require 'yaml' require 'conditional_vendored_metric_parser' require 'conditional_vendored_dependency_detection' require 'new_relic/local_environment' require 'singleton' require 'erb' require 'socket' require 'net/https' require 'logger' require 'new_relic/control/profiling' require 'new_relic/control/logging_methods' require 'new_relic/control/configuration' require 'new_relic/control/server_methods' require 'new_relic/control/instrumentation' require 'new_relic/agent' require 'new_relic/delayed_job_injection' module NewRelic # The Control is a singleton responsible for the startup and # initialization sequence. The initializer uses a LocalEnvironment to # detect the framework and instantiates the framework specific # subclass. # # The Control also implements some of the public API for the agent. # class Control # used for framework-specific subclasses module Frameworks; end include Profiling include LoggingMethods include Configuration include ServerMethods include Instrumentation # The env is the setting used to identify which section of the newrelic.yml # to load. This defaults to a framework specific value, such as ENV['RAILS_ENV'] # but can be overridden as long as you set it before calling #init_plugin attr_writer :env attr_reader :local_env module ClassMethods # Access the Control singleton, lazy initialized def instance @instance ||= new_instance end def mark_browser_request Thread::current[:browser_request] = true end # Create the concrete class for environment specific behavior: def new_instance @local_env = if @local_env.framework == :test config = File.expand_path("../../../test/config/newrelic.yml", __FILE__) require "config/test_control" @local_env, config else begin require "new_relic/control/frameworks/#{@local_env.framework}.rb" rescue LoadError end NewRelic::Control::Frameworks.const_get(@local_env.framework.to_s.capitalize).new @local_env end end # The root directory for the plugin or gem def newrelic_root File.expand_path("../../..", __FILE__) end end extend ClassMethods # Initialize the plugin/gem and start the agent. This does the necessary configuration based on the # framework environment and determines whether or not to start the agent. If the # agent is not going to be started then it loads the agent shim which has stubs # for all the external api. # # This may be invoked multiple times, as long as you don't attempt to uninstall # the agent after it has been started. # # If the plugin is initialized and it determines that the agent is not enabled, it # will skip starting it and install the shim. But if you later call this with # :agent_enabled => true, then it will install the real agent and start it. # # What determines whether the agent is launched is the result of calling agent_enabled? # This will indicate whether the instrumentation should/will be installed. If we're # in a mode where tracers are not installed then we should not start the agent. # # Subclasses are not allowed to override, but must implement init_config({}) which # is called one or more times. # def init_plugin(options={}) options['app_name'] = ENV['NEWRELIC_APP_NAME'] if ENV['NEWRELIC_APP_NAME'] # Merge the stringified options into the config as overrides: logger_override = options.delete(:log) environment_name = options.delete(:env) and self.env = environment_name dispatcher = options.delete(:dispatcher) and @local_env.dispatcher = dispatcher dispatcher_instance_id = options.delete(:dispatcher_instance_id) and @local_env.dispatcher_instance_id = dispatcher_instance_id # Clear out the settings, if they've already been loaded. It may be that # between calling init_plugin the first time and the second time, the env # has been overridden @settings = nil settings merge_options(options) if logger_override @log = logger_override # Try to grab the log filename @log_file = @log.instance_eval { @logdev.filename rescue nil } end # An artifact of earlier implementation, we put both #add_method_tracer and #trace_execution # methods in the module methods. Module.send :include, NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer::ClassMethods Module.send :include, NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer::InstanceMethods init_config(options) NewRelic::Agent.agent = NewRelic::Agent::Agent.instance if agent_enabled? && !NewRelic::Agent.instance.started? setup_log unless logger_override start_agent install_instrumentation load_samplers unless self['disable_samplers'] local_env.gather_environment_info append_environment_info elsif !agent_enabled? install_shim end end # Install the real agent into the Agent module, and issue the start command. def start_agent NewRelic::Agent.agent.start end # True if dev mode or monitor mode are enabled, and we are running # inside a valid dispatcher like mongrel or passenger. Can be overridden # by NEWRELIC_ENABLE env variable, monitor_daemons config option when true, or # agent_enabled config option when true or false. def agent_enabled? return false if !developer_mode? && !monitor_mode? return self['agent_enabled'].to_s =~ /true|on|yes/i if !self['agent_enabled'].nil? && self['agent_enabled'] != 'auto' return false if ENV['NEWRELIC_ENABLE'].to_s =~ /false|off|no/i return true if self['monitor_daemons'].to_s =~ /true|on|yes/i return true if ENV['NEWRELIC_ENABLE'].to_s =~ /true|on|yes/i # When in 'auto' mode the agent is enabled if there is a known # dispatcher running return true if @local_env.dispatcher != nil end def app @local_env.framework end alias framework app def to_s "Control[#{}]" end protected # Append framework specific environment information for uploading to # the server for change detection. Override in subclasses def append_environment_info; end def bundler_gem_list if defined?(Bundler) && Bundler.instance_eval do @load end do | spec | version = (spec.respond_to?(:version) && spec.version) + (version ? "(#{version})" : "") end else [] end end def config_file File.expand_path(File.join(root,"config","newrelic.yml")) end def initialize local_env, config_file_override=nil @local_env = local_env @instrumentation_files = [] newrelic_file = config_file_override || config_file # Next two are for populating the newrelic.yml via erb binding, necessary # when using the default newrelic.yml file generated_for_user = '' license_key='' if !File.exists?(newrelic_file) log! "Cannot find read #{newrelic_file}." @yaml = {} else @yaml = YAML.load( end rescue ScriptError, StandardError => e puts e puts e.backtrace.join("\n") raise "Error reading newrelic.yml file: #{e}" end def newrelic_root self.class.newrelic_root end end end