# Change log ## master ## 0.14.0 🎄 - Add `Integer.try_convert`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Enumerable#compact`, `Enumerator::Lazy#compact`. ([@palkan][]) - [Proposed] Add support for binding instance, class, global variables in pattern matching. ([@palkan][]) This brings back rightward assignment: `42 => @v`. - Add `MatchData#match`. ([@palkan][]) - Add support for command syntax in endless methods (`def foo() = puts "bar"`) - Add `Refinement#import_methods` support. ([@palkan][]) This API only works in conjunction with transpiling, since it couldn't be backported purely as a method and requires passing an additional argument (Binding). You can find the details in [the PR](https://github.com/ruby-next/ruby-next/pull/85). - Added support for instance, class and global variables and expressions for pin operator. ([@palkan][]) - Support omitting parentheses in one-line pattern matching. ([@palkan][]) - Anonymous blocks `def b(&); c(&); end` ([@palkan][]). ## 0.13.3 (2021-12-08) - Revert 0.13.2 and freeze Parser version. ([@skryukov][]) Postpone upgrade 'till v0.14 due to breaking shorthand hash changes. ## 0.13.2 (2021-11-28) - Parser upgrade. ## 0.13.1 (2021-09-27) - Fix checking for realpath during $LOAD_PATH setup. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.13.0 (2021-09-27) - Added `Enumerable#tally` with the resulting hash. ([@skryukov][]) - Added `Array#intersect?`. ([@skryukov][]) ## 0.12.0 (2021-01-12) - Added required keyword arguments rewriter. ([@palkan][]) Required kwargs were introduced in 2.1. Now we make them possible in 2.0. - Added numeric literals rewriter. ([@palkan][]) Now it's possible to generate Ruby 2.0 compatible code from `2i + 1/3r`. - Fixed several safe navigation (`&.`) bugs. ([@palkan][]) See [#68](https://github.com/ruby-next/ruby-next/issues/68) and [#69](https://github.com/ruby-next/ruby-next/issues/69). ## 0.11.1 (2020-12-28) - Use separate _namespace_ for proposed features to avoid conflicts with new Ruby version. ([@palkan][]) Previously, we used the upcoming Ruby version number for proposed features (e.g., `3.0.0`), which broke the load path setup, since transpiled files were not loaded anymore. Now that's fixed by using a _virtual_ version number for proposals (`1995.next.0`). ## 0.11.0 (2020-12-24) 🎄 - Extended proposed shorthand Hash syntax to support kwargs as well. ([@palkan][]) You can try it: `x = 1; y = 2; foo(x:, y:) # => foo(x: x, y: y)`. - **Rewrite mode is used by default in transpiler**. ([@palkan][]) - Move 3.0 features to stable features. ([@palkan][]) - Refactor `a => x` and `a in x` to comply with Ruby 3.0. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.10.5 (2020-10-13) - Fix Unparser 0.5.0 compatibility. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.10.4 (2020-10-09) - Restrict Unparser dependency. ([@palkan][]) Unparser 0.5.0 is currently not supported. ## 0.10.3 (2020-09-28) - Update RuboCop integration to handle the latest Parser changes. ([@palkan][]) Parser unified endless and normal methods and rightward and leftward assignments, thus, making some cops report false negatives. ## 0.10.2 (2020-09-09) - Fix regression when `nextify` produces incorrect files for 2.7. ([@palkan][]) ## ~~0.10.1~~ ## 0.10.0 (2020-09-02) - Add proposed shorthand Hash syntax. ([@palkan][]) You can try it: `x = 1; y = 2; data = {x, y}`. - Add leading argument support to args forwarding. ([@palkan][]) `def a(...) b(1, ...); end`. - Add `Hash#except`. ([@palkan][]) `{a: 1, b: 2}.except(:a) == {b: 2}` - Add find pattern support. ([@palkan][]) Now you can do: `[0, 1, 2] in [*, 1 => a, *c]`. - Add Ruby 2.2 support. ([@palkan][]) With support for safe navigation operator (`&.`) and squiggly heredocs (`<<~TXT`). ## 0.9.2 (2020-06-24) - Support passing rewriters to CLI. ([@sl4vr][]) Use `nextify --list-rewriters` to view all available rewriters. Use `nextify` with `--rewrite=REWRITERS...` option to specify which particular rewriters to use. ## 0.9.1 (2020-06-05) - Keep `ruby-next` version in sync with `ruby-next-core`. ([@palkan][]) Require `ruby-next-core` of the same version as `ruby-next`. ## 0.9.0 (2020-06-04) - Add Ruby 2.3 support. ([@palkan][]) - Remove stale transpiled files when running `ruby-next nextify`. ([@palkan][]) - Add Ruby 2.4 support. ([@palkan][]) APIs for <2.5 must be backported via [backports][] gem. Refinements are not supported. ## 0.8.0 (2020-05-01) 🚩 - Add right-hand assignment support. ([@palkan][]) It is real: `13.divmod(5) => a, b`. - Add endless methods support. ([@palkan][]) Now you can write `def foo() = :bar`. ## 0.7.0 (2020-04-29) - Try to auto-transpile the source code on load in `.setup_gem_load_path` if transpiled files are missing. ([@palkan][]) This would make it possible to install gems from source if transpiled files do not exist in the repository. - Use`./.rbnextrc` to define CLI args. ([@palkan][]) You can define CLI options in the configuration file to re-use them