Using Simple Worker Getting Started =============== Configure SimpleWorker ---------------------- You really just need your access keys. SimpleWorker.configure do |config| config.access_key = ACCESS_KEY config.secret_key = SECRET_KEY end Write a Worker -------------- Here's an example worker that sends an email: require 'simple_worker' class EmailWorker < SimpleWorker::Base attr_accessor :to, :subject, :body # This is the method that will be run def run send_email(:to=>to, :subject=>subject, :body=>body) end def send_email # Put sending code here end end Test It Locally --------------- Let's say someone does something in your app and you want to send an email about it. worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" **** Queue up your Worker -------------------- Let's say someone does something in your app and you want to send an email about it. worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" **worker.queue** Schedule your Worker -------------------- There are two scenarios here, one is the scenario where you want something to happen due to a user action in your application. This is almost the same as queuing your worker. worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" **worker.schedule(:start_at=>1.hours.since)** Schedule your Worker Recurring ------------------------------ The alternative is when you want to user it like Cron. In this case you'll probably want to write a script that will schedule, you don't want to schedule it everytime your app starts or anything so best to keep it external. Create a file called 'schedule_email_worker.rb' and add this: require 'simple_worker' worker = = worker.subject = "Here is your mail!" worker.body = "This is the body" worker.schedule(:start_at=>1.hours.since, :run_every=>3600) Now run it and your worker will be scheduled to run every hour. SimpleWorker on Rails --------------------- SimpleWorker only supports Rails 3+. Setup: - Make a workers directory at RAILS_ROOT/app/workers. - In application.rb, uncomment config.autoload_paths and put: config.autoload_paths += %W(#{}/workers) Now you can use your workers like their part of your app! Configuration Options --------------------- ### Global Attributes These are attributes that can be set as part of your config block then will be set on all your worker objects automatically. This is particularly good for things like database connection info or things that you would need to use across the board. Eg: config.global_attributes[:db_user] = "sa" config.global_attributes[:db_pass] = "pass" Then in your worker, you must have: attr_accessor :db_user, :db_pass