--- title: QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicCallbackMediaParticipant --- :::error **The Ruby SDK is deprecated as of 9/16/2020** The Genesys Cloud Ruby SDK (v96.0.0) will be frozen at its current version level. Any new enhancements to our API or bug fixes will not be backported. If you do need to take advantage of new features or bug fixes outside the Genesys Cloud Ruby SDK, you will need to use the Genesys Cloud REST endpoints directly. More information can be found in the [Official Announcement](https://developer.mypurecloud.com/forum/t/announcement-genesys-cloud-ruby-sdk-end-of-life/8850). ::: ## PureCloud::QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicCallbackMediaParticipant ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **id** | **String** | | [optional] | | **name** | **String** | | [optional] | | **address** | **String** | | [optional] | | **start_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **connected_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **end_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **start_hold_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **purpose** | **String** | | [optional] | | **state** | **String** | | [optional] | | **direction** | **String** | | [optional] | | **disconnect_type** | **String** | | [optional] | | **held** | **BOOLEAN** | | [optional] | | **wrapup_required** | **BOOLEAN** | | [optional] | | **wrapup_prompt** | **String** | | [optional] | | **user** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **queue** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **team** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **attributes** | **Hash<String, String>** | | [optional] | | **error_info** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicErrorBody**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicErrorBody.html) | | [optional] | | **script** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **wrapup_timeout_ms** | **Integer** | | [optional] | | **wrapup_skipped** | **BOOLEAN** | | [optional] | | **alerting_timeout_ms** | **Integer** | | [optional] | | **provider** | **String** | | [optional] | | **external_contact** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **external_organization** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicUriReference.html) | | [optional] | | **wrapup** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicWrapup**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicWrapup.html) | | [optional] | | **conversation_routing_data** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicConversationRoutingData**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicConversationRoutingData.html) | | [optional] | | **peer** | **String** | | [optional] | | **screen_recording_state** | **String** | | [optional] | | **flagged_reason** | **String** | | [optional] | | **journey_context** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicJourneyContext**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicJourneyContext.html) | | [optional] | | **start_acw_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **end_acw_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **outbound_preview** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicDialerPreview**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicDialerPreview.html) | | [optional] | | **voicemail** | [**QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicVoicemail**](QueueConversationCallbackEventTopicVoicemail.html) | | [optional] | | **callback_numbers** | **Array<String>** | | [optional] | | **callback_user_name** | **String** | | [optional] | | **skip_enabled** | **BOOLEAN** | | [optional] | | **external_campaign** | **BOOLEAN** | | [optional] | | **timeout_seconds** | **Integer** | | [optional] | | **callback_scheduled_time** | **DateTime** | | [optional] | | **automated_callback_config_id** | **String** | | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}