require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'redis/objects' describe Redis::Value do before do @value ='spec/value') @value.delete end it "should marshal default value" do @value ='spec/value', :default => {:json => 'data'}, :marshal => true) @value.value.should == {:json => 'data'} end it "should be able to set the default value to false" do @value ='spec/value', :default => false, :marshal => true) @value.value.should == false end it "should compress non marshaled values" do @value ='spec/value', compress: true) @value.value = 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.value.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.redis.get(@value.key).should.not == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.value = nil @value.value.should == nil @value.value = '' @value.value.should == '' end it "should compress marshaled values" do @value ='spec/value', marshal: true, compress: true) @value.value = 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.value.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.redis.get(@value.key).should.not == Marshal.dump('Trevor Hoffman') @value.value = nil @value.value.should == nil @value.value = '' @value.value.should == '' end it "should handle simple values" do @value.should == nil @value.value = 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.get.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.del.should == 1 @value.value = 42 @value.value.should == '42' end it "should handle complex marshaled values" do @value.options[:marshal] = true @value.should == nil @value.value = {:json => 'data'} @value.should == {:json => 'data'} # no marshaling @value.options[:marshal] = false v = {:json => 'data'} @value.value = v @value.should == v.to_s @value.options[:marshal] = true @value.value = [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @value.should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @value.get.should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @value.del.should == 1 @value.options[:marshal] = false end it "should not erroneously unmarshall a string" do json_string = {json: 'value'} @value ='spec/value', :marshal => true) @value.value = json_string @value.value.should == json_string @value.clear default_json_string = {json: 'default'} @value ='spec/default', :default => default_json_string, :marshal => true) @value.value.should == default_json_string @value.clear marshalled_string = Marshal.dump({json: 'marshal'}) @value ='spec/marshal', :default => marshalled_string, :marshal => true) @value.value.should == marshalled_string @value.clear end it "should support renaming values" do @value.value = 'Peter Pan' @value.key.should == 'spec/value' @value.rename('spec/value2') # can't test result; switched from true to "OK" @value.key.should == 'spec/value2' @value.should == 'Peter Pan' old ='spec/value') old.value = 'Tuff' @value.renamenx('spec/value') # can't test result; switched from true to "OK" @value.value.should == 'Peter Pan' end it "should provide a readable inspect" do @value.value = 'monkey' @value.inspect.should == '#' @value.value = 1234 @value.inspect.should == '#' end it 'should delegate unrecognized methods to the value' do @value.value = 'monkey' @value.to_sym.should == :monkey end it 'should properly pass equality operations on to the value' do @value.value = 'monkey' @value.should == 'monkey' end it 'should properly pass nil? on to the value' do @value.delete @value.nil?.should == true end it 'should equate setting the value to nil to deletion' do @value.value = nil @value.nil?.should == true end describe "with expiration" do [:value=, :set].each do |meth| it "#{meth} should set time to live in seconds when expiration option assigned" do @value ='spec/value', :expiration => 10) @value.send(meth, 'monkey') @value.ttl.should > 0 @value.ttl.should <= 10 end it "#{meth} should set expiration when expireat option assigned" do @value ='spec/value', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @value.send(meth, 'monkey') @value.ttl.should > 0 end end end after do @value.delete end end describe Redis::List do describe "as a bounded list" do before do @list ='spec/bounded_list', :maxlength => 10) 1.upto(10) do |i| @list << i end # Make sure that adding < maxlength doesn't mess up. 1.upto(10) do |i| - 1).should == i.to_s end end it "should push the first element out of the list" do @list << '11' @list.last.should == '11' @list.first.should == '2' @list.length.should == 10 end it "should push the last element out of the list for unshift" do @list.unshift('0') @list.last.should == '9' @list.first.should == '0' @list.length.should == 10 end after do @list.clear end end describe "basic operations" do before do @list ='spec/list') @list.clear end it "should handle lists of simple values" do @list << 'a' @list.should == ['a'] @list.get.should == ['a'] @list.unshift 'b' @list.to_s.should == 'b, a' @list.should == ['b','a'] @list.get.should == ['b','a'] @list.push 'c' @list.