PROJECT ======= ## How to run this project? 1. ```git clone REPO_URL``` 2. ```cd PROJECT``` 3. ```bundle``` 4. ```rake db:setup``` 5. ```foreman start``` 6. Go to http://localhost:3000 ## Sanity check! Is your first time here? Ok, so you should check some stuff. If some of the checks fails, ask any of the contributors. Checks you have to do: 1. Do ```bundle``` works and install all gems accordingly? 2. Do ```rake db:setup``` works? 3. After run ```foreman start``` if you go to ```http://localhost:3000``` you see something that shows the project is working? 4. Is code coverage 100%? 5. Do ```rake integrate``` works and deploys to production? 6. Do the project have Rollbar or Airbrake configured in production environment? ## Create remote git repository 1. Create git repo. 2. Add remote ```$ git remote add origin REPO_URL```. 3. Push to repo ```$ git push --set-upstream origin```. ## Run specs ```$ rspec .``` ## Run rake integrate The project requires 100% of test coverage. When you finish an implementation, run: ```$ rake integrate``` This task will run all tasks described on 'jumpup.rake' file, check the file and verify the steps. ## Page title The project use flutie gem to manage page title. Add on view files the code above to change the page title: ```content_for(:page_title, 'My title of my page')``` ## Configuring domain on Heroku Check out this [wiki]( with detailed instruction of how to use the canonical_host to redirect your naked domain to your real app.