require 'sequel' Sequel.require 'adapters/shared/oracle' # The oracle_schemata extension adds some schema related methods to the Oracle database adapater. module Sequel module Oracle module DatabaseMethods # Specifies flag attributes which are considered implicit and, thus, do not require DDL clauses. IMPLICIT_FLAG_ATTRIBUTES = { :parallel=>false, :compress=>false, :logging=>true, :visible=>true, :rely=>false, :enabled=>true, :validate=>true } # Returns a hash containing expanded table metadata that exposes Oracle-specific table attributes. # # Basic Attributes: # :columns :: a columns subhash derived from a call to the #schema(table,options={}) method # :schema_name :: the name of the schema that owns this table # # Extended Attributes: (NOTE: some of the following attributes may be nil with older OCI clients) # :index_only :: is this an index-organized table? # :clustered :: is this a clustered table? # :partitioned :: is this a partitioned table? # :temporary :: is this a global temporary table? # :typed :: is this a ... typed table? ( not sure what that means :-/ ) # def table_metadata(table,options={}) columns = schema table, options attributes = columns.instance_eval{ remove_instance_variable :@features } attributes[:columns] = columns # Collect table partitioning information, if applicable. if attributes[:partitioning] ds, result = metadata_dataset, [] outm = sql_ident_to_sym_proc ds schema, table = ds.schema_and_table(table).map{|k| k.to_s.send(ds.identifier_input_method) if k} who = schema.nil? ? 'user' : 'all' ds = ds.where :owner => schema unless schema.nil? # Basic partitioning info. attributes[:partitioning] = Hash[, :interval, from(:"#{who}_part_tables").first(:table_name=>table). map{|k,v| [k, k==:interval ? v : v.downcase.to_sym] } ] # Partitioning key column info. attributes[:partitioning][:key] ="#{who}_part_key_columns").order(:column_position). where(:object_type=>'TABLE', :name=>table).map{|r| outm[r.values.first] } end attributes end # Return a hash containing index information for the table. Hash keys are index name symbols # and values are subhashes. The superclass method specifies only two keys :columns and :unique. # This implementation provides additional keys in the subhash that expose Oracle-specific index attributes. # # By default, this method does not return the primary key index. # Options: # :valid :: Filter by status: true => only VALID indexes, false => only UNUSABLE indexes # :all :: Return all indexes, including the primary key index. # # Example(s): # # DB.indexes(:people) # # { :person_gender=>{ # # :unique=>false, # # :valid=>true, # # :db_type=>'BITMAP', # # :tablespace=>:users, # # :partitioned=>false, # # :visible=>true, # # :compress=>false, # # :columns=>[:gender] # # }, # # :person_name=>{ # # :unique=>false, # # :valid=>true, # # :db_type=>'NORMAL', # # :tablespace=>:users, # # :partitioned=>false, # # :visible=>true, # # :compress=>false, # # :columns=>[:last_name, :first_name] # # } } # # # NOTE: Passing :all=>true so we can get the primary key index. # DB.indexes(:employees, :all=>true) # # { :employee_pk=>{ # # :unique=>true, # # :valid=>true, # # :db_type=>'NORMAL', # # :tablespace=>:users, # # :partitioned=>false, # # :visible=>true, # # :compress=>false, # # :columns=>[:id] # # }, # # :employee_dept=>{ # # :unique=>false, # # :valid=>true, # # :db_type=>'BITMAP', # # :type=>:bitmap, # # :join=>[:dept_id], # # :tablespace=>:users, # # :partitioned=>false, # # :visible=>true, # # :compress=>false, # # :columns=>[:departments__id] # # } } def indexes(table, opts={}) ds, result = metadata_dataset, [] outm = sql_ident_to_sym_proc ds schema, table = ds.schema_and_table(table).map{|k| k.to_s.send(ds.identifier_input_method) if k} who = schema.nil? ? 'user' : 'all' # Build the dataset and apply filters for introspection of indexes. ds =, :i__index_type, :i__join_index, :i__partitioned, :i__status, :i__uniqueness, :i__visibility, :i__compression, :i__tablespace_name, :i__logging, :i__degree, :i__instances, :ic__column_name). from(:"#{who}_indexes___i"). join(:"#{who}_ind_columns___ic", [ [:index_name,:index_name] ]). where(:i__table_name=>table, :i__dropped=>'NO'). order(:status.desc, :index_name, :ic__column_position) ds = ds.where :i__owner => schema, :c__index_owner => schema unless schema.nil? ds = ds.where :i__status => (opts[:valid] ? 'VALID' : 'UNUSABLE') unless opts[:valid].nil? # Collect the indexes as a hash of subhashes, including a column list. hash, join_indexes = {}, [] ds.each do |row| key = outm[row[:index_name]] unless subhash = hash[key] # Unconditional attributes subhash = hash[key] = { :columns=>[], :unique=>(row[:uniqueness]=='UNIQUE'), :db_type=>row[:index_type], :logging=>(row[:logging]=='YES'), :parallel=>(row[:degree]!