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.get.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.first.should == 'b' @list.last.should == 'c' @list << 'd' @list.should == ['b','a','c','d'] @list[1].should == 'a' @list[0].should == 'b' @list[2].should == 'c' @list[3].should == 'd' @list.include?('c') @list.include?('no') @list.pop.should == 'd' @list[0].should == @list[1].should == @list[2].should == @list.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.get.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.shift.should == 'b' @list.should == ['a','c'] @list.get.should == ['a','c'] @list << 'e' << 'f' << 'e' @list.should == ['a','c','e','f','e'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','e','f','e'] @list.delete('e').should == 2 @list.should == ['a','c','f'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f'] @list << 'j' @list.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.push 'h' @list.push 'i', 'j' @list.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i','j'] # Test against similar Ruby functionality a = @list.values @list[0..2].should == a[0..2] @list[0...2].should == a[0...2] @list.slice(0..2).should == a.slice(0..2) @list[0, 2].should == a[0, 2] @list.range(0, 2).should == a[0..2] # range for Redis works like .. in Ruby @list[0, 1].should == a[0, 1] @list.range(0, 1).should == a[0..1] # range for Redis works like .. in Ruby @list[1, 3].should == a[1, 3] @list.slice(1, 3).should == a.slice(1, 3) @list[0, 0].should == [] @list[0, -1].should == a[0, -1] @list.length.should == 7 @list.should == a @list.get.should == a @list.pop # lose 'j' @list.size.should == 6 i = -1 @list.each do |st| st.should == @list[i += 1] end @list.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] @list.each_with_index do |st,i| st.should == @list[i] end @list.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] coll = @list.collect{|st| st} coll.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] @list.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i'] @list << 'a' coll ={|st| st == 'a'} coll.should == ['a','a'] @list.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i','a'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j','h','i','a'] end it "should support popping & shifting multiple values" do @list << 'a' << 'b' << 'c' @list.shift(2).should == ['a', 'b'] @list.shift(2).should == ['c'] @list.shift(2).should == [] @list << 'a' << 'b' << 'c' @list.pop(2).should == ['b', 'c'] @list.pop(2).should == ['a'] @list.pop(2).should == [] end it "should handle rpoplpush" do list2 ="spec/list2") list2.clear @list << "a" << "b" result = @list.rpoplpush(list2) result.should == "b" @list.should == ["a"] list2.should == ["b"] end it "should handle insert" do @list << 'b' << 'd' @list.insert(:before,'b','a') @list.insert(:after,'b','c') @list.insert("before",'a','z') @list.insert("after",'d','e') @list.should == ['z','a','b','c','d','e'] end it "should handle insert at a specific index" do @list << 'b' << 'd' @list.should == ['b','d'] @list[0] = 'a' @list.should == ['a', 'd'] @list[1] = 'b' @list.should == ['a', 'b'] end it "should handle lists of complex data types" do @list.options[:marshal] = true v1 = {:json => 'data'} v2 = {:json2 => 'data2'} v3 = [1,2,3] @list << v1 @list << v2 @list.first.should == v1 @list[0] = @list[0].tap{|d| d[:json] = 'data_4'} @list.first.should == {:json => 'data_4'} @list.last.should == v2 @list << [1,2,3,[4,5],6] @list.last.should == [1,2,3,[4,5],6] @list.shift.should == {:json => 'data_4'} @list.size.should == 2 @list.delete(v2) @list.size.should == 1 @list.push v1, v2 @list[1].should == v1 @list.last.should == v2 @list.size.should == 3 @list.unshift v2, v3 @list.size.should == 5 @list.first.should == v3 @list.options[:marshal] = false end it "should support renaming lists" do @list << 'a' << 'b' << 'a' << 3 @list.should == ['a','b','a','3'] @list.key.should == 'spec/list' @list.rename('spec/list3', false) # can't test result; switched from true to "OK" @list.key.should == 'spec/list' @list.redis.del('spec/list3') @list << 'a' << 'b' << 'a' << 3 @list.rename('spec/list2') # can't test result; switched from true to "OK" @list.key.should == 'spec/list2' @list.redis.lrange(@list.key, 0, 3).should == ['a','b','a','3'] old ='spec/list') old << 'Tuff' old.values.should == ['Tuff'] @list.renamenx('spec/list') @list.renamenx(old) @list.renamenx('spec/foo') old.values.should == ['Tuff'] @list.clear @list.redis.del('spec/list2') end it "responds to #value" do @list << 'a' @list.value.should == @list.get @list.value.should == ['a'] end it "should support to_json" do @list << 'a' JSON.parse(@list.to_json)['value'].should == ['a'] end it "should support as_json" do @list << 'a' @list.as_json['value'].should == ['a'] end after do @list.clear end end describe 'with expiration' do [:push, :<<, :unshift].each do |meth, args| it "#{meth} expiration: option" do @list ='spec/list_exp', :expiration => 10) @list.clear @list.send(meth, 'val') @list.ttl.should > 0 @list.ttl.should <= 10 end it "#{meth} expireat: option" do @list ='spec/list_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @list.clear @list.send(meth, 'val') @list.ttl.should > 0 @list.ttl.should <= 10 end end it "[]= expiration: option" do @list ='spec/list_exp', :expiration => 10) @list.clear @list.redis.rpush(@list.key, 'hello') @list[0] = 'world' @list.ttl.should > 0 @list.ttl.should <= 10 end it "[]= expireat: option" do @list ='spec/list_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @list.clear @list.redis.rpush(@list.key, 'hello') @list[0] = 'world' @list.ttl.should > 0 @list.ttl.should <= 10 end it "insert expiration: option" do @list ='spec/list_exp', :expiration => 10) @list.clear @list.redis.rpush(@list.key, 'hello') @list.insert 'BEFORE', 'hello', 'world' @list.ttl.should > 0 @list.ttl.should <= 10 end it "insert expireat: option" do @list ='spec/list_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @list.clear @list.redis.rpush(@list.key, 'hello') @list.insert 'BEFORE', 'hello', 'world' @list.ttl.should > 0 @list.ttl.should <= 10 end end end describe Redis::Counter do before do @counter ='spec/counter') @counter2 ='spec/counter') @counter.reset end it "should support increment/decrement of counters" do @counter.key.should == 'spec/counter' @counter.incr(10) @counter.should == 10 # math proxy ops (@counter == 10) (@counter <= 10) (@counter < 11) (@counter > 9) (@counter >= 10) "#{@counter}".should == "10" @counter.increment.should == 11 @counter.increment.should == 12 @counter2.increment.should == 13 @counter2.increment(2).should == 15 @counter.decrement.should == 14 @counter2.decrement.should == 13 @counter.decrement.should == 12 @counter2.decrement(4).should == 8 @counter.should == 8 @counter.should == 0 @counter.reset(15) @counter.should == 15 @counter.getset(111).should == 15 @counter.should == 111 end it "should support increment/decrement by float" do @counter ='spec/floater') @counter.set 10.5 @counter.incrbyfloat 1 @counter.incrbyfloat 0.01 @counter.to_f.should == 11.51 @counter.set '5.0e3' @counter.decrbyfloat -14.31 @counter.incrbyfloat 2.0e2 @counter.to_f.should == 5214.31 @counter.clear end it "should support an atomic block" do @counter ="spec/block_counter") @counter.should == 0 @counter.increment(1) # successfully increments @updated = @counter.increment(1) { |updated| updated == 2 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == 'yep' @counter.should == 2 # fails to increment @updated = @counter.increment(1) { |updated| updated == 2 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == nil @counter.should == 2 # successfully increments by float @updated = @counter.incrbyfloat(1.5) { |updated| updated == 3.5 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == 'yep' @counter.should == 3.5 # fails to increment by float @updated = @counter.incrbyfloat(2.5) { |updated| updated == 5 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == nil @counter.should == 3.5 # fails to decrement by float @updated = @counter.decrbyfloat(0.5) { |updated| updated == 5 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == nil @counter.should == 3.5 # successfully decrements by float @updated = @counter.decrbyfloat(0.5) { |updated| updated == 3 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == 'yep' @counter.should == 3 # fails to decrement @updated = @counter.decrement(1) { |updated| updated == 3 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == nil @counter.should == 3 # successfully decrements @updated = @counter.decrement(1) { |updated| updated == 2 ? 'yep' : nil } @updated.should == 'yep' @counter.should == 2 end it "should support #to_json" do @counter.increment JSON.parse(@counter.to_json)['value'].should == 1 end it "should support #as_json" do @counter.increment @counter.as_json['value'].should == 1 end describe 'with expiration' do it 'should set time to live in seconds' do @counter ='spec/counter', :expiration => 10) @counter.increment @counter.ttl.should > 0 @counter.ttl.should <= 10 end [:increment, :incr, :incrby, :incrbyfloat, :decrement, :decr, :decrby, :decrbyfloat, :reset].each do |meth| describe meth do it "expiration: option" do @counter ='spec/counter_exp', :expiration => 10) @counter.send(meth) @counter.ttl.should > 0 @counter.ttl.should <= 10 end it "expireat: option" do @counter ='spec/counter_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @counter.send(meth) @counter.ttl.should > 0 @counter.ttl.should <= 10 end after do @counter.reset end end end [:set, :value=].each do |meth| describe meth do it "expiration: option" do @counter ='spec/counter_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @counter.send(meth, 99) @counter.should == 99 @counter.ttl.should > 0 @counter.ttl.should <= 10 end it "expireat: option" do @counter ='spec/counter_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @counter.send(meth, 99) @counter.should == 99 @counter.ttl.should > 0 @counter.ttl.should <= 10 end after do @counter.reset end end end end after do @counter.delete end end describe Redis::Lock do before do REDIS_HANDLE.flushall end it "should ttl to the expiration" do expiry = 15 lock =, :expiration => expiry) lock.lock do expiration = REDIS_HANDLE.ttl("test_lock") # The expiration stored in redis should be 15 seconds from when we started # or a little more, 2.0) end # key should have been cleaned up REDIS_HANDLE.get("test_lock") end it "should set value to 1 when no expiration is set" do lock = lock.lock do REDIS_HANDLE.ttl('test_lock').should == 1 end # key should have been cleaned up REDIS_HANDLE.get("test_lock") end it "should not let non-expired locks be gettable" do expiry = 15 lock =, :expiration => expiry, :timeout => 0.1) # create a fake lock REDIS_HANDLE.set("test_lock", ( + expiry).to_f) gotit = false error = nil begin lock.lock do gotit = true end rescue => error end # should not have the lock # lock value should still be set REDIS_HANDLE.get("test_lock") end it "Redis should remove the key if lock is held past expiration" do lock =, :expiration => 0.1) lock.lock do REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock") sleep 0.3 # technically undefined behavior because we don't have a BG thread # running and deleting lock keys - that is only triggered on block exit #REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock") end # lock value should not be set since the lock was held for more than the expiry REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock") end it "should not manually delete a key with a 'lock' name if finished after expiration" do lock =, :expiration => 0.1) lock.lock do REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock2") sleep 0.3 # expired, key is deleted REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock2") REDIS_HANDLE.set("test_lock2", "foo") # this is no longer a lock key, name is a coincidence end REDIS_HANDLE.get("test_lock2").should == "foo" end it "should manually delete the key if finished before expiration" do lock =, :expiration => 0.5) lock.lock do REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock3") sleep 0.1 REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock3") end # should delete the key because the lock block is done, regardless of time # for some strange reason, I have seen this test fail randomly, which is worrisome. #REDIS_HANDLE.exists("test_lock3") end it "should respond to #to_json" do end it "should respond to #as_json" do end it "should deal with old lock format" do expiry = 15 lock =, expiration: expiry, timeout: 0.1) # create a fake lock in the past REDIS_HANDLE.set("test_lock", ( - expiry).to_f) gotit = false lock.lock do gotit = true end # should have the lock # lock value should be unset REDIS_HANDLE.get("test_lock") end end describe Redis::HashKey do describe "With Marshal" do before do @hash ='test_hash', {:marshal_keys=>{'created_at'=>true}}) @hash.clear end it "should marshal specified keys" do @hash['created_at'] = @hash['created_at'].class.should == Time end it "should not marshal unless required" do @hash['updated_at'] = @hash['updated_at'].class.should == String end it "should marshall appropriate key with bulk set and get" do @hash.bulk_set({'created_at'=>, 'updated_at'=>}) @hash['created_at'].class.should == Time @hash['updated_at'].class.should == String h = @hash.bulk_get('created_at', 'updated_at') h['created_at'].class.should == Time h['updated_at'].class.should == String h = @hash.all h['created_at'].class.should == Time h['updated_at'].class.should == String end end before do @hash ='test_hash') @hash.clear end it "should handle complex marshaled values" do @hash.options[:marshal] = true @hash['abc'].should == nil @hash['abc'] = {:json => 'hash marshal'} @hash['abc'].should == {:json => 'hash marshal'} # no marshaling @hash.options[:marshal] = false v = {:json => 'data'} @hash['abc'] = v @hash['abc'].should == v.to_s @hash.options[:marshal] = true @hash['abc'] = [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @hash['abc'].should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @hash.fetch('abc').should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @hash.delete('abc').should == 1 @hash.fetch('abc') @hash.options[:marshal] = true @hash.bulk_set('abc' => [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}], 'def' => [[6,8], {:t4 => 8}]) hsh = @hash.bulk_get('abc', 'def', 'foo') hsh['abc'].should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] hsh['def'].should == [[6,8], {:t4 => 8}] hsh['foo'] hsh = @hash.all hsh['abc'].should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] hsh['def'].should == [[6,8], {:t4 => 8}] @hash.values.sort.should == [[[1,2], {:t3 => 4}], [[6,8], {:t4 => 8}]].sort @hash.delete('def').should == 1 @hash.delete('abc').should == 1 @hash.options[:marshal] = false end it "should marshal nil correctly" do @hash.options[:marshal] = true @hash['test'] @hash['test'] = nil @hash['test'] @hash.delete('test').should == 1 @hash['test'] @hash.options[:marshal] = false end it "should get and set values" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash['foo'].should == 'bar' end it "should know what exists" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.include?