h1. FastImage Resize h4. FastImage Resize is an extremely light solution for resizing images in ruby by using libgd FastImage Resize will resize gifs, jpegs, and png files. It uses resampling to get good looking results. And it doesn't rely on installing external heavy libraries such as RMagick (which relies on ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick) or ImageScience (which relies on FreeImage). FastImage Resize uses *Libgd*, which is commonly available on most unix platforms, including OSX. It is very likely that you already have this software installed on your server. As its input, FastImage Resize can take a URI, a filename, or an IO object (or anything that responds to :read). If you do not supply an output filename in the :outfile option, FastImage Resize will return you a Tempfile object. This will be unlinked when it is finalized during garbage collection. FastImage Resize relies on "RubyInline":https://github.com/seattlerb/rubyinline for compiling and managing the C extension code. h4. Incompatible API change Version 2.0.0 and above Note that the parameters for version 2.0.0 have changed, the output filename is no longer the second parameter. See the examples. h2. Examples <pre> <code> require 'fastimage_resize' FastImage.resize("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif", 100, 20, :outfile=>"my.gif") => nil outfile = FastImage.resize("nonexistentfile.png", 50, 50) =>FastImage::ImageFetchFailure: FastImage::ImageFetchFailure outfile = FastImage.resize("afile.png", 50, 150) => #<File:/var/folders/vm/vd65y2597xl_by6c73_m9j1h0000gn/T/FastImage20111003-7638-x3l8r7-0.png> File.open("afile.png", "r") {|f| FastImage.resize(f, 100, 100)} => #<File:/var/folders/vm/vd65y2597xl_by6c73_m9j1h0000gn/T/FastImage20111003-7638-y1ofh-0.png> </code> </pre> h2. Installation First check the requirements section below. h4. Gem <pre> <code> gem install fastimage_resize </pre> </code> h4. Rails Install the gem as above, and for Rails 2 configure it in your environment.rb file as below: <pre> <code> ... Rails::Initializer.run do |config| ... config.gem "fastimage_resize" ... end ... </code> </pre> For Rails 3, add this to your Gemfile: <pre> <code> gem 'fastimage_resize' </code> </pre> For any Rails version, you may also need this in your environment.rb so that the rails process puts the compiled C code in a place it can access: <pre> <code> ENV['INLINEDIR'] = RAILS_ROOT + "/tmp" # for RubyInline </code> </pre> Then you're off - just use FastImage.resize() in your code as in the examples. h2. Requirements * RubyInline <pre> <code> gem install RubyInline </pre> </code> * FastImage <pre> <code> gem install fastimage </pre> </code> * Libgd See "http://www.libgd.org/":http://www.libgd.org/ Libgd is commonly available on most unix platforms, including OSX. On OSX, if you have "macports":http://www.macports.org/ you can use. <pre> <code> sudo port install gd2 </code> </pre> It is also available in "homebrew":http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew (search for gd), and "fink":http://www.finkproject.org/ (try fink install gd2 gd2-bin). h2. Documentation "http://rdoc.info/projects/sdsykes/fastimage_resize":http://rdoc.info/projects/sdsykes/fastimage_resize h2. Caveats Because of the way that libgd works, gif files that have transparency may not always come through with the transparency perfectly retained. h2. Tests You'll need to 'gem install fakeweb' to be able to run the tests h2. References * "http://blog.new-bamboo.co.uk/2007/12/3/super-f-simple-resizing":http://blog.new-bamboo.co.uk/2007/12/3/super-f-simple-resizing h2. Licence MIT, see file MIT_LICENCE h2. Author Stephen Sykes, @sdsykes