Please note: The main Blacklight website is =Installing Blacklight == Some background information Blacklight is open source discovery software. Libraries (or anyone else) can use Blacklight to enable searching and browsing of their collections online. Blacklight uses the Apache SOLR ( ) search engine to index and search full text and/or metadata, and Blacklight has a highly configurable Ruby on Rails front-end. Blacklight was originally developed at the University of Virginia Library and is made public under an Apache 2.0 license. == Install & Use (With Devise) Create a new rails 3 application $ rails new my_app Add blacklight to your gem file /my_app/Gemfile ... gem 'blackight' Install blacklight $ rails generate blacklight --devise Run your database migrations $ rake db:migrate You will need a Solr setup, referred to in your config/solr.yml. You can install an example jetty container with Solr, that has Solr configured to work with Blacklight's defaults, like: $ rails generate blacklight:jetty You can also install your own Solr or use an existing install. But Blacklight configuration needs to match your Solr setup, and there are certain things in a Solr setup that Blacklight requires. To generate some Solr config files that match what default Blacklight expects: $ rails generate blacklight:solr_conf path/to/output/directory/ Start up your application $ rails server Visit the catalog at: http://localhost/catalog == Install and Use (with a custom user authentication system) Blacklight 3 requires Rails 3.0 or greater. Add the blacklight gem to your ./Gemfile gem 'blacklight' $ bundle install If you have a user model already, the Blacklight generator will connect to it automatically during installation. However, you will need to make sure the following named routes are included in your /config/routes.rb file: match 'new_user_session', :to => 'Your User Session Controller # Log in action' match 'destroy_user_session', :to => 'Your User Session Controller # Log Out action' One blacklight view uses #to_s on your user model to get a user-displayable account name/identifier for the currently logged in account, you probably want to have such a method. (TODO: Instructions on how to tell BL the name of your user model if it's not User?) And you will need to make sure the following methods are available both on controllers and as helpers: current_user - Which should return a user object that include Blacklight::User user_session - Which should return a user session Once these are in place, you can run the Blacklight Installation Generator: rails generate blacklight Execute your migrations, and you should be good to go. rake db:migrate Start up your application $ rails server Visit the catalog at: http://localhost/catalog == Using Blacklight source checkout as gem for development The ordinary install instructions install the BL gem (which is not full source code) in wherever your system installs gems. Sometimes, especially for development, it's useful to check out a complete copy of the blacklight source code, and link your app to that as a 'gem' instead. Checkout the code: $ git clone (While the rails3 branch is still a seperate branch called 'rails3', if you'd like to checkout the rails3 branch, or any other particular branch/tag using ordinary git commands: $ cd blacklight $ git checkout -t origin/rails3 ) Now, in your local app's Gemfile, simply specify that it should find the Blacklight gem at this source checkout location: gem 'blacklight', :path=>"./relative/path/to/blacklight_checkout" You can have the blacklight source checkout anywhere you want, referred to by absolute or relative path. You can have it inside your local app's directory if you want, or you can have it outside using a relative path beginning with "../". If you have it inside your app's root, you can even use 'git submodule' techniques to link your app to a particular git commit, like some of us did in Rails2 Blacklight. (But you probably don't want it in your local apps ./vendor/plugins, that'll likely confuse Rails, since it's already being referred to in your Gemfile). == Running Blacklight's own tests Any application that refers to a Blacklight gem using a source checkout (see above) can run the automated tests (cucumber and rspec) that come with Blacklight source. Of course, if you've customized the app quite a bit, the tests may not pass, as they test expected default behavior in some cases. So ordinarily tests are run against a pretty basic stub app. The tests also test authentication features, so expect the app to have auth features installed, for instance with a Devise install. To run the tests: * Create a stub app with BL with devise, following the ordinary instructions for installing blacklight, but linking to a source checkout of Blacklight following the instructions above in "Using Blacklight source checkout as gem for development" * You also need to include some gems in your test app's Gemfile needed for running our tests: group :development, :test do gem "rspec" gem "rspec-rails", "~>2.5.0" gem "cucumber-rails" gem "database_cleaner" gem "capybara" gem "webrat" gem "aruba" end * run `bundle install` in the test app, and don't forget `rake db:migrate` * complete the install of cucumber: 'rails g cucumber:install' * remove /public/index.html (blacklight tests expect / to map to catalog) * You need to install a jetty/solr with test data for testing. You can do that like this (from your stub app home directory): rails generate blacklight:jetty test_jetty -e test rake solr:marc:index_test_data RAILS_ENV=test * Now use some rake tasks that come with Blacklight to actually run the tests. Run these from your stub app: * rake blacklight:cucumber:with_solr -- run tests in BL, start and stop the test jetty/solr around tests * rake blacklight:cucumber -- run tests in BL, no jetty/solr. (Tests will fail unless you start it yourself) * rake blacklight:spec:with_solr * rake blacklight:spec * the standard rails tasks for cucumber/rspec are all included with blacklight: prefix, and should work as expected, but using specs/features defined in BL plugin instead of in your local app. (Not every variant has a :with_solr yet). ==Pre-requisites Whichever method you choose for installation, be sure you have all the pre-requisites in place. You can find these detailed in {PRE-REQUISITES}[] ==Running solr You'll also want some information about how Blacklight expects Apache SOLR ( ) to run, which you can find in {README_SOLR}[]