#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'uri' require 'fileutils' require 'net/http' require 'cijoe/build' require 'choice' Choice.options do header '' header 'Specific options:' option :host do short '-h' long '--host=HOST' desc 'The hostname or ip of the host running buildboard (default' default '' end option :port do short '-p' long '--port=PORT' desc 'The port buildboard is running on (default 5678)' cast Integer default 5678 end option :directory do short '-d' long '--directory=DIRECTORY' desc 'The directory containing the CI Joe repository' end separator '' separator 'Common options: ' option :help do long '--help' desc 'Show this message' end end puts "You must supply a directory" and exit 1 unless Choice.choices[:directory] build_file = File.join(Choice.choices[:directory], '.git', 'builds', 'last') raise("Couldn't find file #{build_file}") unless File.exists?(build_file) build = CIJoe::Build.load(build_file) Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse("http://#{Choice.choices[:host]}:#{Choice.choices[:port]}/"), { :output => build.output, :status => build.status == :failed ? 'failed' : 'success', :sha => build.sha, :started_at => build.started_at, :finished_at => build.finished_at, :project => build.project, :git => `git log -1 #{build.sha}` })