('foo').should == true end it "should delete values" do @hash['abc'] = 'xyz' @hash.delete('abc') @hash['abc'].should == nil end it "should respond to each" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.each do |key, val| key.should == 'foo' val.should == 'bar' end end it "should have 1 item" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.size.should == 1 end it "should respond to each_key" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.each_key do |key| key.should == 'foo' end end it "should handle increment/decrement" do @hash['integer'] = 1 @hash.incrby('integer') @hash.incrby('integer', 2) @hash.get('integer').to_i.should == 4 @hash['integer'] = 9 @hash.decrby('integer') @hash.decrby('integer', 6) @hash.get('integer').to_i.should == 2 @hash['float'] = 12.34 @hash.decrbyfloat('float') @hash.decrbyfloat('float', 6.3) @hash.get('float').to_f.should == 5.04 @hash['float'] = '5.0e3' @hash.incrbyfloat('float') @hash.incrbyfloat('float', '1.23e3') @hash.incrbyfloat('float', 45.3).should == 6276.3 @hash.get('float').to_f.should == 6276.3 end it "should respond to each_value" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.each_value do |val| val.should == 'bar' end end it "should respond to empty?" do @empty ='test_empty_hash') @empty.respond_to?(:empty?).should == true end it "should be empty after a clear" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.all.should == {'foo' => 'bar'} @hash.clear end it "should respond to bulk_set" do @hash.bulk_set({'abc' => 'xyz', 'bizz' => 'bazz'}) @hash['abc'].should == 'xyz' @hash['bizz'].should == 'bazz' @hash.bulk_set('abc' => '123', 'bang' => 'michael') @hash['abc'].should == '123' @hash['bang'].should == 'michael' @hash.bulk_set(:sym1 => 'val1', :sym2 => 'val2') @hash['sym1'].should == 'val1' @hash['sym2'].should == 'val2' end it "should respond to bulk_get" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' hsh = @hash.bulk_get('abc','foo') hsh['abc'].should == nil hsh['foo'].should == 'bar' end it "should increment field" do @hash.incr('counter') @hash.incr('counter') @hash['counter'].to_i.should == 2 end it "should respond to fill" do @hash['foo'] = 'bar' @hash.fill('abc' => '123', 'bang' => 'michael') @hash['foo'].should == 'bar' @hash['abc'].should == '123' @hash['bang'].should == 'michael' @hash.keys.sort.should == ['abc', 'bang', 'foo'] end it "raises an error if a non-Hash is passed to fill" do lambda { @hash.fill([]) }.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should fetch default values" do @hash['abc'] = "123" value = @hash.fetch('missing_key','default_value') block = @hash.fetch("missing_key") {|key| "oops: #{key}" } no_error = @hash.fetch("abc") rescue "error" no_error.should == "123" value.should == "default_value" block.should == "oops: missing_key" end it "should respond to #value" do @hash['abc'] = "123" @hash.value.should == @hash.all @hash.value.should == { "abc" => "123" } end it "should respond to #to_json" do @hash['abc'] = "123" JSON.parse(@hash.to_json)['value'].should == { "abc" => "123" } end it "should respond to #as_json" do @hash['abc'] = "123" @hash.as_json['value'].should == { "abc" => "123" } end it "should return empty object with bulk_get and bulk_value" do h = @hash.bulk_get h.should == {} v = @hash.bulk_values v.should == [] end describe 'with expiration' do { :incrby => 'somekey', :incr => 'somekey', :incrbyfloat => 'somekey', :decrby => 'somekey', :decr => 'somekey', :decrbyfloat => 'somekey', :store => ['somekey', 'somevalue'], :[]= => ['somekey', 'somevalue'], :bulk_set => [{ 'somekey' => 'somevalue' }], :update => [{ 'somekey' => 'somevalue' }], :fill => [{ 'somekey' => 'somevalue' }] }.each do |meth, args| it "#{meth} expiration: option" do @hash ='spec/hash_expiration', :expiration => 10) @hash.clear @hash.send(meth, *args) @hash.ttl.should > 0 @hash.ttl.should <= 10 end it "#{meth} expireat: option" do @hash ='spec/hash_expireat', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @hash.clear @hash.send(meth, *args) @hash.ttl.should > 0 @hash.ttl.should <= 10 end end end after do @hash.clear end end describe Redis::Set do before do @set ='spec/set') @set_1 ='spec/set_1') @set_2 ='spec/set_2') @set_3 ='spec/set_3') @set.clear @set_1.clear @set_2.clear @set_3.clear end it "should handle sets of simple values" do @set << 'a' << 'a' << 'a' @set.should == ['a'] @set.to_s.should == 'a' @set.get.should == ['a'] @set << 'b' << 'b' @set.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set.members.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set.members.sort.reverse.should == ['b','a'] # common question @set.get.