program to adapt to * run at double the pixel density on a screen that supports it. * * ( end auto-generated ) * * @webref environment * @see PApplet#pixelDensity(int) * @see PApplet#size(int,int) */ public int displayDensity() { if (display != SPAN && (fullScreen || present)) { return displayDensity(display); } // walk through all displays, use 2 if any display is 2 for (int i = 0; i < displayDevices.length; i++) { if (displayDensity(i+1) == 2) { return 2; } } // If nobody's density is 2 then everyone is 1 return 1; } /** * @param display the display number to check */ public int displayDensity(int display) { if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.MACOSX) { // This should probably be reset each time there's a display change. // A 5-minute search didn't turn up any such event in the Java 7 API. // Also, should we use the Toolkit associated with the editor window? final String javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor"); if (javaVendor.contains("Oracle")) { GraphicsDevice device; GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); if (display == -1) { device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice(); } else if (display == SPAN) { throw new RuntimeException("displayDensity() only works with specific display numbers"); } else { GraphicsDevice[] devices = env.getScreenDevices(); if (display > 0 && display <= devices.length) { device = devices[display - 1]; } else { if (devices.length == 1) { System.err.println("Only one display is currently known, use displayDensity(1)."); } else { System.err.format("Your displays are numbered %d through %d, " + "pass one of those numbers to displayDensity()%n", 1, devices.length); } throw new RuntimeException("Display " + display + " does not exist."); } } try { Field field = device.getClass().getDeclaredField("scale"); if (field != null) { field.setAccessible(true); Object scale = field.get(device); if (scale instanceof Integer && ((Integer)scale).intValue() == 2) { return 2; } } } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } else if (PApplet.platform == PConstants.WINDOWS || PApplet.platform == PConstants.LINUX) { if (suggestedDensity == -1) { // TODO: detect and return DPI scaling using JNA; Windows has // a system-wide value, not sure how it works on Linux return 1; } else if (suggestedDensity == 1 || suggestedDensity == 2) { return suggestedDensity; } } return 1; } /** * @webref environment * @param density 1 or 2 * */ public void pixelDensity(int density) { //println(density + " " + this.pixelDensity); if (density != this.pixelDensity) { if (insideSettings("pixelDensity", density)) { if (density != 1 && density != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("pixelDensity() can only be 1 or 2"); } if (!FX2D.equals(renderer) && density == 2 && displayDensity() == 1) { // FX has its own check in PSurfaceFX // Don't throw exception because the sketch should still work System.err.println("pixelDensity(2) is not available for this display"); this.pixelDensity = 1; } else { this.pixelDensity = density; } } else { System.err.println("not inside settings"); // this should only be reachable when not running in the PDE, // so saying it's a settings()--not just setup()--issue should be ok throw new RuntimeException("pixelDensity() can only be used inside settings()"); } } } /** * Called by PSurface objects to set the width and height variables, * and update the pixelWidth and pixelHeight variables. */ public void setSize(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; pixelWidth = width * pixelDensity; pixelHeight = height * pixelDensity; } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * @nowebref */ public void smooth() { smooth(1); } /** * @webref environment * @param level either 2, 3, 4, or 8 depending on the renderer */ public void smooth(int level) { if (insideSettings) { this.smooth = level; } else if (this.smooth != level) { smoothWarning("smooth"); } } /** * @webref environment */ public void noSmooth() { if (insideSettings) { this.smooth = 0; } else if (this.smooth != 0) { smoothWarning("noSmooth"); } } private void smoothWarning(String method) { // When running from the PDE, say setup(), otherwise say settings() final String where = external ? "setup" : "settings"; PGraphics.showWarning("%s() can only be used inside %s()", method, where); if (external) { PGraphics.showWarning("When run from the PDE, %s() is automatically moved from setup() to settings()", method); } } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . public PGraphics getGraphics() { return g; } // TODO should this join the sketchXxxx() functions specific to settings()? public void orientation(int which) { // ignore calls to the orientation command } /** * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it * should start its execution. It is called after the init method and * each time the applet is revisited in a Web page. *

