require 'yaml' Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :notify do begin require 'tinder' rescue LoadError def notify(action) fingercap = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('~/.fingercap.yml')) if config = fingercap['campfire'] campfire =['account'], :ssl => (config['use_ssl']||false)) if campfire.login(config['username'], config['password']) if room = campfire.find_room_by_name(config['room']) room.speak "#{ENV['USER'].titlecase} just #{action} #{application}: #{repository}" end end else puts "[!] See examples/fingercap.yml on how to configure credentials for Campfire." end end else def notify(action) puts "[!] Please `gem install tinder' to post deployment messages to Campfire." end end desc "Posts a `deployed' message to Campfire" task :deploy do notify "deployed" end desc "Posts a `deployed and migrated' message to Campfire" task :migrations do notify "deployed and migrated" end end end