='1' || row[:instances]!='1'), :tablespace=>outm[row[:tablespace_name]], :partitioned=>(row[:partitioned]=='YES'), :visible=>(row[:visibility]=='VISIBLE'), :compress=>(row[:compression]!='DISABLED') } # Conditional attributes subhash[:type] = $1.downcase.intern if subhash[:db_type] =~ /\b(BITMAP|NORMAL|DOMAIN)$/i subhash[:function_based] = true if /^FUNCTION-BASED\b/ === subhash[:db_type] subhash[:valid] = (row[:status]=='VALID') unless row[:status]=='N/A' join_indexes << row[:index_name] and subhash[:join] = [] if row[:join_index]=='YES' end subhash[:columns] << outm[row[:column_name]] end # Exclude the primary key index, if required and applicable. # NOTE: Disabled primary keys do not use any indexes, so they are not applicable here. if ! opts[:all] and pk = primary_key(table) if pk[:using_index] then hash.delete pk[:using_index] elsif pk[:enabled] then hash.delete_if {|k,v| v[:columns]==pk[:columns] } end end # Collect any additional metadata about the indexes (such as bitmap join columns). unless join_indexes.empty? ds = metadata_dataset.from(:"#{who}_join_ind_columns").where(:index_name=>join_indexes) ds = ds.where :index_owner => schema unless schema.nil? ds.each do |row| subhash = hash[outm[row[:index_name]]] ref_column = outm[row[:outer_table_column]] pos = subhash[:columns].index ref_column subhash[:columns][pos] = outm["#{row[:outer_table_name]}__#{ref_column}"] subhash[:join][pos] = outm[row[:inner_table_column]] end end # Done. hash end # Returns a hash containing primary key information for the table, or nil if the table has no primary key. # Options: # :enabled :: Filter by status: true => only ENABLED primary key, false => only DISABLED primary key # :validated :: Filter by validation: true => only VALIDATED primary key, false => only NOT VALIDATED primary key # # Example: # # DB.primary_key(:people) # # { :person_id=>{ # # :rely=>false, # # :enabled=>true, # # :validated=>true, # # :using_index=>:person_pk, # # :columns=>[:id] # # } } def primary_key(table, options={}) result = table_constraints table, 'P', options return unless result and not result.empty? result.values.first.tap{|pk| pk[:name] = result.keys.first } end # Return a hash containing unique constraint information for the table. Hash keys are constraint name symbols # and values are subhashes. Primary key constraints are _not_ returned by this method. # Options: # :enabled :: Filter by status: true => only ENABLED unique keys, false => only DISABLED unique keys # :validated :: Filter by validation: true => only VALIDATED unique keys, false => only NOT VALIDATED unique keys # # Example: # # DB.unique_keys(:people) # # { :person_ssn=>{ # # :rely=>false, # # :enabled=>true, # # :validated=>true, # # :using_index=>:person_ssn_index, # # :columns=>[:ssn] # # }, # # :person_dlnum=>{ # # :rely=>true, # # :enabled=>false, # # :validated=>false, # # :using_index=>nil, # # :columns=>[:drivers_license_state, :drivers_license_number] # # } } def unique_keys(table, options={}) table_constraints table, 'U', options end # Return a hash containing foreign key information for the table. Hash keys are constraint name symbols # and values are subhashes. # Options: # :enabled :: Filter by status: true => only ENABLED foreign keys, false => only DISABLED foreign keys # :validated :: Filter by validation: true => only VALIDATED foreign keys, false => only NOT VALIDATED foreign keys # # Example: # # DB.foreign_keys(:employees) # # { :employee_manager_fk=>{ # # :rely=>false, # # :enabled=>true, # # :validated=>true, # # :columns=>[:manager_id], # # :ref_constraint=>:manager_pk, # # :ref_table=>:managers # # }, # # :employee_department_fk=>{ # # :rely=>false, # # :enabled=>true, # # :validated=>true, # # :columns=>[:department_id], # # :ref_constraint=>:department_pk, # # :ref_table=>:departments # # } } def foreign_keys(table, options={}) table_constraints table, 'R', options end # Return a hash containing foreign key information for keys that _refer_ to this table. Hash keys are constraint name symbols # and values are subhashes. Foreign keys for this table are _not_ returned by this method (unless they are self-referential). # Options: # :enabled :: Filter by status: true => only ENABLED foreign keys, false => only DISABLED foreign keys # :validated :: Filter by validation: true => only VALIDATED foreign keys, false => only NOT VALIDATED foreign keys # # Example: # # DB.references(:employees) # # { :assignment_employee_fk=>{ # # :rely=>false, # # :enabled=>true, # # :validated=>true, # # :columns=>[:employee_id], # # :ref_constraint=>:employee_pk, # # :table=>:assignments # # }, # # :bonus_recipient_fk=>{ # # :rely=>false, # # :enabled=>true, # # :validated=>true, # # :columns=>[:recipient_id], # # :ref_constraint=>:employee_pk, # # :table=>:bonuses # # } } def references(table, options={}) table_constraints table, 'R', options.merge(:table_name_column=>:t__table_name) end # Overridden to support various Oracle-specific options. def alter_table(name, generator=nil, options=nil, &block) if Hash === options generator ||=, &block) alter_table_sql_list(name, generator.operations, options). flatten.each {|sql| execute_ddl(sql)} remove_cached_schema(name) nil else super(name, generator, &block) end end protected # Type-safe (and nil safe) conversion for SQL identifers to Ruby symbols. # Returns a proc that converts String types and passes through all other types def sql_ident_to_sym_proc(dataset) lambda do |k| unless String===k then k else k = dataset.send :output_identifier, k String===k ? k.intern : k end end end private # Overridden because Oracle has slightly different syntax. def alter_table_sql(table, op) case op[:op] when :add_column "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ADD #{column_definition_sql(op)}" else return super(table, op) end end # Overridden to support various Oracle-specific options. def alter_table_sql_list(table, operations, options=nil) return super(table, operations) unless Hash===options prologue = "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} " sql = do |op| frag = alter_table_sql table, op raise ArgumentError unless frag.slice![0,prologue.length] == prologue frag end sql.push(table_options_sql(options)).join ' ' end # Overridden to support various Oracle-specific options. def column_references_sql(options) sql = [super(options)] sql << flag_option_sql(options, :rely) sql << flag_option_sql(options, :enable, 'DISABLE') sql << flag_option_sql(options, :validate) sql.join ' ' end # Overridden to support various Oracle-specific options. def create_table_sql(name, generator, options) a, b = super(name, generator, options), table_options_sql(options) "#{a}\n#{b}" end # Overridden because Oracle has a 30 character maximum identifier length. def default_index_name(table_name, columns) schema, table = schema_and_table(table_name) ds = DB[:all_indexes].where(:table_name=>table,:dropped=>'NO') ds = ds.where :owner=>schema unless schema.nil? "#{table[0,25]}_ix%2.2d" % [ds.count + 1] end # SQL DDL statement for creating an index for the table with the given name # and index specifications. def index_definition_sql(table_name, index) raise Error, "Partial indexes are not supported for this database" if index[:where] # Basic index creation DDL. sql = ["CREATE"] case index[:type] when :bitmap raise Error, "Bitmap indexes cannot be unique" if index[:unique] sql << 'BITMAP' when NilClass, :normal sql << 'UNIQUE' if index[:unique] else raise Error, "Index type #{index[:type].inspect} is not supported for this database" end index_name = index[:name] || default_index_name(table_name, index[:columns]) qualified_table_name = quote_schema_table table_name sql << "INDEX #{quote_identifier(index_name)} ON #{qualified_table_name}" # Index columns and join indexes. index_join, index_columns = *index.values_at(:join,:columns) sql << literal(index_columns) if index_join raise Error, "Join clauses are only supported for bitmap indexes" if index[:type]!=:bitmap sql << "FROM #{qualified_table_name}," sql <<{|k| quote_identifier schema_and_table(k).first }.uniq.join(', ') # TODO: Document this short-hand syntax: {:columns=>[:ref_table__ref_column], :join=>[:fk_column]} if Array===index_join and index_join.length==index_columns.length and index_join.all?{|k| Symbol===k} index_join = Hash[{|k| :"#{table_name}__#{k}" }.zip(index_columns) ] end sql << "WHERE #{filter_expr(index_join)}" end # Index attributes and options. sql << 'LOCAL' if index[:partitioned] sql << flag_option_sql(index, :parallel) sql << flag_option_sql(index, :logging) sql << "TABLESPACE #{quote_identifier(index[:tablespace])}" if index[:tablespace] sql << flag_option_sql(index, :visible, 'INVISIBLE') sql << compress_option_sql(index) sql << index[:options] if String === index[:options] sql << 'UNUSABLE' if FalseClass === index[:valid] sql.compact.join ' ' end # SQL DDL clauses for altering and/or creating tables. def table_options_sql(options) sql = [] sql << flag_option_sql(options, :parallel) sql << flag_option_sql(options, :logging) sql << flag_option_sql(options, :monitoring) sql << "TABLESPACE #{quote_identifier(options[:tablespace])}" if options[:tablespace] sql << compress_option_sql(options) sql << options[:options] if String === options[:options] sql.compact.join ' ' end # SQL DDL clause for specifying on/off flags def flag_option_sql(attrs, key, off="NO#{key}".upcase, on=key.to_s.upcase, implicit=IMPLICIT_FLAG_ATTRIBUTES[key]) case attrs[key] when NilClass, implicit when TrueClass then on when FalseClass then off else raise Error, "Unsupported or invalid #{key} option" end end # SQL DDL clause for specifying compression in a table or index. def compress_option_sql(attrs) case value=attrs[:compress] when Fixnum, Integer then "COMPRESS(#{value})" else flag_option_sql attrs, :compress end end # Internal helper method for introspection of table constraints. def table_constraints(table, constraint_type, options={}) ds, result = metadata_dataset, [] outm = sql_ident_to_sym_proc ds schema, table = ds.schema_and_table(table).map{|k| k.to_s.send(ds.identifier_input_method) if k} x_cons = schema.nil? ? 'user_cons' : 'all_cons' # Build the dataset and apply filters for introspection of constraints. # Also allows the caller to customize the dataset. ds =, :c__table_name, :c__rely, :c__status, :c__validated, :cc__column_name). from(:"#{x_cons}traints___c"). join(:"#{x_cons}_columns___cc", [ [:owner,:owner], [:constraint_name,:constraint_name] ]). where((options[:table_name_column]||:c__table_name)=>table, :c__constraint_type=>constraint_type). order(:table_name, :status.desc, :constraint_name, :cc__position) ds = ds.where :c__owner => schema unless schema.nil? ds = ds.where :c__status => (options[:enabled] ? 'ENABLED' : 'DISABLED') unless options[:enabled].nil? ds = ds.where :c__validated => (options[:validated] ? 'VALIDATED' : 'NOT VALIDATED') unless options[:validated].nil? if constraint_type == 'R' ds = ds.select_more(:c__r_constraint_name, join(:"#{x_cons}traints___t", [ [:owner,:c__r_owner], [:constraint_name,:c__r_constraint_name] ]). where(:t__constraint_type=>'P') else ds = ds.select_more(:c__index_name) end # Return the table constraints as a hash of subhashes, including a column list. hash = {} ds.each do |row| key = outm[row[:constraint_name]] unless subhash = hash[key] subhash = hash[key] = { :rely=>(row[:rely]=='RELY'), :enable=>(row[:status]=='ENABLED'), :validate=>(row[:validated]=='VALIDATED'), :columns=>[] } if row.include? :r_constraint_name subhash[:ref_constraint] = outm[row[:r_constraint_name]] if options[:table_name_column]==:t__table_name then subhash[:table] = outm[row[:table_name]] else subhash[:ref_table] = outm[row[:r_table_name]] end elsif row.include? :index_name subhash[:using_index] = outm[row[:index_name]] end end subhash[:columns] << outm[row[:column_name]] end hash end end # Methods that override existing functionality on Sequel::Oracle::Database. module DatabaseExtensions private # Implemented in order to override existing functionality on Sequel::Oracle::Database. def self.append_features(base) instance_methods(false).each do |k| base.send :remove_method, k if base.instance_method(k).owner == base end super end public # Overridden to collect additional table-level information from the metadata. # # See Sequel::Oracle::Database#schema_parse_table for the original implementation. def schema_parse_table(table, opts={}) ds = dataset ds.identifier_output_method = :downcase schema_and_table = "#{"#{quote_identifier(opts[:schema])}." if opts[:schema]}#{quote_identifier(table)}" table_schema = [] metadata = transaction(opts){|conn| conn.describe_table(schema_and_table)} metadata.columns.each do |column| table_schema << [, { :type => column.data_type, :db_type => column.type_string.split(' ')[0], :type_string => column.type_string, :charset_form => column.charset_form, :char_used => column.char_used?, :char_size => column.char_size, :data_size => column.data_size, :precision => column.precision, :scale => column.scale, :fsprecision => column.fsprecision, :lfprecision => column.lfprecision, :allow_null => column.nullable? } ] end table_schema.instance_variable_set :@features, { :owner => :"#{metadata.obj_schema.downcase}", :clustered => (metadata.clustered? rescue nil), :temporary => (metadata.is_temporary? rescue nil), :partitioning => (metadata.partitioned? rescue nil), :typed => (metadata.is_typed? rescue nil), :index_only => (metadata.index_only? rescue nil) } table_schema end end end end Sequel.require 'adapters/oracle' unless defined? ::Sequel::Oracle::Database ::Sequel::Oracle::Database.class_eval do #remove_method :schema_parse_table include ::Sequel::Oracle::DatabaseExtensions end