#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'ostruct' require 'dalli' require 'cache_method' require_relative 'workspaces' require_relative 'projects' require_relative 'tasks' require_relative 'sections' module Checkoff # Provide ability for CLI to pull Asana items # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class CLI attr_reader :sections, :stderr def initialize(config: Checkoff::ConfigLoader.load(:asana), workspaces: Checkoff::Workspaces.new(config: config), projects: Checkoff::Projects.new(config: config), sections: Checkoff::Sections.new(config: config, projects: projects), tasks: Checkoff::Tasks.new(config: config), stderr: $stderr, kernel: Kernel) @workspaces = workspaces @projects = projects @sections = sections @tasks = tasks @kernel = kernel @stderr = stderr end def task_to_hash(task) task_out = { name: task.name, } if task.due_on task_out[:due] = task.due_on elsif task.due_at task_out[:due] = task.due_at end task_out end def tasks_to_hash(tasks) tasks.map { |task| task_to_hash(task) } end def run_on_project(workspace, project) tasks_by_section = sections.tasks_by_section(workspace, project) tasks_by_section.update(tasks_by_section) do |_key, tasks| tasks_to_hash(tasks) end tasks_by_section.to_json end def run_on_section(workspace, project, section) section = nil if section == '' tasks = sections.tasks(workspace, project, section) || [] tasks_to_hash(tasks).to_json end def quickadd(workspace_name, task_name) workspace = @workspaces.workspace_by_name(workspace_name) @tasks.add_task(task_name, workspace_gid: workspace.gid) end def validate_args!(args) return unless args.length < 2 || !%w[view quickadd].include?(args[0]) output_help exit(1) end def parse_view_args(subargs, args) subargs.workspace = args[1] subargs.project = args[2] subargs.section = args[3] end def parse_quickadd_args(subargs, args) subargs.workspace = args[1] subargs.task_name = args[2] end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def parse_args(args) mode = args[0] subargs = OpenStruct.new case mode when 'view' parse_view_args(subargs, args) when 'quickadd' parse_quickadd_args(subargs, args) else raise end [mode, subargs] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def output_help stderr.puts 'View tasks:' stderr.puts " #{$PROGRAM_NAME} view workspace project [section]" stderr.puts " #{$PROGRAM_NAME} quickadd workspace task_name" stderr.puts stderr.puts "'project' can be set to a project name, or :my_tasks, " \ ":my_tasks_upcoming, :my_tasks_new, or :my_tasks_today" end def view(workspace_name, project_name, section_name) if project_name.nil? stderr.puts 'Please specify a project name' exit(1) end project_name = project_name[1..].to_sym if project_name.start_with? ':' if section_name.nil? run_on_project(workspace_name, project_name) else run_on_section(workspace_name, project_name, section_name) end end def run(args) validate_args!(args) command, subargs = parse_args(args) case command when 'view' view(subargs.workspace, subargs.project, subargs.section) when 'quickadd' quickadd(subargs.workspace, subargs.task_name) else raise end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end