* Called explicitly via the first call to PApplet.paint(), because * PAppletGL needs to have a usable screen before getting things rolling. */ public void start() { // paused = false; // unpause the thread // removing for 3.0a5, don't think we want this here resume(); handleMethods("resume"); surface.resumeThread(); } /** * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform * this applet that it should stop its execution. *

* Unfortunately, there are no guarantees from the Java spec * when or if stop() will be called (i.e. on browser quit, * or when moving between web pages), and it's not always called. */ public void stop() { // this used to shut down the sketch, but that code has // been moved to destroy/dispose() // if (paused) { // synchronized (pauseObject) { // try { // pauseObject.wait(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // waiting for this interrupt on a start() (resume) call // } // } // } //paused = true; // causes animation thread to sleep // 3.0a5 pause(); handleMethods("pause"); // calling this down here, since it's another thread it's safer to call // pause() and the registered pause methods first. surface.pauseThread(); // actual pause will happen in the run() method // synchronized (pauseObject) { // debug("stop() calling pauseObject.wait()"); // try { // pauseObject.wait(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // waiting for this interrupt on a start() (resume) call // } // } } /** * Sketch has been paused. Called when switching tabs in a browser or * swapping to a different application on Android. Also called just before * quitting. Use to safely disable things like serial, sound, or sensors. */ public void pause() { } /** * Sketch has resumed. Called when switching tabs in a browser or * swapping to this application on Android. Also called on startup. * Use this to safely disable things like serial, sound, or sensors. */ public void resume() { } // /** // * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet // * that it is being reclaimed and that it should destroy // * any resources that it has allocated. // *

// * destroy() supposedly gets called as the applet viewer // * is shutting down the applet. stop() is called // * first, and then destroy() to really get rid of things. // * no guarantees on when they're run (on browser quit, or // * when moving between pages), though. // */ // @Override // public void destroy() { // this.dispose(); // } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Map of registered methods, stored by name. */ HashMap registerMap = new HashMap<>(); /** Lock when un/registering from multiple threads */ private final Object registerLock = new Object[0]; class RegisteredMethods { int count; Object[] objects; // Because the Method comes from the class being called, // it will be unique for most, if not all, objects. Method[] methods; Object[] emptyArgs = new Object[] { }; void handle() { handle(emptyArgs); } void handle(Object[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { try { methods[i].invoke(objects[i], args); } catch (Exception e) { // check for wrapped exception, get root exception Throwable t; if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) { InvocationTargetException ite = (InvocationTargetException) e; t = ite.getCause(); } else { t = e; } // check for RuntimeException, and allow to bubble up if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { // re-throw exception throw (RuntimeException) t; } else { // trap and print as usual printStackTrace(t); } } } } void add(Object object, Method method) { if (findIndex(object) == -1) { if (objects == null) { objects = new Object[5]; methods = new Method[5]; } else if (count == objects.length) { objects = (Object[]) PApplet.expand(objects); methods = (Method[]) PApplet.expand(methods); } objects[count] = object; methods[count] = method; count++; } else { die(method.getName() + "() already added for this instance of " + object.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Removes first object/method pair matched (and only the first, * must be called multiple times if object is registered multiple times). * Does not shrink array afterwards, silently returns if method not found. */ // public void remove(Object object, Method method) { // int index = findIndex(object, method); public void remove(Object object) { int index = findIndex(object); if (index != -1) { // shift remaining methods by one to preserve ordering count--; for (int i = index; i < count; i++) { objects[i] = objects[i+1]; methods[i] = methods[i+1]; } // clean things out for the gc's sake objects[count] = null; methods[count] = null; } } // protected int findIndex(Object object, Method method) { protected int findIndex(Object object) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (objects[i] == object) { // if (objects[i] == object && methods[i].equals(method)) { //objects[i].equals() might be overridden, so use == for safety // since here we do care about actual object identity //methods[i]==method is never true even for same method, so must use // equals(), this should be safe because of object identity return i; } } return -1; } } /** * Register a built-in event so that it can be fired for libraries, etc. * Supported events include: *