class Pry module DefaultCommands Hist = do create_command "hist", "Show and replay Readline history. Aliases: history" do group "Editing" banner <<-USAGE Usage: hist hist --head N hist --tail N hist --show START..END hist --grep PATTERN hist --clear hist --replay START..END hist --save [START..END] FILE USAGE def options(opt) opt.on :H, :head, "Display the first N items.", :optional => true, :as => Integer opt.on :T, :tail, "Display the last N items.", :optional => true, :as => Integer opt.on :s, :show, "Show the given range of lines.", :optional => true, :as => Range opt.on :G, :grep, "Show lines matching the given pattern.", true, :as => String opt.on :c, :clear, "Clear the current session's history." opt.on :r, :replay, "Replay a line or range of lines.", true, :as => Range opt.on :save, "Save history to a file.", true, :as => Range opt.on :e, :'exclude-pry', "Exclude Pry commands from the history." opt.on :n, :'no-numbers', "Omit line numbers." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." end def process @history = Pry::Code(Pry.history.to_a) @history = case when opts.present?(:head) @history.between(1, opts[:head] || 10) when opts.present?(:tail) @history.between(-(opts[:tail] || 10), -1) when opts.present?(:show) @history.between(opts[:show]) else @history end if opts.present?(:grep) @history = @history.grep(opts[:grep]) end if opts.present?(:'exclude-pry') @history = { |l, ln| !command_set.valid_command?(l) } end if opts.present?(:save) process_save elsif opts.present?(:clear) process_clear elsif opts.present?(:replay) process_replay else process_display end end def process_display unless opts.present?(:'no-numbers') @history = @history.with_line_numbers end render_output(@history, opts) end def process_save case opts[:save] when Range @history = @history.between(opts[:save]) unless args.first raise CommandError, "Must provide a file name." end file_name = File.expand_path(args.first) when String file_name = File.expand_path(opts[:save]) end output.puts "Saving history in #{file_name}...", 'w') { |f| f.write(@history.raw) } output.puts "History saved." end def process_clear Pry.history.clear output.puts "History cleared." end def process_replay @history = @history.between(opts[:r]) _pry_.input_stack.push _pry_.input _pry_.input = # eval_string << "#{@history.raw}\n" # run "show-input" unless _pry_.complete_expression?(eval_string) end end alias_command "history", "hist" end end end