Shindo.tests('Excon redirector support') do env_init tests("request(:method => :get, :path => '/old').body").returns('new') do Excon.stub( { :path => '/old' }, { :headers => { 'Location' => '' }, :body => 'old', :status => 301 } ) Excon.stub( { :path => '/new' }, { :body => 'new', :status => 200 } ) Excon.get( '', :path => '/old', :middlewares => Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::RedirectFollower], :mock => true ).body end env_restore end Shindo.tests('Excon redirect support for relative Location headers') do env_init tests("request(:method => :get, :path => '/old').body").returns('new') do Excon.stub( { :path => '/old' }, { :headers => { 'Location' => '/new' }, :body => 'old', :status => 301 } ) Excon.stub( { :path => '/new' }, { :body => 'new', :status => 200 } ) Excon.get( '', :path => '/old', :middlewares => Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::RedirectFollower], :mock => true ).body end env_restore end Shindo.tests('Excon redirect support for relative Location headers with dot segments') do env_init tests("request(:method => :get, :path => '/foo/baz/').body").returns('/foo/bar/') do Excon.stub( { :path => '/foo/baz/' }, { :headers => { 'Location' => '../bar/' }, :body => '/foo/baz/', :status => 301 } ) Excon.stub( { :path => '/foo/bar/' }, { :body => '/foo/bar/', :status => 200 } ) Excon.get( '', :path => '/foo/baz/', :middlewares => Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::RedirectFollower], :mock => true ).body end env_restore end Shindo.tests("Excon redirecting post request") do env_init with_rackup('') do tests("request not have content-length and body").returns('ok') do '', :path => '/first', :middlewares => Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::RedirectFollower], :body => "a=Some_content" ).body end end env_restore end