class Para.ResourceTree constructor: (@$el) -> @initializeTree() initializeTree: -> @orderUrl = @$'url') @maxDepth = parseInt @$'max-depth') # Each is needed here as the sortable jQuery plugin doesn't loop over each found node # but initializes the tree on the first found element. $(".tree").each(@initializeSubTree) initializeSubTree: (_i, el) => $(el).sortable( group: "tree" handle: ".handle" draggable: ".node" fallbackOnBody: true swapThreshold: 0.65 animation: 150 onSort: @handleOrderUpdated onMove: @isMovementValid ) # Note : This method is called often (many times per second while we're dragging) and # takes quite some processing. isMovementValid: (e) => $movedNode = $(e.dragged) $target = $(e.related) # Calculate the deepness of the moved and target nodes movedNodeDeepness = $movedNode.parents(".node").length - 1 # If the target is a node, the moved node root deepness is gonna be the same as the # the target one, else the tree's parent node is counted also targetDeepness = $target.parents(".node").length - 1 # Find the deepest node in the subtree of the moved node $movedNodeSubtrees = $movedNode.find(".tree") movedNodeTreeDeepness = 0 # The movedNodeTreeDeepness is the maximum deepness of a child node of the current # moved node, relative to the moved node $movedNodeSubtrees.each (i, el) => subtreeDeepness = $(el).parents(".node").length - 1 subtreeRelativeDeepness = subtreeDeepness - movedNodeDeepness movedNodeTreeDeepness = Math.max(movedNodeTreeDeepness, subtreeRelativeDeepness) # Calculate the final subtree deepness once we move the whole moved node subtree to # its target position finalSubtreeDeepnessAfterMove = movedNodeTreeDeepness + targetDeepness # We finally validate the move only if the final subtree deepness is lower than the # maximum allowed depth finalSubtreeDeepnessAfterMove <= @maxDepth handleOrderUpdated: (e) => # Get all involved tree leaves that may include a subtree treeLeaves = [$(, $(e.from), $(e.item).find('.tree')] # Update their placeholder display wether they can be a drop target or not @handlePlaceholder($el) for $el in treeLeaves # Save the tree structure on the server @updateOrder() # This method checks wether a given tree leaf can be a drop target, depending # on wether it's located at the maximum allowed depth for the tree or not, and adds or # remove a the visual placeholder to indicate its droppable state. # handlePlaceholder: ($el) -> $placeholder = $el.find("> .placeholder") parentsCount = $el.parents('.node').length - 1 hasChildren = $el.find('> .node').length if parentsCount >= @maxDepth or hasChildren $placeholder.hide() $el.children(".tree").each (index, el) => @handlePlaceholder($(el)) else $ updateOrder: -> Para.ajax( url: @orderUrl method: 'patch' data: { resources: @buildOrderedData() } success: @orderUpdated ) buildOrderedData: -> data = {} $(".node").each (index) -> $this = $(this) data[index] = { id: $"id"), position: index, parent_id: $this.parents(".node:first").data("id") } data orderUpdated: => # TODO: Add flash message to display ordering success $(document).on 'page:change turbolinks:load', -> $('.root-tree').each (i, el) -> new Para.ResourceTree($(el))