import $ from 'jquery'; import func from '../core/func'; import lists from '../core/lists'; import dom from '../core/dom'; import range from '../core/range'; import key from '../core/key'; const POPOVER_DIST = 5; export default class HintPopover { constructor(context) { this.context = context; this.ui = $.summernote.ui; this.$editable = context.layoutInfo.editable; this.options = context.options; this.hint = this.options.hint || []; this.direction = this.options.hintDirection || 'bottom'; this.hints = $.isArray(this.hint) ? this.hint : [this.hint]; = { 'summernote.keyup': (we, e) => { if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { this.handleKeyup(e); } }, 'summernote.keydown': (we, e) => { this.handleKeydown(e); }, 'summernote.disable summernote.dialog.shown': () => { this.hide(); } }; } shouldInitialize() { return this.hints.length > 0; } initialize() { this.lastWordRange = null; this.$popover = this.ui.popover({ className: 'note-hint-popover', hideArrow: true, direction: '' }).render().appendTo(this.options.container); this.$popover.hide(); this.$content = this.$popover.find('.popover-content,.note-popover-content'); this.$content.on('click', '.note-hint-item', () => { this.$content.find('.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); this.replace(); }); } destroy() { this.$popover.remove(); } selectItem($item) { this.$content.find('.active').removeClass('active'); $item.addClass('active'); this.$content[0].scrollTop = $item[0].offsetTop - (this.$content.innerHeight() / 2); } moveDown() { const $current = this.$content.find(''); const $next = $; if ($next.length) { this.selectItem($next); } else { let $nextGroup = $current.parent().next(); if (!$nextGroup.length) { $nextGroup = this.$content.find('.note-hint-group').first(); } this.selectItem($nextGroup.find('.note-hint-item').first()); } } moveUp() { const $current = this.$content.find(''); const $prev = $current.prev(); if ($prev.length) { this.selectItem($prev); } else { let $prevGroup = $current.parent().prev(); if (!$prevGroup.length) { $prevGroup = this.$content.find('.note-hint-group').last(); } this.selectItem($prevGroup.find('.note-hint-item').last()); } } replace() { const $item = this.$content.find(''); if ($item.length) { const node = this.nodeFromItem($item); // XXX: consider to move codes to editor for recording redo/undo. this.lastWordRange.insertNode(node); range.createFromNode(node).collapse().select(); this.lastWordRange = null; this.hide(); this.context.triggerEvent('change', this.$editable.html(), this.$editable[0]); this.context.invoke('editor.focus'); } } nodeFromItem($item) { const hint = this.hints[$'index')]; const item = $'item'); let node = hint.content ? hint.content(item) : item; if (typeof node === 'string') { node = dom.createText(node); } return node; } createItemTemplates(hintIdx, items) { const hint = this.hints[hintIdx]; return, idx) => { const $item = $('
'); $item.append(hint.template ? hint.template(item) : item + ''); ${ 'index': hintIdx, 'item': item }); return $item; }); } handleKeydown(e) { if (!this.$':visible')) { return; } if (e.keyCode === key.code.ENTER) { e.preventDefault(); this.replace(); } else if (e.keyCode === key.code.UP) { e.preventDefault(); this.moveUp(); } else if (e.keyCode === key.code.DOWN) { e.preventDefault(); this.moveDown(); } } searchKeyword(index, keyword, callback) { const hint = this.hints[index]; if (hint && hint.match.test(keyword) && { const matches = hint.match.exec(keyword);[1], callback); } else { callback(); } } createGroup(idx, keyword) { const $group = $('
'); this.searchKeyword(idx, keyword, (items) => { items = items || []; if (items.length) { $group.html(this.createItemTemplates(idx, items));; } }); return $group; } handleKeyup(e) { if (!lists.contains([key.code.ENTER, key.code.UP, key.code.DOWN], e.keyCode)) { const wordRange = this.context.invoke('editor.createRange').getWordRange(); const keyword = wordRange.toString(); if (this.hints.length && keyword) { this.$content.empty(); const bnd = func.rect2bnd(lists.last(wordRange.getClientRects())); if (bnd) { this.$popover.hide(); this.lastWordRange = wordRange; this.hints.forEach((hint, idx) => { if (hint.match.test(keyword)) { this.createGroup(idx, keyword).appendTo(this.$content); } }); // select first .note-hint-item this.$content.find('.note-hint-item:first').addClass('active'); // set position for popover after group is created if (this.direction === 'top') { this.$popover.css({ left: bnd.left, top: - this.$popover.outerHeight() - POPOVER_DIST }); } else { this.$popover.css({ left: bnd.left, top: + bnd.height + POPOVER_DIST }); } } } else { this.hide(); } } } show() { this.$; } hide() { this.$popover.hide(); } }