# Kitchen::Docker
A Test Kitchen Driver for Docker.
## Requirements
**TODO:** document any software or library prerequisites that are required to
use this driver. Implement the `#verify_dependencies` method in your Driver
class to enforce these requirements in code, if possible.
## Installation and Setup
Please read the [Driver usage][driver_usage] page for more details.
## Configuration
**TODO:** Write descriptions of all configuration options
### require\_chef\_omnibus
Determines whether or not a Chef [Omnibus package][chef_omnibus_dl] will be
installed. There are several different behaviors available:
* `true` - the latest release will be installed. Subsequent converges
will skip re-installing if chef is present.
* `latest` - the latest release will be installed. Subsequent converges
will always re-install even if chef is present.
* `` (ex: `10.24.0`) - the desired version string will
be passed the the install.sh script. Subsequent converges will skip if
the installed version and the desired version match.
* `false` or `nil` - no chef is installed.
The default value is unset, or `nil`.
## Development
* Source hosted at [GitHub][repo]
* Report issues/questions/feature requests on [GitHub Issues][issues]
Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested.
Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For
1. Fork the repo
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
## Authors
Created and maintained by [Sean Porter][author] ()
## License
Apache 2.0 (see [LICENSE][license])
[author]: https://github.com/enter-github-user
[issues]: https://github.com/enter-github-user/kitchen-docker/issues
[license]: https://github.com/enter-github-user/kitchen-docker/blob/master/LICENSE
[repo]: https://github.com/enter-github-user/kitchen-docker
[driver_usage]: http://docs.kitchen-ci.org/drivers/usage
[chef_omnibus_dl]: http://www.opscode.com/chef/install/