between environments or simply avoid typing every time: ```yml # .rbnextrc nextify: | --transpiler-mode=rewrite --edge ``` - Add `--dry-run` option to CLI. ([@palkan][]) - Raise `SyntaxError` when parsing fails. ([@palkan][]) Previously, we let Parser to raise its `Parser::SyntaxError` but some exceptions are not reported by Parser and should be handled by transpiler (and we raised `SyntaxError` in that case, as MRI does). This change unifies the exceptions raised during transpiling. ## 0.6.0 (2020-04-23) - Changed the way edge/proposed features are activated. ([@palkan][]) Use `--edge` or `--proposed` flags for `ruby-next nextify` or `require "ruby-next/language/{edge,proposed}"` in your code. See more in the [Readme](./README.md#proposed-and-edge-features). - Updated RuboCop integration. ([@palkan][]) Make sure you use `TargetRubyVersion: next` in your RuboCop configuration. - Upgraded to `ruby-next-parser` for edge features. ([@palkan][]) It's no longer needed to use Parser gem from Ruby Next package registry. ## 0.5.3 (2020-03-25) - Enhance logging. ([@palkan][]) Use `RUBY_NEXT_WARN=false` to disable warnings. Use `RUBY_NEXT_DEBUG=path.rb` to display the transpiler output only for matching files in the runtime mode. ## 0.5.1 (2020-03-20) - Add RuboCop integration. ([@palkan][]) Adds support for missing node types and fixes some bugs with 2.7. ## 0.5.0 (2020-03-20) - Add `rewrite` transpiler mode. ([@palkan][]) Add support for rewriting the source code instead of rebuilding it from scratch to preserve the original layout and improve the debugging experience. ## 0.4.0 (2020-03-09) - Optimize pattern matching transpiled code. ([@palkan][]) For array patterns, transpiled code is ~1.5-2x faster than native. For hash patterns it's about the same. - Pattern matching is 100% compatible with RubySpec. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Symbol#start_with?/end_with?`. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.3.0 (2020-02-14) 💕 - Add `Time#floor` and `Time#ceil`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `UnboundMethod#bind_call`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `String#split` with block. ([@palkan][]) - **Check for _native_ method implementation to activate a refinement.** ([@palkan][]) Add a method refinement to `using RubyNext` even if the backport is present. That helps to avoid the conflicts with invalid monkey-patches. - Add `ruby-next core_ext` command. ([@palkan][]) This command allows generating custom core extension files. Meant to be used in alternative Ruby implementations (mruby, Opal, etc.) not compatible with the `ruby-next-core` gem. - Add `ruby-next/core_ext`. ([@palkan][]) Now you can use core extensions (monkey-patches) instead of the refinements. - Check whether pattern matching target respond to `#deconstruct` / `#deconstruct_keys`. ([@palkan][]) - Fix `Struct#deconstruct_keys` to respect passed keys. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.2.0 (2020-01-13) 🎄 - Add `Enumerator.produce`. ([@palkan][]) - Add Bootsnap integration. ([@palkan][]) Add `require "ruby-next/language/bootsnap"` after setting up Bootsnap to transpile the files on load (and cache the resulted iseq via Bootsnap as usually). - Do not patch `eval` and friends when using runtime mode. ([@palkan][]) Eval support should be enabled explicitly via the `RubyNext::Language::Eval` refinement, 'cause we cannot handle all the edge cases easily (e.g., the usage caller's binding locals). - Revoke method reference support. ([@palkan][]) You can still use this feature by enabling it explicitly (see Readme). - Support in modifier. ([@palkan][]) ```ruby {a: 1, b: 2} in {a:, **} p a #=> 1 ``` ## 0.1.0 (2019-11-18) - Support hash pattern in array and vice versa. ([@palkan][]) - Handle multiple `-e` in `uby-next`. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.1.0 (2019-11-16) - Add pattern matching. ([@palkan][]) - Add numbered parameters. ([@palkan][]) - Add arguments forwarding. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Enumerable#filter_map`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Enumerable#filter/filter!`. ([@palkan][]) - Add multiple arguments support to `Hash#merge`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Array#intersection`, `Array#union`, `Array#difference`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Enumerable#tally`. ([@palkan][]) - Implement gem integration flow. ([@palkan][]) - Transpile code via `ruby-next nextify`. - Setup load path via `RubyNext::Language.setup_gem_load_Path`. - Add `ruby-next nextify` command. ([@palkan][]) - Add endless Range support. ([@palkan][]) - Add method reference syntax support. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Proc#<<` and `Proc#>>`. ([@palkan][]) - Add `Kernel#then`. ([@palkan][]) [@palkan]: https://github.com/palkan [backports]: https://github.com/marcandre/backports [@sl4vr]: https://github.com/sl4vr [@skryukov]: https://github.com/skryukov