Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace(:db) do desc "Execute db:populate rake task in appropriate environment" task :populate do run "cd #{current_path}; rake RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} db:populate" end desc "Execute db:seed rake task in appropriate environment" task :seed do run "cd #{current_path}; rake RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} db:seed" end end namespace(:asset) do namespace(:packager) do desc "Execute asset:packager:build_all rake task in appropriate environment" task :build_all do run "cd #{current_path}; rake RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} asset:packager:build_all" end desc "Execute asset:packager:delete_all rake task in appropriate environment" task :delete_all do run "cd #{current_path}; rake RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} asset:packager:delete_all" end end end namespace(:bdg) do namespace(:localize) do # This should be overridden in deploy.rb set :config_files, [] desc "copy shared configurations to new release. this task should be called after deploy:update_code like so: after 'deploy:update_code', 'bdg:localize:copy_shared_configurations'" task :copy_shared_configurations, :roles => [:app] do config_files.each do |f| run "ln -nsf #{shared_path}/config/#{f} #{release_path}/config/#{f}" end end end desc "create database.yml" task :create_database_yml do # Gather some info set :db_pass, Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Database Password: ") # Set defaults set :db_user, "deploy" set :db_host, "localhost" set :db_adapter, "mysql" database_configuration =<<-EOF #{rails_env}: adapter: #{db_adapter} host: #{db_host} username: #{db_user} password: #{db_pass} database: #{application}_#{rails_env} EOF run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config" put database_configuration, "#{shared_path}/config/database.yml" end desc "Clean database sessions older than 12 hours" task :clean_sessions do sudo "cd #{current_path}; RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} script/runner 'ActiveRecord::Base.connection.delete(\"DELETE FROM sessions WHERE updated_at < now() - 12*3600\")'" end desc "Copy apache conf file to proper location on server" task :copy_apache_conf_file do sudo "cp #{current_path}/config/apache/#{stage}.conf /etc/httpd/conf/apps/#{application}.conf" end desc "Stream log from rails" task :log, :roles => :app do stream "tail -f #{current_path}/log/#{rails_env}.log" end desc "Stream access log" task :access_log, :roles => :app do sudo_stream "tail -f /etc/httpd/logs/#{domain}-access_log" end desc "Stream error log" task :error_log, :roles => :app do sudo_stream "tail -f /etc/httpd/logs/#{domain}-error_log" end desc "Stream rewrite log" task :rewrite_log, :roles => :app do sudo_stream "tail -f /etc/httpd/logs/#{domain}-rewrite_log" end desc "Show output of top" task :server_top do sudo_stream "top -b -n1" #sudo "top -b -n1" end desc "Remove log, tmp, and database.yml files from repository." task :prep_svn do remove_log_from_svn remove_tmp_from_svn remove_database_yml_from_svn end desc "Remove log from svn." task :remove_log_from_svn do puts "removing log directory contents from svn" system "svn remove log/*" puts "ignoring log directory" system "svn propset svn:ignore '*.log' log/" system "svn update log/" puts "committing changes" system "svn commit -m 'Removed and ignored log files'" end desc "Remove tmp from svn." task :remove_tmp_from_svn do puts "removing tmp directory from svn" system "svn remove tmp/*" puts "ignoring tmp directory" system "svn propset svn:ignore '*' tmp/" system "svn update tmp/" puts "committing changes" system "svn commit -m 'Removed contents of and ignored tmp'" end desc "Remove database.yml from svn." task :remove_database_yml_from_svn do puts "removing database.yml from svn" system "svn remove config/database.yml" puts "ignoring database.yml" system "svn propset svn:ignore 'database.yml' config/" system "svn update config/" puts "committing changes" system "svn commit -m 'Removed and ignored database.yml'" end desc "Create a local database.yml file (for use after it's been ignored by svn)" task :create_local_database_yml do database_yml_path = 'config/database.yml' question = "This task will over-write #{database_yml_path} if it exists. Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n) " if Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(question) == 'y' puts puts "First we need some configuration info..." puts set :db_user, Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Database User: ") set :db_password, Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Database Password: ") set :db_host, "localhost" set :db_adapter, "mysql" database_configuration =<<-EOF local: &local adapter: mysql host: localhost username: #{db_user} password: #{db_password} development: database: #{application}_development <<: *local test: database: #{application}_test <<: *local EOF system "touch #{database_yml_path} && > #{database_yml_path}" system "echo \"#{database_configuration}\" >> #{database_yml_path}" puts puts "Success! #{database_yml_path} has been created!" else puts "Goodbye." end end end end # So we're... 99% sure that these no longer apply. class Capistrano::Configuration ## # Run a command as root and stream it back def sudo_stream(command) sudo(command) do |channel, stream, out| puts out if stream == :out if stream == :err puts "[err : #{channel[:host]}] #{out}" break end end end # Run a task and ask for input when input_query is seen. # Sends the response back to the server. # # +input_query+ is a regular expression. # # Can be used where +run+ would otherwise be used. # # run_with_input 'ssh-keygen ...' def run_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/) handle_command_with_input(:run, shell_command, input_query) end # Run a task as root and ask for input when a regular expression is seen. # Sends the response back to the server. # # +input_query+ is a regular expression def sudo_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/) handle_command_with_input(:sudo, shell_command, input_query) end private # Do the actual capturing of the input and streaming of the output. def handle_command_with_input(local_run_method, shell_command, input_query) send(local_run_method, shell_command) do |channel, stream, data| data, channel[:host] if data =~ input_query pass = Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt "#{data}:" channel.send_data "#{pass}\n" end end end end