## 7.1.0
  - Internal: Update build to gradle
  - Upgrade Kafka client to version 1.1.0

## 7.0.10
  - Fix broken 7.0.9 release

## 7.0.9
  - Docs: Set the default_codec doc attribute.

## 7.0.8
  - Improve error logging when a producer cannot be created.
## 7.0.7
  - documentation updates

## 7.0.6
  - bump kafka dependency to 1.0.0

## 7.0.5
  - Update gemspec summary

## 7.0.4
  - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that broke using `org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer` as the `value_serializer`

## 7.0.3
  - Bugfix: Sends are now retried until successful. Previously, failed transmissions to Kafka
    could have been lost by the KafkaProducer library. Now we verify transmission explicitly.
    This changes the default 'retry' from 0 to retry-forever. It was a bug that we defaulted
    to a retry count of 0.

## 7.0.2
  - Docs: Fix misleading info about the default codec

## 7.0.1
  - Fix some documentation issues

## 7.0.0
  - Breaking: mark deprecated `block_on_buffer_full`, `ssl` and `timeout_ms` options as obsolete

## 6.2.2
  - bump kafka dependency to

## 6.2.0
  - bump kafka dependency to

## 6.1.6
  - bring back log4j1.x compatibility

## 6.1.5
  - Fix a NPE when SASL_SSL+PLAIN (no Kerberos) was specified.

## 6.1.4
  - Fix a bug where consumer was not correctly setup when `SASL_SSL` option was specified.

## 6.1.3
  - Docs: Update Kafka compatibility matrix
## 6.1.2
  - bump kafka dependency to

## 6.1.1
  - Docs: Clarify compatibility matrix and remove it from the changelog to avoid duplication.

## 6.1.0
  - Add Kerberos authentication feature.

## 6.0.0
  - BREAKING: update to client protocol. not backwards compatible with 5.0 (protocol versions <=

## 5.0.5
  - Fix logging

## 5.0.4
  - Update to

## 5.0.3
  - Internal: Gem cleanup

## 5.0.2
  - Declare plugin as threadsafe

## 5.0.1
  - Relax constraint on logstash-core-plugin-api to >= 1.60 <= 2.99

## 5.0.0
  - Kafka 0.10 broker producer

## 4.0.0
  - Republish all the gems under jruby.
  - Update the plugin to the version 2.0 of the plugin api, this change is required for Logstash 5.0 compatibility. See https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5141
## 3.0.0
 - GA release of Kafka Output to support 0.9 broker

## 3.0.0.beta4
 - Fix Log4j warnings by setting up the logger (#62)

## 3.0.0.beta3
 - Use jar dependencies
 - Fixed snappy compression issue

## 3.0.0.beta2
 - Internal: Update gemspec dependency

## 2.0.4
  - Depend on logstash-core-plugin-api instead of logstash-core, removing the need to mass update plugins on major releases of logstash
  - [Internal] Pin jruby-kafka to v1.6 to match input
## 2.0.3
  - New dependency requirements for logstash-core for the 5.0 release

## 3.0.0.beta1
 - Note: breaking changes in this version, and not backward compatible with Kafka 0.8 broker. 
   Please read carefully before installing
 - Breaking: Changed default codec from json to plain. Json codec is really slow when used 
   with inputs because inputs by default are single threaded. This makes it a bad
   first user experience. Plain codec is a much better default. 
 - Moved internal APIs to use Kafka's Java API directly instead of jruby-kafka. This
   makes it consistent with logstash-input-kafka
 - Breaking: Change in configuration options
 - Added SSL options so you can connect securely to a 0.9 Kafka broker

## 2.0.2
 - [Internal] Pin jruby-kafka to v1.5

## 2.0.0
 - Plugins were updated to follow the new shutdown semantic, this mainly allows Logstash to instruct input plugins to terminate gracefully, 
   instead of using Thread.raise on the plugins' threads. Ref: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/3895
 - Dependency on logstash-core update to 2.0

# ## 2.0.0.beta.1
 - Change to 0.8.2 version of Kafka producer. This will unfortunately break existing configuration, but has a lot of enhancements and fixes.