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set << 'c' @set.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @set.get.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @set.delete('c') @set.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set.get.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set.length.should == 2 @set.size.should == 2 @set.delete('a') @set.pop.should == 'b' @set.add('a') @set.add('b') i = 0 @set.each do |st| i += 1 end i.should == @set.length coll = @set.sort.collect{|st| st} coll.should == ['a','b'] @set.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set.get.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set << 'c' @set.member?('c') @set.include?('c') @set.member?('no') coll ={|st| st == 'c'} coll.should == ['c'] @set.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @set.delete_if{|m| m == 'c'} @set.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set << nil @set.include?("") end it "should handle empty array adds" do should.not.raise(Redis::CommandError) { @set.add([]) } should.not.raise(Redis::CommandError) { @set << [] } end it "should handle set intersections, unions, and diffs" do @set_1 << 'a' << 'b' << 'c' << 'd' << 'e' @set_2 << 'c' << 'd' << 'e' << 'f' << 'g' @set_3 << 'a' << 'd' << 'g' << 'l' << 'm' @set_1.sort.should == %w(a b c d e) @set_2.sort.should == %w(c d e f g) @set_3.sort.should == %w(a d g l m) (@set_1 & @set_2).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.intersection(@set_2).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.intersection(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['d'] @set_1.intersect(@set_2).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.inter(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['d'] @set_1.interstore(INTERSTORE_KEY, @set_2).should == 3 @set_1.redis.smembers(INTERSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.interstore(INTERSTORE_KEY, @set_2, @set_3).should == 1 @set_1.redis.smembers(INTERSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['d'] (@set_1 | @set_2).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] (@set_1 + @set_2).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] @set_1.union(@set_2).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] @set_1.union(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','l','m'] @set_1.unionstore(UNIONSTORE_KEY, @set_2).should == 7 @set_1.redis.smembers(UNIONSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] @set_1.unionstore(UNIONSTORE_KEY, @set_2, @set_3).should == 9 @set_1.redis.smembers(UNIONSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','l','m'] (@set_1 ^ @set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] (@set_1 - @set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] (@set_2 - @set_1).sort.should == ["f", "g"] @set_1.difference(@set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] @set_1.diff(@set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] @set_1.difference(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['b'] @set_1.diffstore(DIFFSTORE_KEY, @set_2).should == 2 @set_1.redis.smembers(DIFFSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['a','b'] @set_1.diffstore(DIFFSTORE_KEY, @set_2, @set_3).should == 1 @set_1.redis.smembers(DIFFSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['b'] end it "should support renaming sets" do @set << 'a' << 'b' << 'a' << 3 @set.sort.should == ['3','a','b'] @set.key.should == 'spec/set' @set.rename('spec/set2') # can't test result; switched from true to "OK" @set.key.should == 'spec/set2' old ='spec/set') old << 'Tuff' @set.renamenx('spec/set') @set.renamenx(old) @set.renamenx('spec/foo') @set.clear @set.redis.del('spec/set2') end it "should handle variadic sadd operations" do @set << 'a' @set.merge('b', 'c') @set.members.sort.should == ['a', 'b', 'c'] @set.merge(['d','c','e']) @set.members.sort.should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] end it "should support sorting" do @set_1 << 'c' << 'b' << 'a' << 'e' << 'd' @set_1.sort.should == %w(a b c d e) @set_1.sort(SORT_ORDER).should == %w(e d c b a) @set_2 << 2 << 4 << 3 << 1 << 5 @set_2.sort.should == %w(1 2 3 4 5) @set_2.sort(SORT_LIMIT).should == %w(3 4) @set_3 << 'm_4' << 'm_5' << 'm_1' << 'm_3' << 'm_2' ### incorrect interpretation of what the :by parameter means ### :by will look up values of keys so it would try to find a value in ### redis of "m_m_1" which doesn't exist at this point, it is not a way to ### alter the value to sort by but rather use a different value for this value ### in the set (Kris Fox) # @set_3.sort(:by => 'm_*').should == %w(m_1 m_2 m_3 m_4 m_5) # below passes just fine @set_3.sort.should == %w(m_1 m_2 m_3 m_4 m_5) val1 ='spec/3/sorted') val2 ='spec/4/sorted') val1.set('val3') val2.set('val4') @set_2.sort(SORT_GET).should == ['val3', 'val4'] @set_2.sort(SORT_STORE).should == 2 @set_2.redis.type(SORT_STORE[:store]).should == 'list' @set_2.redis.lrange(SORT_STORE[:store], 0, -1).should == ['val3', 'val4'] @set_1.redis.del val1.key @set_1.redis.del val2.key @set_1.redis.del SORT_STORE[:store] end it "should respond to #value" do @set_1 << 'a' @set_1.value.should == @set_1.members @set_1.value.should == ['a'] end it "should respond to #to_json" do @set_1 << 'a' JSON.parse(@set_1.to_json)['value'].should == ['a'] end it "should respond to #as_json" do @set_1 << 'a' @set_1.as_json['value'].should == ['a'] end describe "with expiration" do [:<<, :add, :merge].each do |meth| it "should set time to live in seconds when expiration option assigned" do @set ='spec/set', :expiration => 10) @set.send(meth, 'val') @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it "should set expiration when expireat option assigned" do @set ='spec/set', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @set.send(meth, 'val') @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end end end after do @set.clear @set_1.clear @set_2.clear @set_3.clear end end describe Redis::SortedSet do before do @set ='spec/zset') @set_1 ='spec/zset_1') @set_2 ='spec/zset_2') @set_3 ='spec/zset_3') @set_4 ='spec/zset_3', :marshal => true) @set_5 ='spec/zset_4') @set.clear @set_1.clear @set_2.clear @set_3.clear @set_4.clear @set_5.clear end it "should handle sorted sets of simple values" do @set['a'] = 11 @set['a'] = 21 @set.add('a', 5) @set.score('a').should == 5 @set['a'].should == 5 @set['a'] = 3 @set['b'] = 5.6 @set['b'].should == 5.6 @set['c'] = 4 a = @set.members @set[0,-1].should == a[0,-1] @set[0..2].should == a[0..2] @set[0...2].should == a[0...2] @set.slice(0..2).should == a.slice(0..2) @set[0, 2].should == a[0,2] @set.slice(0, 2).should == a.slice(0, 2) @set.range(0, 2).should == a[0..2] @set[0, 0].should == [] @set.range(0,1,:withscores => true).should == [['a',3],['c',4]] @set.revrange(0,1,:withscores => true).should == [['b',5.6],['c',4]] @set.range(0,-1).should == a[0..-1] @set.revrange(0,-1).should == a[0..-1].reverse @set[0..1].should == a[0..1] @set[1].should == 0 # missing == 'c' @set.first.should == 'a' @set.last.should == 'b' @set.members.should == ['a','c','b'] @set.members.reverse.should == ['b','c','a'] @set.members(:withscores => true).should == [['a',3],['c',4],['b',5.6]] @set.members(:with_scores => true).should == [['a',3],['c',4],['b',5.6]] @set.members(:withscores => true).reverse.should == [['b',5.6],['c',4],['a',3]] @set.members(:withscores => true).should == @set.range(0,-1,:withscores => true) @set.members(:withscores => true).reverse.should == @set.revrange(0,-1,:withscores => true) @set['b'] = 5 @set['b'] = 6 @set.score('b').should == 6 @set.score('f').should == nil @set.delete('c') @set.to_s.should == 'a, b' @set.should == ['a','b'] @set.members.should == ['a','b'] @set['d'] = 0 @set.rangebyscore(0, 4).should == ['d','a'] @set.rangebyscore(0, 4, :count => 1).should == ['d'] @set.rangebyscore(0, 4, :count => 2).should == ['d','a'] @set.rangebyscore(0, 4, :limit => 2).should == ['d','a'] @set.revrangebyscore(4, 0, :withscores => true).should == [['a', 3], ['d', 0]] @set.revrangebyscore(4, 0).should == ['a', 'd'] @set.revrangebyscore(4, 0, :count => 2).should == ['a','d'] @set.rank('b').should == 2 @set.revrank('b').should == 0 # shouldn't report a rank for a key that doesn't exist @set.rank('foo').should.not == @set.rank(@set.first) @set.rank('foo').should == nil # shouldn't report a rank for a key that doesn't exist @set.revrank('foo').should.not == @set.revrank(@set.first) @set.revrank('foo').should == nil @set['f'] = 100 @set['g'] = 110 @set['h'] = 120 @set['j'] = 130 @set.incr('h', 20) @set.remrangebyscore(100, 120) @set.members.should == ['d','a','b','j','h'] # Redis 1.3.5 # @set['h'] = 12 # @set['j'] = 13 # @set.remrangebyrank(4,-1) # @set.members.should == ['d','a','b'] @set.delete('d') @set['c'] = 200 @set.members.should == ['a','b','j','h','c'] @set.delete('c') @set.length.should == 4 @set.size.should == 4 @set.count.should == 4 @set.range_size(100, 120).should == 0 @set.range_size(0, 100).should == 2 @set.range_size('-inf', 'inf').should == 4 @set.delete_if{|m| m == 'b'} @set.size.should == 3 end it "should handle inserting multiple values at once" do @set.merge({ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }) @set.merge([['a', 4], ['c', 5]]) @set.merge({d: 0, e: 9 }) @set.members.should == ["d", "b", "a", "c", "e"] @set[:f] = 3 @set.members.should == ["d", "b", "f", "a", "c", "e"] end it "should support marshaling key names" do @set_4.members.should == [] @set_4[Object] = 1.20 @set_4[Module] = 2.30 @set_4[nil] = 3.40 @set_4.incr(Object, 0.5) @set_4.decr(Module, 0.5) @set_4.incr(nil, 0.5) @set_4[Object].round(1).should == 1.7 @set_4[Module].round(1).should == 1.8 @set_4[nil].round(1).should == 3.9 @set_4.members.should == [Object, Module, nil] end it "should support renaming sorted sets" do @set['zynga'] = 151 @set['playfish'] = 202 @set.members.should == ['zynga','playfish'] @set.key.should == 'spec/zset' @set.rename('spec/zset2') # can't