module Schemable # The AttributeSchemaGenerator class is responsible for generating JSON schemas for model attributes. # It includes methods for generating the overall schema and individual attribute schemas. # # @see Schemable class AttributeSchemaGenerator attr_reader :model_definition, :configuration, :model, :schema_modifier, :response # Initializes a new AttributeSchemaGenerator instance. # # @param model_definition [ModelDefinition] The model definition to generate the schema for. # @example # generator = def initialize(model_definition) @model_definition = model_definition @model = model_definition.model @configuration = Schemable.configuration @schema_modifier = @response = nil end # Generates the JSON schema for the model attributes. # # @return [Hash] The generated schema. # @example # schema = generator.generate def generate schema = { type: :object, properties: @model_definition.attributes.index_with do |attr| generate_attribute_schema(attr) end } # Rename enum attributes to remove the suffix or prefix if mongoid is used if @configuration.orm == :mongoid schema[:properties].transform_keys! do |key| key.to_s.gsub(@configuration.enum_prefix_for_simple_enum || @configuration.enum_suffix_for_simple_enum, '') end end # modify the schema to include additional response relations schema = @schema_modifier.add_properties(schema, @model_definition.additional_response_attributes, 'properties') # modify the schema to exclude response relations @model_definition.excluded_response_attributes.each do |key| schema = @schema_modifier.delete_properties(schema, "properties.#{key}") end schema end # Generates the JSON schema for a specific attribute. # # @param attribute [Symbol, String] The attribute to generate the schema for. # @return [Hash] The generated schema for the attribute. # @example # attribute_schema = generator.generate_attribute_schema(:attribute_name) def generate_attribute_schema(attribute) if @configuration.orm == :mongoid # Get the column hash for the attribute attribute_hash = @model.fields[attribute.to_s] # Check if this attribute has a custom JSON Schema definition return @model_definition.array_types[attribute] if @model_definition.array_types.keys.include?(attribute.to_sym) return @model_definition.additional_response_attributes[attribute] if @model_definition.additional_response_attributes.keys.include?(attribute) # Check if this is an array attribute return @configuration.type_mapper(:array) if attribute_hash.try(:[], 'options').try(:[], 'type') == 'Array' # Check if this is an enum attribute @response = if'_cd') @configuration.type_mapper(:string) else # Map the column type to a JSON Schema type if none of the above conditions are met @configuration.type_mapper(attribute_hash.try(:type).to_s.downcase.to_sym) end elsif @configuration.orm == :active_record # Get the column hash for the attribute attribute_hash = @model.columns_hash[attribute.to_s] # Check if this attribute has a custom JSON Schema definition return @model_definition.array_types[attribute] if @model_definition.array_types.keys.include?(attribute.to_sym) return @model_definition.additional_response_attributes[attribute] if @model_definition.additional_response_attributes.keys.include?(attribute) # Check if this is an array attribute return @configuration.type_mapper(:array) if attribute_hash.as_json.try(:[], 'sql_type_metadata').try(:[], 'sql_type').include?('[]') # Map the column type to a JSON Schema type if none of the above conditions are met @response = @configuration.type_mapper(attribute_hash.try(:type)) else raise 'ORM not supported' end # If the attribute is nullable, modify the schema accordingly return @schema_modifier.add_properties(@response, { nullable: true }, '.') if @response && @model_definition.nullable_attributes.include?(attribute) # If attribute is an enum, modify the schema accordingly if @configuration.custom_defined_enum_method && @model.respond_to?(@configuration.custom_defined_enum_method) defined_enums = @model.send(@configuration.custom_defined_enum_method) enum_attribute = attribute.to_s.gsub(@configuration.enum_prefix_for_simple_enum || @configuration.enum_suffix_for_simple_enum, '').to_s return @schema_modifier.add_properties(@response, { enum: defined_enums[enum_attribute].keys }, '.') if @response && defined_enums[enum_attribute].present? elsif @model.respond_to?(:defined_enums) return @schema_modifier.add_properties(@response, { enum: @model.defined_enums[attribute.to_s].keys }, '.') if @response && @model.defined_enums.key?(attribute.to_s) end return @response unless @response.nil? # If we haven't found a schema type yet, try to infer it from the type of the attribute's value in the instance data if @configuration.use_serialized_instance serialized_instance = @model_definition.serialized_instance type_from_instance = serialized_instance.as_json['data']['attributes'][attribute.to_s.camelize(:lower)]&.class&.name&.downcase @response = @configuration.type_mapper(type_from_instance) if type_from_instance.present? return @response unless @response.nil? end # If we still haven't found a schema type, default to object @configuration.type_mapper(:object) rescue NoMethodError # Log a warning if the attribute does not exist on the @model Rails.logger.warn("\e[33mWARNING: #{@model} does not have an attribute named \e[31m#{attribute}\e[0m") {} end end end