#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # Unit testing for the OpenWrt service Provider # require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:openwrt), :as_platform => :posix do let(:resource) do resource = stub 'resource' resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil) resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice" resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns ["/etc/init.d"] resource end let(:provider) do provider = described_class.new provider.stubs(:get).with(:hasstatus).returns false provider end before :each do resource.stubs(:provider).returns provider provider.resource = resource FileTest.stubs(:file?).with('/etc/rc.common').returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with('/etc/rc.common').returns true # All OpenWrt tests operate on the init script directly. It must exist. File.stubs(:directory?).with('/etc/init.d').returns true Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with('/etc/init.d/myservice').returns true FileTest.stubs(:file?).with('/etc/init.d/myservice').returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with('/etc/init.d/myservice').returns true end operatingsystem = 'openwrt' it "should be the default provider on #{operatingsystem}" do Facter.expects(:value).with(:operatingsystem).returns(operatingsystem) described_class.default?.should be_true end # test self.instances describe "when getting all service instances" do let(:services) {['dnsmasq', 'dropbear', 'firewall', 'led', 'puppet', 'uhttpd' ]} before :each do Dir.stubs(:entries).returns services FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(true) FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns(true) end it "should return instances for all services" do services.each do |inst| described_class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst && hash[:path] == '/etc/init.d'}.returns("#{inst}_instance") end results = services.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"} described_class.instances.should == results end end it "should have an enabled? method" do provider.should respond_to(:enabled?) end it "should have an enable method" do provider.should respond_to(:enable) end it "should have a disable method" do provider.should respond_to(:disable) end [:start, :stop, :restart].each do |method| it "should have a #{method} method" do provider.should respond_to(method) end describe "when running #{method}" do it "should use any provided explicit command" do resource.stubs(:[]).with(method).returns "/user/specified/command" provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/user/specified/command"] } provider.send(method) end it "should execute the init script with #{method} when no explicit command is provided" do resource.stubs(:[]).with("has#{method}".intern).returns :true provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ['/etc/init.d/myservice', method ]} provider.send(method) end end end describe "when checking status" do it "should consider the service :running if it has a pid" do provider.expects(:getpid).returns "1234" provider.status.should == :running end it "should consider the service :stopped if it doesn't have a pid" do provider.expects(:getpid).returns nil provider.status.should == :stopped end end end