test result; switched from true to "OK" @set.key.should == 'spec/zset2' old ='spec/zset') old['tuff'] = 54 @set.renamenx('spec/zset') @set.renamenx(old) @set.renamenx('spec/zfoo') @set.clear @set.redis.del('spec/zset2') end it "should handle unions" do @set_1.add('a', 1) @set_1.add('b', 4) @set_1.add('c', 3) @set_2.add('b', 2) @set_2.add('c', 1) @set_2.add('d', 0) @set_1.union(@set_2).should == ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b'] @set_1.unionstore(@set.key, @set_2) # @set is now: [[d, 0], [a, 1], [c, 4], [b, 6]] @set.members.should == ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b'] @set_2.unionstore(@set, @set_1, :aggregate => :sum) # @set is now: [[d, 0], [a, 1], [c, 4], [b, 6]] @set.members.should == ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b'] @set_1.unionstore(@set, @set_2, :aggregate => :min) # @set is now: [[d, 0], [a, 1], [c, 1], [b, 2]] @set.members.should == ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b'] @set['b'].should == 2 @set_1.unionstore(@set, @set_2, :aggregate => :max) # @set is now: [[d, 0], [a, 1], [c, 3], [b, 4]] @set.members.should == ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b'] @set['b'].should == 4 @set_1.unionstore(@set, @set_2, :aggregate => :sum, :weights => [0, 1]) # @set is now: [[a, 0], [d, 0], [c, 1], [b, 2]] @set.members.should == ['a', 'd', 'c', 'b'] @set['b'].should == 2 @set_5 << ['a', 'e', 'f'] @set_1.unionstore(@set, @set_5, :aggregate => :sum) # #set is now: [[e, 1], [f, 1], [a, 1], [c, 3], [b, 4]] @set.members.should == ['e', 'f', 'a', 'c', 'b'] @set['e'].should == 1 end it "should handle intersections" do @set_1.add('a', 1) @set_1.add('b', 4) @set_1.add('c', 3) @set_2.add('b', 2) @set_2.add('c', 1) @set_2.add('d', 0) @set_1.intersection(@set_2).should == ['c', 'b'] @set_1.interstore(@set.key, @set_2) # @set is now: [[c, 4], [b, 6]] @set.members.should == ['c', 'b'] @set_2.interstore(@set, @set_1, :aggregate => :sum) # @set is now: [[c, 4], [b, 6]] @set.members.should == ['c', 'b'] @set_1.interstore(@set, @set_2, :aggregate => :min) # @set is now: [[c, 1], [b, 2]] @set.members.should == ['c', 'b'] @set['b'].should == 2 @set_5 << ['a', 'e', 'b'] @set_1.interstore(@set, @set_5, :aggregate => :max) # @set is now: [[a, 1], [b, 4]] @set.members.should == ['a', 'b'] @set['b'].should == 4 end it 'should set time to live in seconds when expiration option assigned' do @set ='spec/zset', :expiration => 10) @set['val'] = 1 @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it 'should set expiration when expireat option assigned' do @set ='spec/zset', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @set['val'] = 1 @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it "should respond to #value" do @set['val'] = 1 @set.value.should == @set.members @set.value.should == ['val'] end it "should respond to #to_json" do @set['val'] = 1 JSON.parse(@set.to_json)['value'].should == ['val'] end it "should respond to #as_json" do @set['val'] = 1 @set.as_json['value'].should == ['val'] end describe "with expiration" do [:[]=, :add, :increment, :incr, :incrby, :decrement, :decr, :decrby].each do |meth| it "#{meth} expiration: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expiration => 10) @set.clear @set.send(meth, 'somekey', 12) @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it "#{meth} expireat: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @set.clear @set.send(meth, 'somekey', 12) @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end end [:merge, :add_all].each do |meth| it "#{meth} expiration: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expiration => 10) @set.clear @set.send(meth, 'somekey' => 12) @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it "#{meth} expireat: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @set.clear @set.send(meth, 'somekey' => 12) @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end end [:unionstore, :interstore].each do |meth| it "#{meth} expiration: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expiration => 10) @set.clear @set.redis.zadd(@set.key, 1, "1") @set.send(meth, 'sets','other')) @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it "#{meth} expireat: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @set.clear @set.redis.zadd(@set.key, 1, "1") @set.send(meth, 'sets','other')) @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end end it "delete expiration: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expiration => 10) @set.clear @set.redis.zadd(@set.key, 1, "1") @set.redis.zadd(@set.key, 2, "2") @set.delete("2") @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end it "delete expireat: option" do @set ='spec/zset_exp', :expireat => + 10.seconds) @set.clear @set.redis.zadd(@set.key, 1, "1") @set.redis.zadd(@set.key, 2, "2") @set.delete("2") @set.ttl.should > 0 @set.ttl.should <= 10 end end after do @set.clear @set_1.clear @set_2.clear @set_3.clear @set_4.clear @set_5.clear end end